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  1. Frezgle

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! In case it hasn't been said already, the trademarked name "Burigaron", which people were speculating to be some sort of ice wolf, is not in fact an ice wolf. It's Chesnaught d: Also from that trademark list...
  2. Frezgle

    XY Leaked : Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

    Delphox's official artwork does it a lot of favors. It still has a wand, and it also has adorably creepy little hands and feet. Nice to see it have some leg definition too, which is missing somewhat from its in-game model. Chesnaught looks nice, and what's with Greninja's yellow? o_O Isn't...
  3. Frezgle

    Wi-Fi Trades 3DS Friend Code and Pokémon X / Y Friend Safari Registry

    RE: 3DS Friend Code Registry & X / Y Pre-Registry What games do you play or will play in the future? Listing those is a requirement for being added to the registry :)
  4. Frezgle

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! I moved some posts asking simple questions about the game that are not related to rumors or speculation to this thread. If you have questions about the game that are not speculative (such as "where do I...
  5. Frezgle

    XY Will You Nickname Your X / Y Team? What Will You Call Your Pokémon? Why?

    Ah, yes. Team nicknames. I can remember most past teams I've had just because they all have their names. Anywho, Chespin/Quilladin/Chesnaught Either Gipsy Danger if the new character limit will allow it, or Jaeger A Pacific Rim reference. Jaegers are what the giant mechs were called, and GD was...
  6. Frezgle

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! I'm not sure if this has been brought up in this thread, but this snippet of an official review caught my attention: Ground/Ghost could just be Golett and Golurk, and type changes could just be referring...
  7. Frezgle

    XY What Pokémon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Current Team / Ideas Here!

    RE: What Pokemon Do You Want in Your Team for X / Y? Post Your Ever Changing List Here! Well, since we know just about every Pokemon in the Dex now (assuming there's no post-release-second-half-of-the-dex Illuminati BS), I think I can safely make a post here. Still feels tentative though...
  8. Frezgle

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! Is that confirmed in an image anywhere? All I can find is the in-battle screenshot.
  9. Frezgle

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! It's also based on these things: Besides, I'm only referring to Mega Gyarados here, which looks more like a Flying type than its normal counterpart. Water/Dragon would dumbfound me.
  10. Frezgle

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! Well, considering Mega Gyarados resembles a flying fish... I would be surprised if it ditched the Flying type. d: Not everything needs to be a Dragon, right?...
  11. Frezgle

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! They got a couple of lucky guesses (like Gengar and Abomasnow), but there's no Aerodactyl. Plus it just looks shoddy compared to official material. Almost certainly fake.
  12. Frezgle
  13. Frezgle

    So have you seen Pumpkaboo? It's like they took Halloween itself and made it into a Pokemon...

    So have you seen Pumpkaboo? It's like they took Halloween itself and made it into a Pokemon. Would be perfect in your countdown if you don't have every slot reserved already :D
  14. Frezgle

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Leaks / Rumors / Speculation Thread - Don't post topics that have their own thread! Aww! Looks like a combination of a black cat, a witch hat, and a Jack-o-lantern. I love dumb Halloween spookies. Ghost/Grass is also a neat combination, although it's what most people are expecting for...
  15. Frezgle


  16. Frezgle

    Pineapple X, Girls are a strange species.

    Pineapple X, Girls are a strange species.
  17. Frezgle

    XY Pokémon VG General Discussion - Locked: Please Create A New Topic For Anything You'd Like To Discuss

    RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers Since the final starter evolutions are now confirmed, please discuss them here!
  18. Frezgle

    XY Leaked : Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

    RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers It's harder, but it's not impossibly harder. Also, I'm not even saying Greninja is fake. But if someone is trying to prove its legitimacy, why are they only giving us one photo that is almost identical to the one we have already? Send it out...
  19. Frezgle

    XY Leaked : Final Evolutions Of The X / Y Starters!

    RE: Rumors, Speculation, and Potential Spoilers Jury's still out, considering I recreated the "new" Greninja pic using the old one in less than two minutes using the mouse and GIMP. (Hence the extremely lazy cropping on the scarf...) Either that, or its animation is awful :B
  20. Frezgle

    XY Mega Evolution: Mega Pokémon & Info

    RE: Mega Evolution: All Mega Pokémon & Info Did neither of you watch its release trailer? d: They show it Mega Evolving in the middle of a Sky Battle into X and it doesn't fall down or anything. Stays aloft just fine. Gives me hope for Beedrill and the like. :V