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  1. VashEXE

    pls help my zekeels

    Here is what I would do if I were you: -2 Tornadus (He is pretty unnecessary and I find that he didn't help me much when I ran with him) -2 Potion (I feel like 2 of these without any way to get them back (junkarm) just don't make enough of an impact on the deck to warrant 2 slots) -2 Eviolte...
  2. VashEXE

    Landorus EX (Boundaries Crossed # 144) {9/13/12 - 9/14/12}

    I really like this card. It' can donk some stuff (Tynamos, Dark Deinos, etc.) and it's second attack gives you alot of options. Not being FORCED to discard the fighting energies makes this alot better for me since sometimes with a heavy hitter like Zekrom EX you want to hit hard, but dont want...
  3. VashEXE

    Vash's Trade Thread - H. Lots of Pokemon Catchers!

    RE: Vash's Trade Thread - H. Darkrai EX, Mewtwo EX, & More! W: Catchers, Rayquaza EX darkrai Bump 2 for the week with even more tin stuff! mewtwo
  4. VashEXE

    Oh weird, I didn't get the email saying you posted... I just confirmed a trade for the FA...

    Oh weird, I didn't get the email saying you posted... I just confirmed a trade for the FA Rayquaza today. If you'd like to work something out for the same stuff I'd be happy to work with you. If not I understand.
  5. VashEXE

    Vash's Trade Thread - H. Lots of Pokemon Catchers!

    RE: Vash's Trade Thread - H. Groudon EX, Rayquaza EX FA, & More! W: Catchers, Rayquaza EX I don't see anything I need unfortunately.
  6. VashEXE

    Vash's Trade Thread - H. Lots of Pokemon Catchers!

    RE: Vash's Trade Thread - H. Groudon EX, Rayquaza EX FA, & More! W: Catchers, Rayquaza EX wartortle1st Bump of the Week! Lots of Tin Stuff!charmeleon
  7. VashEXE

    Sleeping Snorlax- W: States dice and FAs H: FAs, EXs, Merch!, and Cardfight Vanguard!

    RE: Sleeping Snorlax- W: States dice and FAs H: FAs, EXs, and more (Base Set Theme Decks) I suppose I could do: My: Krookodile Shiny $10 Rayquaza EX FA $27 Total: $37 Your: Catcher x2 $16 x2 Sigilyph DRX $2.50 Ultraball x3 $1 x3 Total: $37.50 PM me so we can confirm it and get this rolling.
  8. VashEXE

    Sleeping Snorlax- W: States dice and FAs H: FAs, EXs, Merch!, and Cardfight Vanguard!

    RE: Sleeping Snorlax- W: States dice and FAs H: FAs, EXs, and more (Base Set Theme Decks) I could throw in a $3-4 card, but there wasn't really much else I was looking at on your list aside from the catchers so if I threw in the Krookodile I'd just be taking some random stuff. See if there is...
  9. VashEXE

    Fluttershy's Trade Thread: Want- Terrakion EX and more! Have- Stuff!!!!!

    RE: W: Darkrai EX!!! H: EXs and BR Victory Cups!!! I have 3-4 Roselia's from Dragons Exalted, but I did just trade the Roserades unfortunately. I'd be happy to add something else instead of the Roserades if you'd like.
  10. VashEXE

    Sleeping Snorlax- W: States dice and FAs H: FAs, EXs, Merch!, and Cardfight Vanguard!

    RE: Sleeping Snorlax- W: States dice and FAs H: FAs, EXs, and more (Base Set Theme Decks) Sure that sounds alright to me. You don't happen to have any Roserades (Le Parfum) from DRX do you?
  11. VashEXE

    Dusknoir (Cold Flare # 26) {9/11/12}

    This card is awesome. I can't wait to see what kind of shenanigans will be pulled off with this deck. Groudon EX, Registeel EX, Kyurem, and Darkrai EX all come to mind when I see this thing. Moving their damage around seems incredibly good.
  12. VashEXE

    W: Dragon Frontiers, Storm Front H: Rayquaza FA, Catcher

    RE: W: Good hydriegon and Sableeye H: Mewtwo ex reg I have a Dark Trance Hydreigon. What do you value the Mewtwo EX at?
  13. VashEXE

    Fluttershy's Trade Thread: Want- Terrakion EX and more! Have- Stuff!!!!!

    RE: W: Darkrai EX!!! H: EXs and BR Victory Cups!!! I have 3 Good Garchomps. I'm interested in your Groudon EXs and your Terrakion EX. Let me know if we can work something out!
  14. VashEXE

    Vash's Trade Thread - H. Lots of Pokemon Catchers!

    RE: Vash's Trade Thread - H. Groudon EX, Rayquaza EX FA, & More! W: Catchers, Rayquaza EX Any word on the cards yet?
  15. VashEXE

    Rowsdower's Trade Stand (Looking for FA Supporters)

    RE: Rowsdower's Trade Stand I'm interested in your Mewtwo EX and Groudon EX. I have Giratina EX, Terrakion FA, and THIS Tyranitar. I also have alot of other things in my list if you want to check it out. Let me know if we could work something out for them.
  16. VashEXE

    H: New Cards, Old Format Cards, Merch, and More! W: A Lot!

    RE: Hottest Thread HERE!! H: DRX! JPN Items! EX's, Full Arts, Trainer Staples + TONS more! W: 4 Bianca's + TONS MORE! Could you check my list to see if there is anything you'd like for your Pokemon Catchers? I have: Emolgas, Blend Energies(Both), Sigilyph, Hydreigon(Good one), Tool Scrappers...
  17. VashEXE

    BP EX's trade thread - W: SR Switch and UR Trainers | H: Primal Clash, Old URs, Gold Stars

    RE: BP EX's trade thread - W: ANY Celebis | H: Gold Catcher, EXes, PTCGO codes) Well, just going by a rough price out on Troll and Toad it looks like the trade would be pretty even if we did something like: Your: Registeel EX x1 ($10) Roserade X2 ($.50 x2) Total: $11 My: Garchomp x1 ($12)...
  18. VashEXE

    EASY WANTS : H: Stuff

    RE: [H] Lots of Stuff [W] Promo Rayquaza EX Well the only thing on your list I need at the moment is Mewtwo EX, but that's not really a great deal for you haha.
  19. VashEXE

    BP EX's trade thread - W: SR Switch and UR Trainers | H: Primal Clash, Old URs, Gold Stars

    RE: BP EX's trade thread - W: ANY Celebis | H: Gold Catcher, EXes, PTCGO codes) Could you check my list and see if there is anything you'd like for your Registeel EX and Roserade (DRX) x2?
  20. VashEXE

    Sleeping Snorlax- W: States dice and FAs H: FAs, EXs, Merch!, and Cardfight Vanguard!

    RE: Sleeping Snorlax- W: States dice and FAs H: FAs, EXs, and more (Base Set Theme Decks) Hey I have FA Rayquaza EX Mint. Would you be willing to work something out for a couple of catchers?