Search results

  1. Daenordus

    Reshiwott, yes, let's go.

    Reshiwott, yes, let's go.
  2. Daenordus

    I'll do the shiny pumpkaboo for the sylveon.

    I'll do the shiny pumpkaboo for the sylveon.
  3. Daenordus

    Did you get the gourgeist?

    Did you get the gourgeist?
  4. Daenordus

    Wi-Fi Trades SuperSonic's Gen 6 Trade thread! SPECIFIC BREEDING REQUEST (Garden Form Vivillon)

    RE: SuperSonic's Gen 6 Trade thread! Looking for FC's With Sawsbuck and Cloyster I have a protean forsake and some shines you might want for that eevee. Is it female, if not, forget it.
  5. Daenordus

    The Soldiers Trade Bunker. Looking for specific things, have a few goodies!!!

    RE: The Soldiers Trade Bunker. Looking for lots. Have EX's, FA's, SR's! Would you do my meloetta ex FA and something else for your golurk shiny rare?
  6. Daenordus

    I can also throw in a shiny liepard.

    I can also throw in a shiny liepard.
  7. Daenordus

    ShinyVincent, okay, I'll get it either way so it doesn't matter, lol.

    ShinyVincent, okay, I'll get it either way so it doesn't matter, lol.
  8. Daenordus

    ShinyVincent, I would give shiny Audino, jolly pent flawless Scizor, named Edward... And either...

    ShinyVincent, I would give shiny Audino, jolly pent flawless Scizor, named Edward... And either Yveltal/Xerneas or one of the legendary birds.
  9. Daenordus

    I will however offer differently but extremely good offer for it if you still want to give it up.

    I will however offer differently but extremely good offer for it if you still want to give it up.
  10. Daenordus

    I could at least give you two shinies and a competitive jolly pent flawless scizor for that...

    I could at least give you two shinies and a competitive jolly pent flawless scizor for that gourgeist. Those tow would be audino and clawitzer,and I'd even throw in a legendary. Let me know if you've changed your mind.
  11. Daenordus

    AoH, I've got a jolly pent flawless scizor, shiny audino and legendaries I'd offer up for it...

    AoH, I've got a jolly pent flawless scizor, shiny audino and legendaries I'd offer up for it. I'd also throw in my shiny clawitzer too.
  12. Daenordus

    I smelled shiny gourgeist. If you get one let me know. I'm looking for one everywhere and will...

    I smelled shiny gourgeist. If you get one let me know. I'm looking for one everywhere and will offer some amazingly good offer for a shiny female gourgeist.
  13. Daenordus

    PokeChimpo, 3DS Friend Code: 3110-5068-4561

    PokeChimpo, 3DS Friend Code: 3110-5068-4561
  14. Daenordus

    I'd like to exchange my fc with you, you can find it on my profile, I need yours so I can keep...

    I'd like to exchange my fc with you, you can find it on my profile, I need yours so I can keep in contact with you in case you get my pumpkaboo
  15. Daenordus

    Have: lots of rares, and goodies! Want video game stuff, worthless tcg stuff!

    They don't have them at my walmart anymore I don't think, I can check though tomorrow.
  16. Daenordus

    AoH, you can see my friend code on my profile, I'll add you later tonight,

    AoH, you can see my friend code on my profile, I'll add you later tonight,
  17. Daenordus

    Have: lots of rares, and goodies! Want video game stuff, worthless tcg stuff!

    Zero, if anything at all I might have about forty cards.
  18. Daenordus

    Have: lots of rares, and goodies! Want video game stuff, worthless tcg stuff!

    You offered me Japanese cards...? Eh, I'm iffy about this trade and feel it's not really good, thanks though.
  19. Daenordus

    ShinyVincent, I told you, at least two for the sylveon, or you can wait for all the hacked...

    ShinyVincent, I told you, at least two for the sylveon, or you can wait for all the hacked Pokemon to be switched over, it's up to you, but I've got shinies to hunt, lol.
  20. Daenordus

    Have: lots of rares, and goodies! Want video game stuff, worthless tcg stuff!

    I have no use for Japanese cards, no thank you. I really only want Gardevoir, eevee, and reshiram, sorry.