Dont worry, I never scam peeps ;) But I am SRing for a Shiny Kyurem and it will be my luck while training to run into a shiny Audino (they give off lots of EXP) (: So mind waiting a couple of days please? Plus who am I training?
Haha, i could do that too since it's on my thread but since im kinda nice (=P) I'll let it carry on ^^
Uhh 100? Well that will be tricky but I shall soon ^^
pokemon99- Okeydoke, but bear it in mind i cant Pokeshift items.
Pokexluv- To what level and what do you offer?
LillipupFTW- Hmm I cant EV train so I'm gonna have to breed for the pokemon then pokeshift it to white. Is this acceptable?