Search results

  1. G

    H:BULK, Machamp, gengar, catcher, W: TORNADUS FA

    RE: H:BULK, Machamp, gengar, catcher, W: older cards, ex's neo series. @zephilim: sorry i didnt see anything :( i am discussing the alakazam in another trade @richkid5000: i am interested in your scizor prime and possibly your luxray x. lets work something out? @eevee: im very interested...
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    Pokemon What is inside a Pokeball?

    Because for one Bill is a complete genius and has a super secure impenetrable PC storage system and he was commissioned to design the firewall for individual pokeballs and what not. Also, hacking in the pokemon world is a capitol crime and offenders are hunted down and destroyed by the...
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    H:BULK, Machamp, gengar, catcher, W: TORNADUS FA

    RE: H:Machamp, gengar, abiliboar, W: older cards, ex's neo series. Bump-dated
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    Tornadus as Donphan Counter?

    how does it do t1 80? Hurricane is CCC that's a dce turn one and whatever energy turn two. Am I missing sonething? EDIT: unless youre refering to the pachirisu shaymin engine, which isn't that reliable to me :( I will be running these in my zps when i get some because it can conserve energy...
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    H/ Primes, Trainers, MORE! W/ PTCGO cards

    RE: H/ Stuff W/ Typhlosion Prime, Reshiram, Ninetales, Cleffa when you say crease do you mean like someone bent it in half and it looks really bad? on a scale of 1-10 10 being flawless and 1 being you clearly bent it in half how bad is it? sorry for sounding picky :p
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    H: Kingdra, Gengar, Mew, Machamp, Shaymin RH, 4x Rare Candy RH, MORE W: 2x Yanmega

    What kind of holo energy are you looking for?
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    StormbringerGT's Trading Emporium Primes, Fullarts, Old Cards, Yanmega, Catcher More!

    RE: StormbringerGT's Trading Emporium! Primes, Fullarts, Old Cards! Skipped as well?
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    H/ Primes, Trainers, MORE! W/ PTCGO cards

    RE: Hybrid's New H/W (Updated 9/1/11, EP Added!!!) How bad of shape is your holon phantoms electric energy in? I have some of your wants
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    H: Kingdra, Gengar, Mew, Machamp, Shaymin RH, 4x Rare Candy RH, MORE W: 2x Yanmega

    I am interested in kingdra prime, but your wants are very vague. I have holo basic energy depending on the type you are looking for along with tons if playable stuff just Cml
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    Pokemon What is inside a Pokeball?

    That's boring. I like my idea better [/bias]
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    Big Time Update

    RE: Updated (9/3) Bring me your EX's how much bulk for 1x Crystal Kingdra (ENG) 1x Yanmega Prime thanks!
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    My Black and White/Emerging Powers trade list!

    hi there! im willing to trade a bunch of regular holos for even more reverse holos from EP. just let me know what kind of cards you're interested in and maybe we can work something out? thanks!
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    [H]: JPN Plasma Gale. Dragon's Exalted FA's, Older EX cards [W]: Look.

    RE: [H]: JPN Black and White Collection, L3, Leafeon X, Older EX cards [W]: Look. if i offered 1x Water Arceus** 1x Arcanine (RR)* and a couple of other low profile Lv.X's that i have could i possibly get a good sized lot of commons and uncommons from older ex series like fire red and leaf...
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    Trades [USA] TigerLilly's Trades Wants and Haves Updated

    RE: ~>.>TigerLilly's Traides <.<~ Updated with black/white and even more I can get you alot of those cards some in reverse holo. Could you give me a list to replace with?
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    Big Time Update

    RE: Updated (9/3) Bring me your EX's ^^^^ MY mistake hotwings i figured it out. Youre cards willl go out tomorrow morning.
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    Have: Yanmega Prime/Reshiram whole card! Need: Beartic/Vileplumes!

    I have two beartic if you want to do that trade we talked about a while ago. Just lmk
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    Big Time Update

    RE: Updated (9/3) Bring me your EX's Are you ever going to pm me back? If not at least let me know please
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    .:[Jace's Trading Post]:. H: Magnezone Prime, Abiliboar, X's | W: EX Emerald Energy

    The online codes go for about 50 cents each. Since theyre no value to me how does $.40 a piece sound?