Search results

  1. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Keeper's Trade and Battle Thread - Closed

    RE: KoN's Midnight Outpost--All starters gens 1-6 and 5 IV Calm/Bold Frillish CMT for Female Riolu and/or Meditite?
  2. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (NEW: HOLIDAY SPECIAL!) Not at the moment, but I'd be happy to breed one for you! In exchange, would you be willing to trade: -Female Charmander (egg moves: Dragon Dance, Outrage, Flare Blitz) -Female Marill (egg moves: Belly Drum, Aqua...
  3. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) (NEW: HOLIDAY SPECIAL!) Bump: Updated with many new pokemon, Holiday special, and complete redesign! COMING SOON: Bold 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Klefki!
  4. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) I'm interested in your 5 IV Timid Larvesta (female) and a 5 IV Adamant Marill (female) with the egg moves (if it has Huge Power). By "Snover with Speed" do you mean 31 Speed or 0 Speed?
  5. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) No nickname please for my Gible, and yes, Snowsquatch is ready :D [hr] Would you be willing to trade two 4 IV pokes for the Gastly? If so, I'd take these two: 1) Drillbur F Adamant 31/31/31/x/x/31 2) Klefki F Relaxed 31/x/x/31/31/31
  6. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) We are, my ign is Tate, just ask me to trade when you get online! I'm on now :)
  7. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) Well, I still have to breed the Solosis, sland since tomorrow is Christmas, it'll probsbly be Thursday when I'm available to trade. I'll PM you as soon as it's ready! And no worries about the Snover. That's great! Can you trade in. 30 min...
  8. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) Ok, great! I'm also interested in your Huge Power Marill with the egg moves, how about that for a Snover?
  9. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) I'm interested in your 5 IV Kangaskhan, do you have a female available? I could do a 5 IV Snover for a female 4 IV Gible with egg moves and HA.
  10. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) If you could get me a 5 IV Rotom, then I'd be willing to trade both Snover and Solosis for that. I don't mind waiting :) Otherwise, I could do either Snover or Solosis for a 4 IV Rotom. That's fine! I'd love one of your Helioptiles! I'll...
  11. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) There are plenty of the Snovers left. (: Do you have any 4-5 IV Pokemon to offer? I checked your thread, but IVs were not listed.
  12. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) about a 5 IV Bold Togepi?
  13. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) Nope, those are great! [hr] Sure, one of your Joltiks would do nicely. I'll get on that Larvitar as soon as the other ones are finished.
  14. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) Actually, if it's female then a 4IV one would be fine (31/31/31/xx/31/xx). With the egg moves you listed in your thread too, please. Ok!
  15. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) Ok, sure. If it's possible, I'd absolutely love one of your 5 IV Shuppet with a Brave nature, but if that is going to be too difficult, then your 5 IV Close Combat Growlithe would be wonderful.
  16. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    RE: Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (5 IV Trade Shop!) I like your Adamant 5 IV Mawile with egg moves, do you have a female available? Sorry, I don't believe I have any Shiny Stones at the moment. Solosis may take a day or two, just a heads up. I like your 5 IV Timid Abra (HA), and your 5 IV...
  17. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Tatertot's Eccentric Emporium (Closed Indefinitely)

    Hi all, welcome to my Trade Shop! I specialize in competitive 5 IV Mega Pokemon and 0 Speed Trick Room Pokemon, but I have other competitive Pokemon available as well. Take a look around and let me know if there's anything you like! Friend Code: 2852-7424-7447 Safari Type: Dragon (Sliggoo...
  18. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades The Dark Corner ((Pumpkaboos Everywhere. Also, updated with Legendaries and Shinies))

    RE: The Dark Corner (Breeding Service. Freebies!) Hi, I'm curious about your 5V Shuppet, what nature is it?
  19. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades lucariopulse333's Ultimate Trade Thread!

    Hi! Would you be willing to trade one of your 5 IV HA Timid Eevee? I don't have much, but I can offer you a 5 IV Quiet Snover, perfectly suited for a Mega Abomasnow Trick Room Sweeper. It is 31/31/31/31/27/0. Interested?
  20. Tatertot

    Wi-Fi Trades Shining Goodra's 5IV Trades and more!

    RE: PokeChimpos 5IV Trades! Hi! I'm interested in one of your 5 IV Abra. Do the Abra have Magic Bounce? If not, then I'd like a 4 IV Rotom instead. I can offer you a 5 IV Snover. It's kind of a specific competitive pokemon, but it is perfect for a Mega Abomasnow Trick Room Sweeper. It is Quiet...