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  1. fleshrum

    McDonald’s 2023 Pokemon TCG Promotion Starts in August: First Cards Revealed!

    happy smeargle got his moment in the sun last year. none of these really tickle me.
  2. fleshrum

    Ninetales Illustration Rare from “Ruler of the Black Flame!”

    starting? This card blows, but the art is gorgeous. Quite the trend these days.
  3. fleshrum

    All 108 “Ruler of the Black Flame” Cards Revealed!

    I'm ... stunned at how uninteresting this set is. Nothing we haven't seen before.
  4. fleshrum

    Houndoom, Houndour from “Ruler of the Black Flame!”

    houndour is alright, is that the best houndoom though?
  5. fleshrum

    PokeBeach Turns 20 Years Old!

    hell yeah jon, you're legendary in your own right <3
  6. fleshrum

    Town Department Store from “Ruler of the Black Flame!”

    huge difference imo, for the reasons you & PMJ stated, plus running even 1 other tool (sky seal t. ex.) makes it way better
  7. fleshrum

    Kingambit, Revenge Punch from “Ruler of the Black Flame!”

    still mad it isn't called bishogun
  8. fleshrum

    All 139 Cards from “ex Start Decks” Revealed!

    lots of piercing and spread attacks. like they saw people complaining about the tera ancient trait and decided the solution was "hold my beer"
  9. fleshrum

    “My First Battle” Mini Decks Releasing in September!

    half deck was a good intro, dunno if 1/4 deck is really a thing anybody needs
  10. fleshrum

    New Trailer and Details for “The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero” DLC

    I like the designs of the trio of buttheads, especially the dog.
  11. fleshrum

    New “Deluxe Battle Decks” Featuring Meowscarada ex and Quaquaval ex!

    Aside from a few outliers (Dragonite), the beginning of sun and moon through the ultra prism era are all pretty close. I have a battlebox of these and its probably the format my family and I play most often these days.
  12. fleshrum

    “Trick or Trade” BOOster Packs Return for 2023!

    I did not see a single one
  13. fleshrum

    Venomoth line, Pidgeot line from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    Yuck. What a shame. my brain hurts
  14. fleshrum

    Rhydon, Persian Lines from ‘Pokemon Card 151’!

    I get what they mean in that the average person coming to the tcg, whether a veteran or a newbie, will be faced with the vast majority of cards they encounter/open/enjoy the look of being completely garbo tier, unable to be played in any practical capacity against someone with even a few weeks...
  15. fleshrum

    Farfetch’d from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    the power level we deserve, but really unnecessary imo lol
  16. fleshrum

    Gastly, Haunter, and Gengar from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    it should be trainers, not just supporters. Crap in this case, except in the Smeargle case. But I love smeargle, so. If only this game had a viable eternal format.
  17. fleshrum

    Pikachu, Nidoking, Omanyte Illustration Rares and Wigglytuff ex from “Pokemon Card 151!”

    jiggly is a pretty good line. Shame it doesn't have a modernized Do The Wave, that'd be sweet.
  18. fleshrum

    Rigid Band, Parasect from ‘Pokemon Card 151’!

    didn't an effect like this enable a mew EX lock deck in legacy at one point? Something to do with cradily?
  19. fleshrum

    Electabuzz, Magmar from ‘Pokemon Card 151’!

    People talking about cubing with this set, how do you handle energies in your cube? cause both of these, as well as pinsir, seem really hard to splash, and not versatile enough to build around. I'm here for a variety of power levels, but this is very weak stuff even by my standards