RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (Last day of Holiday Special!)
I'm looking for the 5IV Dragonair, I also have a 5iv Honedge, I'll have to get the exact state for you if you are interested?
RE: Freedomeon's MyPlayer Thread *UPDATED 27/12/2013* Competitive Pokemon for Trade
Ill get a trade thread within the next couple of days and ill let you know. The only other thing I have off of the top of my head is a 4IV timid staryu
RE: Freedomeon's MyPlayer Thread *UPDATED 27/12/2013* Competitive Pokemon for Trade
No. I guest I typed that kind of funny would you give me a chimchar for my HA fletchinder
Cooltrainer Alan, totally sorry. for the delay ive been really sick, but i am in central. i can play anytime during weekends, and for weekdays between 10am- 1pm and 11pm-2am