Search results

  1. S

    Down for updates, be back soon!

    RE: [DP+] Haves, Wants, Trainers, Energies, Etc. Updated Daily! ok i will save it for you then.
  2. S

    PLEASE CLOSE!!!!!!

    RE: Q'z Trade Thread ---***{H} Cress X and Champ Z available for trade***{W} Uxie (LA), Uxie Lv. X, Palkia (MD)*** Thanks, just let me know what happens. :)
  3. S

    PLEASE CLOSE!!!!!!

    RE: Q'z Trade Thread ---***{H} Cress X and Champ Z available for trade***{W} Uxie (LA), Uxie Lv. X, Palkia (MD)*** I have porygon z lvl x. I am looking for. In mats VS systems mats City Champs Mat with Spiderman in the Stark Armor Swag Blastoise Evolution line 3 ring Binder...
  4. S

    Looking for a Ampheros Great and Pikachu pokedoll, Not doll, "Pokedoll" offer for stuff that I have.

    RE: [H]A lot of cards, if you don't see anything just ask. [W] 4 kingdra Can you check my list for your Garchomp Lvl X. Thanks.
  5. S

    Down for updates, be back soon!

    RE: [DP+] Haves, Wants, Trainers, Energies, Etc. Updated Daily! do you have holo energies, I would do a few for my RH tangrowth.
  6. S

    I have cardz? Just stop by. Want: Pikachu M LV.X

    RE: NEED ANY RARE SLEEVES YOU HAVE, ESPECIALLY ORANGE POKEBALL ONES!! AND A TSD, (smaller want) hi, can you check my list for garchomp lvl x. thanks.
  7. S


    +7 SquirtleSquad (United States)