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  1. BraviaryBoi

    News 'Sun and Moon Strengthening Expansion Pack'

    And how would you know what's "fine for pros"?
  2. BraviaryBoi

    Deck Archetype Yveltal-EX Variants

    I guess you should make one As for Accelgor, I find that Accelgor does have trouble against Olympia/center lady, but in yveltal Maxie's, that just means adding more supporters which weakens the potential of maxies
  3. BraviaryBoi

    News 20th Pokemon Movie: 'Pokemon! I Choose You!'

    People NOTHING IS CONFIRMED Why are you all saying this?
  4. BraviaryBoi

    News 20th Pokemon Movie: 'Pokemon! I Choose You!'

    First of all, moment of you have any clue wether is worth will be out ash befriending another Pokémon or not, so stop speculating Second, the reason ho oh is here is because ash saw hi oh in one of the very first episodes as he was leaving pallet town
  5. BraviaryBoi

    Espeon-*EX* Post S/M

    It depends on a few things: Forest of giant plants is really good as many viable Pokémon are grass types and those decks won't use rare candy so they can just re-evolve their Pokémon unless they are KOed through miraculous shine. Espeon GX's GX attack allows it to spread 100 damage on the field...
  6. BraviaryBoi

    Discussion Jolteon EX

    I don't think bees ever ran only four dce
  7. BraviaryBoi

    Discussion Jolteon EX

    Yes because Vespiquen and seismitoad both run four energy
  8. BraviaryBoi

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    Despite everything I've said, I'm very excited for this set!
  9. BraviaryBoi

    Discussion Jolteon EX

    Or some other mill stall thingy other than wailord but yea, 4 energy in ur deck isn't something boast-worthy
  10. BraviaryBoi

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    Honestly, I think ultra ball is a perfectly fine card. It's the format that we have with ultra ball in it is what I don't like. Stop printing ultra ball until this mess of a format gets cleaned up. And no I'm not salty. I guarantee you if I wasn't salty about this game I wouldn't be playing it...
  11. BraviaryBoi

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    I've only been calling certain cards gimmicky after they've been shown with an English translation. And that's because like, half of these cards rely on flips or special circumstances to actually be good and work Dual ball was an amazing card. Worked great in decks that needed multiple...
  12. BraviaryBoi

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    IM just going to laugh when all of you aget so hyped for Taurus gx becaue All of it's a attacks cost only a DCE and then ur all gonna realize that THE ATTACK COST OF THE LAST TEO HAVENT EVEN BERN FINALIZED SERIOUSLT PEOPLE STAHP WITH THE ASSUMPTIONS
  13. BraviaryBoi

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    Timer ball is a worse dual ball. Speaking of which, please bring those back. STOP PRINTING ULTRA BALL OMFG NO ONE EVEN KNOWS WHAT SKILL IN THIS GAME MEANS ANYMORE
  14. BraviaryBoi

    Event Ft Wayne Regionals 2016 will probably have it soon
  15. BraviaryBoi

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    WHen will this set stop being a gimmick?
  16. BraviaryBoi

    Discussion Will Brigette become more valuable?

    Yea brigette will definetly be good if there is more focus on evolutions later on.
  17. BraviaryBoi

    Event Ft Wayne Regionals 2016

    And why are you interested in zygarde? You should be interested in the pidgeot Jolteon deck that got ninth
  18. BraviaryBoi

    Event Ft Wayne Regionals 2016

    Wesley is the guy who made top eight with zygarde carbink
  19. BraviaryBoi

    Event Ft Wayne Regionals 2016

    Uh, cuz Wesley is good
  20. BraviaryBoi

    News First 'Sun & Moon' English Set News!

    RS had blazekin and I think swampert and a couple other things Also, Torterra and empoleon lvl x were much better than infernape lvl x