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  1. Kitana Coldfire

    momoxmomo, Awww, thank you!

    momoxmomo, Awww, thank you!
  2. Kitana Coldfire

    Wi-Fi Trades Kitana's Tanatastic TL;DR Thread of Trades and Stuff (Updated 12/11)

    Anytime you like, then. I have to leave in 45, though.
  3. Kitana Coldfire

    Wi-Fi Trades Kitana's Tanatastic TL;DR Thread of Trades and Stuff (Updated 12/11)

    Well I've only got a few at the moment because I haven't restocked. Would just one be okay for right now? I can put it on a HA Flabebe with Ground Hidden Power and perfect Speed stat and trade it immediately.
  4. Kitana Coldfire

    Wi-Fi Trades Kitana's Tanatastic TL;DR Thread of Trades and Stuff (Updated 12/11)

    Bumping for a pre-Pokebank update: - My TM collection is now 97% complete! The three TMs I do not yet have in my collection are Explosion, Retaliate, and Dream Eater. I am currently working on accumulating enough BP to get them, but if you need any other TM or HM move taught, I can gladly...
  5. Kitana Coldfire

    Wi-Fi Trades King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Now Updated for Sun and Moon!

    RE: TheRoyalXerneas' Trade Emporium - Lots of Shinies and HA Pokemon to choose from! Okie dokie! Also, I don't know if it will transfer, but I put him in a dandy cut just because. If it does and you don't like it, it'll wear off if you put him in a box.
  6. Kitana Coldfire

    Wi-Fi Trades King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Now Updated for Sun and Moon!

    RE: TheRoyalXerneas' Trade Emporium - Lots of Shinies and HA Pokemon to choose from! Sure thing, just let me get out of the Maison and I'll get right on it. I finished my paper so we can trade whenever now.
  7. Kitana Coldfire

    Wi-Fi Trades King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Now Updated for Sun and Moon!

    RE: TheRoyalXerneas' Trade Emporium - Lots of Shinies and HA Pokemon to choose from! Sounds like a deal. I have to finish a paper, but I'll be available later today. His name is currently Dapper, but I can rename him if you want.
  8. Kitana Coldfire

    Wi-Fi Trades King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Now Updated for Sun and Moon!

    RE: TheRoyalXerneas' Trade Emporium - Lots of Shinies and HA Pokemon to choose from! Hey Xerny, do you think we could work out a deal for a female drought Ninetales/Vulpix and/or a scrappy female Pancham in Luxury balls? I have a shiny Furfrou and Chinchou (Mega Volt) as offers. Momo is doing...
  9. Kitana Coldfire

    Wi-Fi Trades Kitana's Tanatastic TL;DR Thread of Trades and Stuff (Updated 12/11)

    RE: Kitana's Tanatastic TL;DR Thread of Trades and Stuff (Updated 11/23) Bump for updated info, and new list of what HAs I can breed. Also, Maranga and Kee berries are now available!
  10. Kitana Coldfire

    Wi-Fi Trades Kitana's Tanatastic TL;DR Thread of Trades and Stuff (Updated 12/11)

    Friend Code: 2062-9785-8816 Friend Safari: Swalot, Kakuna, Toxicroak Time Zone: US Central Time (Alabama) Times Available: Varies Haves: - Some HAs (See list below) - Access to a Chansey Safari (I farm Lucky Eggs!) - A NEAR-COMPLETE collection of TMs - Coming Soon! Once Pokebank is up, I'll...
  11. Kitana Coldfire

    XY Shiny Pokémon Mechanics: Less Rare in X / Y

    RE: Shiny Pokémon Mechanics in X / Y I've probably taken out several hundred Furfrous while trying to chain a shiny one, and still nada. Might just break down and attempt to Masuda it, if the rumors of it being in the 600s now are true. Why can't land chaining be as easy as chain fishing? ;^;
  12. Kitana Coldfire

    XY Pokémon That Don't Learn Attacks That Fit Them - Why Should They Learn Them?

    RE: Pokémon That Don't Learn Attacks That Fit Them - Generation 6 Update My personal nitpicks on this generation: Florges not being Fairy/Grass. I can understand Flabebe and Floette not being part grass since they're holding their flowers, but Florges is half carnation for goodness sake. She...
  13. Kitana Coldfire

    Wi-Fi Trades King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Now Updated for Sun and Moon!

    RE: TheRoyalXerneas' Trade Emporium - Lots of trade offers to choose from! I'm ready when you are, I've got your FC registered and Luna is all set
  14. Kitana Coldfire

    Wi-Fi Trades King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Now Updated for Sun and Moon!

    RE: TheRoyalXerneas' Trade Emporium - Lots of trade offers to choose from! I can do that, lemme just finish up this Maison battle and I'll go grab her. My FC is in the safari registry and in my signature.
  15. Kitana Coldfire

    Wi-Fi Trades King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Now Updated for Sun and Moon!

    RE: TheRoyalXerneas' Trade Emporium - Lots of trade offers to choose from! No, I don't have a trade thread, I trade so infrequently right now I don't really need one ^^; But I can grab a Spritzee no prob, I'm actually in the area checking on my trees. Any gender/name/ball you'd prefer? And...
  16. Kitana Coldfire

    Wi-Fi Trades King Xerneas' Trade Emporium - Now Updated for Sun and Moon!

    RE: TheRoyalXerneas' Trade Emporium - Lots of trade offers to choose from! Are you looking for anything in particular for one? I finally got around to the post-game of my Y permasave and I'd like to get one as a false swiper. That said, my offerings aren't great at the moment, but I am...
  17. Kitana Coldfire

    Chocolate Death, I know, right? Spyryt is absolutely enormous O.O Anyway, thanks a bunch...

    Chocolate Death, I know, right? Spyryt is absolutely enormous O.O Anyway, thanks a bunch, this really helped me out
  18. Kitana Coldfire

    Chocolate Death, Gotta love that 'no HM' clause, yeesh. Send me the trade request when you're...

    Chocolate Death, Gotta love that 'no HM' clause, yeesh. Send me the trade request when you're ready, and thanks again for this ^^
  19. Kitana Coldfire

    Ugh, I forgot to take fly off salamence, hang on just a sec

    Ugh, I forgot to take fly off salamence, hang on just a sec