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  1. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi and Catling's My Player Thread SHINY VULPIXS

    ONE VULPIX GONE! Only 5 remain!
  2. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades PokeLen's My Player Thread (Updated Big Time)

    My SHiny Vulpix for your Shiny Eevee. Vulpix is legit and Emerald Cloned. lvl 25.
  3. loshi

    DPPt/HGSS List Updated!!!! H:Legendarys, Wants: Small pokes

    RE: My First Trade/Battle Thread Sure, I can trade you a Gligar. Let me know when you are ready, please.
  4. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi and Catling's My Player Thread SHINY VULPIXS

    What shinies do you have, pokedude101?
  5. loshi

    DPPt/HGSS trading my shinies

    darkrai X2 arceus X3 Hack much?
  6. loshi

    DPPt/HGSS List Updated!!!! H:Legendarys, Wants: Small pokes

    RE: My First Trade/Battle Thread I'll trade you Gligar/Porygon/Stunky (Any 1) for 1 Snorunt of yours.
  7. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades Mquaza "My player thread" - UPDATE 14/05/2009

    RE: Mquaza "My player thread" I could trade you an Electrizer or a Magmarizer for, uh... Which Legendaries do you have exactly? You said you'd get Ho-Oh soon from Colosseum. And do you have any tradeable shinies?
  8. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades Sir_Catchalot's Player Thread (Woo!)

    Good trade, I look forward to the Steel Coat tomorrow. Thanks!
  9. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades DM's Player Thread (Untouched Modest Mewtwo's)

    RE: DM's Player Thread (Now very generous, lol) Gwaa.... Roserade. Can you tell me Nature, Moves, Name, Stats, EV's (If any), Original Trainer (Japanese or NorthAmerican), Level, and the little 'Likes to run' or 'Sturdy Body' thingy right above the food it likes? Not big into it, but if...
  10. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades DM's Player Thread (Untouched Modest Mewtwo's)

    RE: DM's Player Thread (Now very generous, lol) Shiny TTar. Can you tell me Nature, Moves, Name, Original Trainer (Japanese or NorthAmerican), Level, and the little 'Likes to run' or 'Sturdy Body' thingy right above the food it likes? Thanks.
  11. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades Sir_Catchalot's Player Thread (Woo!)

    I want your Slakoth, Lotad, and, uh.... I dunno. A Steel Coat? I'll trade you all 3 Johto Starters.
  12. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades DM's Player Thread (Untouched Modest Mewtwo's)

    RE: DM's Player Thread (Now very generous, lol) Your PM Box is full. Clean it out a bit and PM me, please, so we cna discuss my Shiny Vulpix, if you are still interested. Thank you!
  13. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades Jeremiah50's My Player Thread (Major upgrade on 10-6-08)

    RE: Jeremiah50's My Player Thread (now updated with new guys and shinies) Shiny Porygon Z. Would you like my Mild Shiny Lvl 25 Female Vulpix? (Emerald Cloned)
  14. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi and Catling's My Player Thread SHINY VULPIXS

    Nothing tradable, but why would you want Lvl 100's? They're useless, you can't EV train them....
  15. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades Wes1234's profile, local Eevee addict

    If you use Earthquake, your Pokémon can ONLY use Earthquake until you switch to a different pokemon.
  16. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi and Catling's My Player Thread SHINY VULPIXS

    Not really interested in that, sorry...
  17. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades Little-Fox's Thread-LF:Dream World Pokemon FT:DW Pokes, Shinies etc...

    RE: 11Little-Fox's updated Player Thread (Added many NEW SHINIES to Haves!) Legit Shiny Emerald-Cloned (We cloned it personally) Vulpix for Shiny Gyarados? With that, maybe I could add in Magmarizer/Electrizer/Reaper's Cloth (Or all 3) for Shiny Corsola?
  18. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi and Catling's My Player Thread SHINY VULPIXS

    Not really interested, then. Sorry. Do you have anything else that's legit that you could offer?
  19. loshi

    Wi-Fi Trades Loshi and Catling's My Player Thread SHINY VULPIXS

    And you restarted until you got it shiny....?