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  1. nomekop55555

    Pokemon Your Very First Shiny? What Did You Think, And How Did You React?

    RE: Your very first shiny! My first shiny was a Porygon-Z Lv. 100 from GTS negotiations. I could have gotten a shiny Swablu, but the guy had traded like 300 times and had everything I had, so...
  2. nomekop55555

    Hey sis, you haven't been online for a while. >.< *frown*

    Hey sis, you haven't been online for a while. >.< *frown*
  3. nomekop55555

    Writing Haiku and Short-Poem Contest XIV (Congratulations, TFO!)

    RE: Haiku and Short-Poem Contest XIV (Entries taken on "First Come, First Serve" basis!) OK, I'll try one. fists coming down on me, sword about to strike Is it time to say goodbye?!? I know, it isn't the best, but I tried.
  4. nomekop55555

    evil_elf, yeah, when i get grounded, I just can't watch TV or play video games, but my parents...

    evil_elf, yeah, when i get grounded, I just can't watch TV or play video games, but my parents usually forget that I'm grounded anyway, so no harm done! :P
  5. nomekop55555

    evil_elf, No, my parents are strict about the internet. This is the first website I've gotten...

    evil_elf, No, my parents are strict about the internet. This is the first website I've gotten real involved in without my parents not bothering me about it. :P
  6. nomekop55555

    evil_elf, yeah. I would probably give most of my days 7 out of 10. You?

    evil_elf, yeah. I would probably give most of my days 7 out of 10. You?
  7. nomekop55555

    evil_elf, mine is fine. It's the same everyday though.

    evil_elf, mine is fine. It's the same everyday though.
  8. nomekop55555

    evil_elf, yah. By the way, how's your day going?

    evil_elf, yah. By the way, how's your day going?
  9. nomekop55555

    Oh my gosh! You're avatar is so cute!

    Oh my gosh! You're avatar is so cute!
  10. nomekop55555

    evil_elf, I'm doing well, but now i have sports ev-er-y day except for Sunday and Monday. in...

    evil_elf, I'm doing well, but now i have sports ev-er-y day except for Sunday and Monday. in other words, i'm just tired. but right now i'm hyped up on sugar!! it's going to bite me in the butt tomorrow though...
  11. nomekop55555

    Thank you so much for the avatar!

    Thank you so much for the avatar!
  12. nomekop55555

    evil_elf, yeah, don't you hate it when you're accused of something? :( You know you didn't do...

    evil_elf, yeah, don't you hate it when you're accused of something? :( You know you didn't do it, but you feel guilty anyway, and THEN they think your guilty because you LOOK guilty. they should have polygraphs at schools. :P
  13. nomekop55555

    evil_elf, did you not do your homework? :P PE teachers being rude is the stereotype.

    evil_elf, did you not do your homework? :P PE teachers being rude is the stereotype.
  14. nomekop55555

    evil_elf, like what?

    evil_elf, like what?
  15. nomekop55555

    DNA, OK

    DNA, OK
  16. nomekop55555

    Zyflair, thanks!

    Zyflair, thanks!
  17. nomekop55555

    Zyflair, I love your fanfic! :)

    Zyflair, I love your fanfic! :)
  18. nomekop55555

    Happy birthday sis! :D

    Happy birthday sis! :D
  19. nomekop55555

    evil_elf, thanks, I did! :) How 'bout you?

    evil_elf, thanks, I did! :) How 'bout you?