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  1. Elite Stride

    Thanks ahaha! *pops confetti* It is a great day

    Thanks ahaha! *pops confetti* It is a great day
  2. Elite Stride

    The Worst In People

    I would have smashed her eggs while she wasn't looking, and then spit in her milk. But in all seriousness those are the things that make workplaces exciting- things that are different from the norm and stand out. I don't get flipped off on the road very often, but when It does finally happen...
  3. Elite Stride

    Happy Birthday Artemis!@##@%$ :) Thanks for all you do around the Anime forums and for being a...

    Happy Birthday Artemis!@##@%$ :) Thanks for all you do around the Anime forums and for being a positive presence on the team. Hope you have a great day with friends/family!
  4. Elite Stride

    get on when you can ill be around for another hour or so.

    get on when you can ill be around for another hour or so.
  5. Elite Stride

    Fullmetal Alchemist

    They no longer offer the original series on Netflix live streaming. I have a love-hate relationship with Netflix cause they do this crap to all the good anime. It's probably licensing expiration and other factors out of their control, but it's still a drag.
  6. Elite Stride

    Can you get on Skype ASAP?

    Can you get on Skype ASAP?
  7. Elite Stride

    DNA, Ew you like accounting? blehhh! I certainly don't miss those days

    DNA, Ew you like accounting? blehhh! I certainly don't miss those days
  8. Elite Stride

    DNA, Just too busy for my own good~ and yourself?

    DNA, Just too busy for my own good~ and yourself?
  9. Elite Stride

    ChillBill, I wasn't talking about the manga or pokemon anime - just bringing up another topic.

    ChillBill, I wasn't talking about the manga or pokemon anime - just bringing up another topic.
  10. Elite Stride

    ChillBill, Well the anime is something you should get into! Did you ever check out any of the...

    ChillBill, Well the anime is something you should get into! Did you ever check out any of the anime titles I recommended to you? If not, you're the one seriously missing out! haha :)
  11. Elite Stride

    ChillBill, Hm, idk, i've just never gotten into it. :P

    ChillBill, Hm, idk, i've just never gotten into it. :P
  12. Elite Stride

    ChillBill, Nah, I don't really care for manga!

    ChillBill, Nah, I don't really care for manga!
  13. Elite Stride

    Pokemon the Series X / Y Discussion (English Dub)

    RE: Pokemon X / Y Anime: Animation and Storyline My thoughts from seeing the first two dubbed episodes last week: Rosenfeld (Bonnie's VA) needs to step it up a little, and by connection, the way the producers want Bonnie portrayed. Her voice sounds so annoying because they have the false...
  14. Elite Stride

    ChillBill, OMG i hate exp share that was the worst thing to ever happen to these games. As if...

    ChillBill, OMG i hate exp share that was the worst thing to ever happen to these games. As if playing through the story isn't easy already, they made it even easier....smh.
  15. Elite Stride

    OK i'm about to add you finally haha! And so far I'm really liking it. I kinda wish it had more...

    OK i'm about to add you finally haha! And so far I'm really liking it. I kinda wish it had more exclusive Pokemon but whatevs. What about you?
  16. Elite Stride

    Ditto. <3

    Ditto. <3
  17. Elite Stride

    Meloetta's Moonlight Serenade is on Pokemon TV Now

    Yeah, it's been down for a while now. You can find the special here. After you've seen it, come back and let me know what you thought of it! :)
  18. Elite Stride

    ChillBill, No I haven't had a chance to turn on my DS all week, I probably won't get to it...

    ChillBill, No I haven't had a chance to turn on my DS all week, I probably won't get to it until late Friday night! :)
  19. Elite Stride

    ChillBill, What's that? I haven't gotten very far yet.

    ChillBill, What's that? I haven't gotten very far yet.
  20. Elite Stride

    ChillBill, Yes!! Mine is 3668-7874-6482 And I picked Froakie cause he's bad ass.

    ChillBill, Yes!! Mine is 3668-7874-6482 And I picked Froakie cause he's bad ass.