Search results

  1. B

    League of Legends

    wooooooooooooooooooooooo Finished provisionals. Got placed in Silver 3. :]
  2. B

    League of Legends

    oh so that's what that was
  3. B

    Lol, I'm assuming that's another term for Air Force- if so, congrats! :]

    Lol, I'm assuming that's another term for Air Force- if so, congrats! :]
  4. B

    Yep! I come by a lot actually, but I don't post anything. I lurk. How's it going?

    Yep! I come by a lot actually, but I don't post anything. I lurk. How's it going?
  5. B

    Thanks! Tell him I said thanks, too, haha.

    Thanks! Tell him I said thanks, too, haha.
  6. B

    Hey, thanks! :)

    Hey, thanks! :)
  7. B

    oh golly what a nice loaf you have there

    oh golly what a nice loaf you have there
  8. B

    League of Legends

    Having a terrible support isn't fun for us adc mains, either. This can really apply to the bot lane in general.
  9. B

    Oh, okay! Cool, same here. Once you're online, let me know and we'll trade

    Oh, okay! Cool, same here. Once you're online, let me know and we'll trade
  10. B

    Trust me. It's fine. lol We both messed up, it's no big deal. :] I wasn't able to be online...

    Trust me. It's fine. lol We both messed up, it's no big deal. :] I wasn't able to be online last night, though, so just PM me when you're back from vacation and I'll be happy to trade! Have fun on your vacation, too!
  11. B

    Hey, I'm online whenever you're ready.

    Hey, I'm online whenever you're ready.
  12. B

    Yep, that works! See you then. I'll set a reminder on my phone.

    Yep, that works! See you then. I'll set a reminder on my phone.
  13. B

    Oh, god. I'm so sorry :X Completely forgot about this. I've been super busy lately. Can you...

    Oh, god. I'm so sorry :X Completely forgot about this. I've been super busy lately. Can you trade tomorrow night at 7:00?
  14. B

    7 PM tonight sounds good to me. My 3DS FC is: 3582-9580-3339

    7 PM tonight sounds good to me. My 3DS FC is: 3582-9580-3339
  15. B

    I have a whole box of them! haha Cloned but legit. How many do you want and when can you trade...

    I have a whole box of them! haha Cloned but legit. How many do you want and when can you trade? You don't have to give me anything good in return.
  16. B

    Philips Sues Nintendo Over Patents

    Welp, looks like another company to add to the list of companies I hate partly due to patent trolling.
  17. B

    purple is a fruit

    purple is a fruit
  18. B

    PETA's New Campaign: 'Autism Is Caused By Milk'.

    aw god damn it I just feel bad for the flock of morons and stay at home moms that will believe this. ^ This made me lol. Or sob. Whatever that was.
  19. B

    zach GISTICA

    zach GISTICA
  20. B

    Dumping Cable TV

    Cable is outdated and expensive and Charter is terrible. Good job. I wish I could do the same, but I don't think my parents would really like it. I've heard Netflix and Hulu are great options. Netflix gives you most of the movies out there, while Hulu delivers popular TV shows. You can also...