Emma Watson, Yes, I am a very foolish individual.
And I must hit myself. Because I am foolish.
Silver mops are very sumptuous mops. Their status symbol proves that they will someday reign over all the mops, and they will be forged by only the purest, most beautiful people. And they shall...
Emma Watson, silver is also a very luscious color. i could forge silver mops all day long, and prepare them for their future beauty. You see, I'd say that silver mops are equally as good as gold mops, because they are both luxurious and mistifying totems of royalty.
someday, im going to be a...
MrGatr, I go by what they sell on Heyfonte Mart (a big FB page where competitive players buy/sell with eachother). They sell for no more and no less than $35
MrGatr, It's really good. You use energy switches, and the Ace Spec that does 200 damage. Then, since the ace spec is plasma, you use shadow triad to keep reusing it. It is amazing!
Emma Watson, mmhmm
I am a fourteen year old with the intelligence of one much older. One who can encapsule their mental strength and apply it through all of which they can do
Emma Watson, I will apply the coconut oil to your character in the same way that microsoft applies their stupidity to e3
u liek? :3