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  1. Dichromate


    Cards arrived well-protected, in great condition, and even threw in a ton of unmentioned extras. Definitely a great trader! +1
  2. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Triumphant! Mew Prime, SP stuff, Vileplumes W: Stuff @FistBumpIt: Not much, unless you have anything off my wants. @smiland0711: Hm, well I'm not up for trading Mew Prime for the DCL Legend piece. Off the rest of your wants, all I have is a RH Rampardos PL. Doesn't look...
  3. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Triumphant! Mew Prime, SP stuff, Vileplumes W: Stuff Not in particular. If you have a whole bunch of wants, just list them out and I can see what I have.
  4. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Triumphant! Mew Prime, SP stuff, Vileplumes W: Stuff @DarkPkmnTrainer: I'd probably rather go with the first offer, but I'm not in a rush at all to get D&C so I may wait a bit to obtain it unless I get an offer I can't refuse. @smiland0711: Hm, I don't ever recall...
  5. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Triumphant! Mew Prime, SP stuff, Vileplumes W: Stuff Nothing I saw at the moment, sorry.
  6. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Triumphant! Mew Prime, SP stuff, Vileplumes W: Stuff Yes, but only if you have something else off my wants to offer, because it's a fairly low-demand card so I'd rather have it be part of a larger trade.
  7. Dichromate

    Aphotic Sales - Eevee GET Fan Club Promo | Sealed Team Rocket's Theme Decks!

    RE: * New! 2010 Jumbo Birthday Pikachu! * - Aphotic Sales Hey there, my friend recently expressed interest in obtaining the new Birthday promo (the one with Tabunne). I understand it doesn't really have a set value at the moment, so before I potentially offer, I'm just wondering how much...
  8. Dichromate

    El Radar

    Great trader, sent quickly and cards arrived in great shape! +1
  9. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Vileplumes, SP stuff W: TRIUMPHANT Dangit, how do I keep missing these posts? But nope, no Pokemon Collectors, sorry. Anyway, bump, still looking for Triumphant.
  10. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Vileplumes, SP stuff W: TRIUMPHANT I'll get back to you on that one. Maybe something a little less than a Poke Turn and I'll go for it though.
  11. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Vileplumes, SP stuff W: TRIUMPHANT Not much I was looking for, sorry.
  12. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] Vileplumes, SP stuff W: TRIUMPHANT If you're new to trading, this thread will help you get started with trading online.
  13. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] RH Azelf, Vileplumes, SP stuff W: TRIUMPHANT Yes, but only as a minor want for my friend. I won't trade for it just by itself. Also, do you have a ref thread? I didn't find one nor did I see you request one; you'll need a rep thread to start trading.
  14. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] RH Azelf, Vileplumes, SP stuff W: TRIUMPHANT Hm, I may pass for now, a bit much for my liking.
  15. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] RH Azelf, Vileplumes, SP stuff W: TRIUMPHANT Well Seekers and Twins are my most wanted stuff from Triumphant. What would your exchange rates be for those? I've got some stuff I can spare.
  16. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] RH Azelf, Vileplumes, SP stuff W: TRIUMPHANT How about two Twins and two Seekers for the RH Azelf? Would that work? If so, just PM me; otherwise, feel free to counter.
  17. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] RH Azelf, Vileplumes, SP stuff W: TRIUMPHANT @Binx: Actually I have like really little Triumphant because looks like Troll and Toad ran out of packs after I ordered so I have to wait for them to restock. Anyway, I have the JP VS Togetic, but I'm interested in the...
  18. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] RH Azelf, Vileplumes, SP stuff W: TRIUMPHANT I can do that. PM'ing you now.
  19. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] RH Azelf, Vileplumes, SP stuff W: TRIUMPHANT I may hold off on the Black Belts for now because I don't need that many and I've got a bunch of packs coming in so I might be getting what I need. No way I can get all the Seekers and stuff I want though. Got any Junk...
  20. Dichromate

    Dichromate Trade - Temporarily Closed

    RE: Dichromate Trade [H] RH Azelf, Vileplumes, SP stuff W: TRIUMPHANT Black Belt is probably one of my lower priority Supporters from the set. If you have any of the other ones though feel free to let me know.