RE: SylveonsAndEspurrs Trade Thread -- Help With Mock League Team?
I am getting on my game now :)
Edit- I'm ready to trade when you are. You still need to add my friend code.
RE: What is the dumbest thing that you have done in a Pokémon game (VG) that you really regret doing?
Just finished getting Hydro Pump and Dragon Pulse on a Horsea to breed onto a Bagon. I realized that the Horsea was female :P
RE: SylveonsAndEspurrs Trade Thread -- Help With Mock League Team?
You're fine, it's all set and I added you, my IGN is Nicholas. So Aron for Spiritomb?
RE: PokeBeach's XY Drive-Thru Trade Thread
If you still need someone, I'm free right now (snow days for the win). Let me know, my IGN is Nicholas and friend code is in my signature.
RE: SylveonsAndEspurrs Trade Thread -- Help With Mock League Team?
I can get the Aron ready in about an hour, if you still need it. It'll be Adamant with IVs in Attack and Defense, like what you wanted?
Edit- Done, it has a perfect HP IV too! I'm interested in Spiritomb and Phione. I mainly...
Was it a legit one? Because if so, you are oh so lucky!
I have had a decent amount of luck with wonder trade, managed to get a lot of the parents for Pokemon I breed, but nothing crazy like a Shiny Giratina. Maybe I'll start doing it more often...
RE: PokeBeach's XY Drive-Thru Trade Thread
If anyone has these, can I trade and then trade them back just so I get the Pokedex Entry?
I need: