Search results

  1. Missilistico

    Standard Blastoise GX/ Baby Blastoise

    I'd like to build a Blastoise too, but I have a problem with Giratina: it's hard to get a baby Blastoise, and it's ohkoed by Giratina after recoil. Moreover, the Gx is easily koed by two Giratina and one Spell Tag. Do you experience the same issue?
  2. Missilistico

    Standard Dimension Drift (Garchomp & Giratina GX / Rotom / Roxie)

    Hi, nice deck! But consider the common scenario. You want to start with it, and load a Giratina. When both are knocked out, your opponent is at -2. You want another Rotom then, and another Giratina. When the other Rotom is knocker out, your opponent is at -1, and then you wipe out what remains...
  3. Missilistico

    Standard Probably bad, but interesting idea: Beheeyem/Kabutops

    Interesting and unviable: I love it! I think about Ultra Road, just in order to add even more unviability! Or even a Salamence Gx, which can be called by Lance.
  4. Missilistico

    Standard Alolan Exeggutor

    Dear NicoNoo, I'll reveal you a secret: I play just online, and what is more is that I play juston TCGOne! So it's very easy for me to get 4 Jirachi: just click "add" 4 timed! :D I really appreciate your suggestions. I'm trying a Jirachi-less version first, then I'll try a Jirachi-full version...
  5. Missilistico

    Standard Alolan Exeggutor

    Edited! + Cynthia + Lance Prism Star - Shrine of Punishment - Pokégear I have a little problem: I often draw two of three of the trash energies. My strategy in those case is: if you have Mysterious Treasure, good; otherwise, attach them to a little boy (Shuckle, Swablu) and retreat it, or if...
  6. Missilistico

    Standard Alolan Exeggutor

    I can replace a Pokegear with a Cynthia! Edit: WHERE IS LANCE?
  7. Missilistico

    Standard Alolan Exeggutor

    Hi guys! I'm testing for some post rotation decks, and I think Alolan Exeggutor can be funny, at least. It 2hkoes Pikarom, and with the help of a single Altaria 2hkoed Reshizard as well. Moreover, it can use Net Ball and Mysterious Treasure, which speed the setting up in the face of a ball-less...
  8. Missilistico

    Standard Gatr-aid 2.0 (Riptide Feraligatr/ Zebstrika/ Hapu)

    Hi man, I see you quite often on TCGone. I see a main problem for this deck: two energy attachment. If you start second, you lose. If your Feraligatr with two energies assigned is koed and you have zero energy assigned in the bench (it will happen quite often, since tag teams hit hard and fast)...
  9. Missilistico

    Standard Post Rotation Mally (Box)

    Hi squid master! I was waiting for a post rotation malamar list of yours! I'm not totally convinced by Salamence Gx and the Three Dedenne, since they'll occupy much Of. That bench space your Malamars crave for, and I think the two Salamence combo is not as smooth as it seems. Maybe, just a silly...
  10. Missilistico

    Alt. Format Post Rotation - Alolan Exeggutor

    Hi! Nice list! Why don't you use a couple of unm Exeggcute and 3 of the teu exeggutor? In this way you can use both Net Ball and Mysterious Treasure! Do you find the Sceptile line really useful? What about a Kartana and a Buzzwole?
  11. Missilistico

    Standard Tag Teams & Porygon Z

    So you are saying that Acerola will be replaced by Great Potion, Switch, and Tag Switch, right? As far as concerns Porygon Z, you are perfectly right. Psychic weakness can be hit by using Mewtwo and Mew GX I'd say! :)
  12. Missilistico

    Standard Fossils Post Rotation

    HI! I think this could be seriously a funny deck. Anyway, there are some suggestions I'd like to give you to improve the deck. First of all, pull out those Big Ovens, they just catch fire energies. Replace Cynthia with Lillie: you could have some useful stage 2 in your hand, and you may not...
  13. Missilistico

    Standard Tag Teams & Porygon Z

    Hi guys! I was searching for a crazy Porygon Z deck, and I came to this one. At firsts, I tried a Jirachi version, but I feel the Green's version is generally more consistent. I heavily drew from Cremascoli's one. The strategy is very simple here: it's a toolbox deck which can hit for weakness...
  14. Missilistico

    Help How to beat stall?

    Wow so many useful advices here. Thanks everybody!
  15. Missilistico

    Help How to beat stall?

    I've found a funny way to cope with stall: Gengar & Mimikyu Gx! With it, it's easy to ko the first Lucario & Melmetal, or Wailord and Magikarp Gx. Then, there are the Hoopa, but you get half of the job done! :)
  16. Missilistico

    Standard Dragonite GX (Post Rotation)

    What about Persian GX? When Dragonite dies, you take Rare Candy and another Dragonite, or Lance, and keep rolling!
  17. Missilistico

    Help How to beat stall?

    Lovely answer from both of you guys. So, in a nutshell, I should not care about stall so much, and soft tech against it at most. I like the suggestion of trying it too: I'll do! Thanks again to all of you.
  18. Missilistico

    Discussion What about Arcanine UNB?

    Yes, I know I gave vague suggestios, but that's because I have vague ideas! And I know too that probably classic energy acceleration decks would be better. But I think that hitting for 120 and accelerating two energies is cool on a non Gx stage which can use Welder! What I was thinking about...
  19. Missilistico

    Help How to beat stall?

    Hi guys, I'm not that new anymore in the game, but I'm always a noob in the soul. As a noob, I have difficulty to beat stall. Since I'm tired of forfeiting turn 2, I'm asking some valid suggestions. I know every deck should use slight different cards, but I think there will be two or three...
  20. Missilistico

    Discussion What about Arcanine UNB?

    That's interesting but I was searching for much much more rogue stuff :)