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  1. B

    News 'Sun & Moon' Card Rulings!

    If one were to play Here Comes Team Rocket or Town Map (flip your prizes face up), then play Rotomdex (count your prizes, shuffle them into your deck, then place new ones), would the new prizes be face up or face down?
  2. B

    News 'Sun & Moon' Card Rulings!

    The reference is to Gumshoos' ability, Search the Premises, not its GX move, only one GX move may be used per player per game, but more than one ability may be used per turn, even if they have the same name (unless otherwise stated on the card/in the ability). If you have 2 in play, you can use...
  3. B

    News 'Sun & Moon' Card Rulings!

    That's what I was thinking when I saw this. I noticed the change yesterday when I played online.
  4. B

    News 'Sun and Moon Strengthening Expansion Pack'

    Yeah, you could rock 8 pokes and limit them to 4 at the same time
  5. B

    News Errata Announced for Electrode from 'Evolutions'

    Reprints have already been made, I was just looking at my Electrodes and some of them have the new wording
  6. B

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    Most Wal-Marts and targets sell them for that price, I was told it was because they have some sort of middle man distributor which requires them to add mark up. I usually buy my packs from my local GameStop, they only charge the MSRP price. (It may be because I usually buy them from there, but I...