Search results

  1. lovandra

    Finished Convicted 2 - (Murder/Mystery Roleplaying Game)

    OOC: Stunfisk is rich. Btw, like how you use the Camouflage idea.
  2. lovandra

    Wi-Fi Trades *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Items -

    RE: *Drohn's Trade Thread* - (Shiny) Pokémon - Cloning - Mega Stones - Other Items - 5IV Yveltal - *Giveaways* - Dhorn, I miss the Diancie event. Can you clone me 2 Diance? For me and my brother. I have shiny Migthyenna and some 4 IV Pichu, Poochyenna, and I think a Shiny Stunfisk in my X copy...
  3. lovandra

    Finished Convicted 2 - (Murder/Mystery Roleplaying Game)

    "Yeah, you're right. But this is scary," started to eat popcorn frantically.
  4. lovandra

    Finished Convicted 2 - (Murder/Mystery Roleplaying Game)

    Stunfisk: *eats popcorn in silence* "Another death? this is like in movie."
  5. lovandra

    Finished Convicted 2 - (Murder/Mystery Roleplaying Game)

    When Galade released his Misty Terrain and Focus Blast, Stunfisk was mesmerized. For splits second he forget about what was happened to Gothorita. He used camouflage and tried to be close to Gallade.
  6. lovandra

    Finished Convicted 2 - (Murder/Mystery Roleplaying Game)

    Stunfisk was stunned. That was really terrible. Gothorita, just like that... He was in shock. Another pokemon started to mumble around him. They kept saying terrible things about Gothorita. Stunfisk: She was dead. *teary eyes*. Gothorita is dead...
  7. lovandra

    Scorched Feathers, Yes I am.. Yay!!!

    Scorched Feathers, Yes I am.. Yay!!!
  8. lovandra

    bbninjas, Butterfly I want to fly far-far<br /> I want to leave my mark<br /> Everywhere I...

    bbninjas, Butterfly I want to fly far-far<br /> I want to leave my mark<br /> Everywhere I go, I want people to know<br /> That in this place, somewhere I used to be there<br /> <br /> I scar the wall in the underground<br /> I scream a song in the night clubs<br /> I read out loud in...
  9. lovandra

    bbninjas, she laughs, "maybe.. there was a point that I want to stop. But the addiction comes...

    bbninjas, she laughs, "maybe.. there was a point that I want to stop. But the addiction comes back and I crawl back to this hole again. This place isn't as bad as the other places that I've been, and sometimes I've dreamt about the good old day. I was scared at some point, but I come back."...
  10. lovandra

    bbninjas, she narrowed her eyes, and smiles, "this is just something that I always do, running...

    bbninjas, she narrowed her eyes, and smiles, "this is just something that I always do, running away." "I used to run away everytime I have a little problem. And that time, even when everything was fine. I run again. Because I've already picked up this bad habbit. And this become the only thing...
  11. lovandra

    Finished Convicted 2 - (Murder/Mystery Roleplaying Game)

    Ok.. let me try to make super fan (2) chara. Please help me fixed some spelling and grammar error *one phone, typing here isn't too easy ^^;* Role: Super Fan (2) Pokemon: Feebas Background: Feebas was best friends with Magikarp. Both of them are big fans of Gothorita. They have both joined...
  12. lovandra

    Finished Count to X | Winners: Moderators (280) | [YPPY]

    RE: Count to X | Target: 281(!) | Current Leaders: Moderators | [YPPY] 4
  13. lovandra

    Finished Count to X | Winners: Moderators (280) | [YPPY]

    RE: Count to X | Target: 281(!) | Current Leaders: Moderators | [YPPY] 3
  14. lovandra

    Finished Count to X | Winners: Moderators (280) | [YPPY]

    RE: Count to X | Target: 281(!) | Current Leaders: Moderators | [YPPY] 6
  15. lovandra

    Finished Count to X | Winners: Moderators (280) | [YPPY]

    RE: Count to X | Target: 281(!) | Current Leaders: Moderators | [YPPY] 2
  16. lovandra

    Finished Count to X | Winners: Moderators (280) | [YPPY]

    RE: Count to X | Target: 281(!) | Current Leaders: Moderators | [YPPY] 2 Will this game possibly end? I have sad feeling of making a building that is demolished. Writting a poem but then my paper is torned. Right in front of my very eyes. WHAAAAYYYY!!! Just read that the game will end...
  17. lovandra

    bbninjas, "Well, I was famous in here.," she giggles. "But I've just join this forum on this...

    bbninjas, "Well, I was famous in here.," she giggles. "But I've just join this forum on this very year. Started on Januari, if I recall correctly. I love this place, but I went away. I have no particular reasons." "I'm a player, adverturer, I can't too long in one place, sometimes I come...
  18. lovandra

    Finished Count to X | Winners: Moderators (280) | [YPPY]

    RE: Count to X | Target: 281(!) | Current Leaders: Moderators | [YPPY] 4
  19. lovandra

    Finished Count to X | Winners: Moderators (280) | [YPPY]

    RE: Count to X | Target: 281(!) | Current Leaders: Moderators | [YPPY] 1
  20. lovandra

    bbninjas, "depend on what you mean by old.," she smiles blurry.

    bbninjas, "depend on what you mean by old.," she smiles blurry.