RE: 2/27 Trading favorably for my wants! H:Cobalion FA,Celebi Prime, Shinings,and more!
Well if you get your hands on most of my wants we can talk a bigger trade with Charizard and Mewtwo?
RE: 2/27 Trading favorably for my wants! H:Cobalion FA,Celebi Prime, Shinings,and more!
Damn that's my favorite :( I really need Zekrom EX especially if I'm trading something bigger like Shining Mewtwo. Any chance you can get one?
RE: 2/27 Trading favorably for my wants! H:Cobalion FA,Celebi Prime, Shinings,and more!
Does that link work?
RE: CollabThread v-1.0 [H]Next Destinies, Celebi Prime, FA's, 2000+Bulk
I've switched up my wants. Feel free to check them out see if we can make a deal now?
RE: 2/27 Trading favorably for my wants! H:Cobalion FA,Celebi Prime, Shinings,and more!
I'm more interested in Terrakion FA but I'm not even sure what I'm trying to run :(
RE: 2/27 Trading favorably for my wants! H:Cobalion FA,Celebi Prime, Shinings,and more!
I'm probably going to be switching decks, what do you value your Regigigas FA at? I do have Rare Candies.
RE: 2/27 Trading favorably for my wants! H:Cobalion FA,Celebi Prime, Shinings,and more!
Well I'm not really thinking of trading the Charizard unless I get a crazy good offer. The Mewtwo is up for grabs though. Offer me?
RE: 2/27 Trading favorably for my wants! H:Cobalion FA,Celebi Prime, Shinings,and more!
Oh my bad not you haha but how about we just stick to the original deal with 3x Machamp?
RE: 2/27 Trading favorably for my wants! H:Cobalion FA,Celebi Prime, Shinings,and more!
I believe my Shining Gyarados will be tied up in a trade. That leaves the other two. I'm leaning towards selling them off though if I don't get the right offer!
RE: 2/27 Trading favorably for my wants! H:Cobalion FA,Celebi Prime, Shinings,and more!
Hmm nah haha not interested in those. So where do we stand as of now?
RE: 2/27 Trading favorably for my wants! H:Cobalion FA,Celebi Prime, Shinings,and more!
Hmm I'm good on collector and no thanks to jungle packs. Anything more? I'm open to any and all offers :D
RE: 2/27 Trading favorably for my wants! H:Cobalion FA,Celebi Prime, Shinings,and more!
Yeah I don't need that box or the Donphan Prime. Hmm what else might you have that could interest me?