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  1. Alakazam90125

    Standard Prismatic SuperComputer (Necrozma-GX / Metagross-GX) (BKP-BUS)

    This list looks OK, but not ideal. I´ve been playing around with Metagross Necrozma (at local game stores) for a few weeks and I have some suggestions. First of all, don´t play 4 Necrozma. That´s just a bad idea! I think 2 is ideal because it should be more of a tech card you have the option to...
  2. Alakazam90125

    News Kartana GX and Regice from SM4 Revealed!

    Kartana GX is pretty strong- maybe a tech in Metagross decks? The ability is great disruption, the first attack is interesting least, and the GX attack is good for 1 energy on a basic pokemon. Regice is not too bad either, it has a very good ability as long as Regirock is in play. I could...
  3. Alakazam90125

    News America's November Set: 'Crimson Invasion,' Two Ultra Beast Premium Collections!

    Buzzwole seems like a mediocre, but not bad, GX card. Guzzlord is much better.... first attack could be used with Mallow or something, Tyrannical Hole is good damage all things considered, the GX attack is excellent when it gets the knockout. Plus, there is definitely going to be Ultra Beast...
  4. Alakazam90125

    Discussion What Pokémon Do You Want to See as a GX, and Why?

    I really want Alakazam GX which is unlikely due to the Kadabra controversy.
  5. Alakazam90125

    Discussion Embarrassing Deck Mistakes?

    I've made quite a few mistakes. The biggest one was back in December, and lasted the whole month and longer. My deck at the time was a (pretty bad) Mega Alakazam EX (I like Alakazam!). It did pretty well at local tournaments and was my first half decent deck, and I got staples such as Shaymin...
  6. Alakazam90125

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    Bewear has literally been in 3 sets in a row.
  7. Alakazam90125

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    I don't think any of the Rotom cards will be very good....
  8. Alakazam90125

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    This kind of attacker is not so overpowered in my honest opinion, compared to things with Abilities like Vileplume (and Trev in expanded). Besides, DDE is rotating in August, so this will likely see little play. Still a very solid card though! It's GX attack is not to be ignored: better than...
  9. Alakazam90125

    News 'Kommo-o-GX Box' in September!

    Oh my God this is not necessary..... Kommo-o is not the worst card, but it's pretty bad and is worth like 2 bucks...
  10. Alakazam90125

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    These guys are somewhat decent in my opinion.... Necrozma's GX attack is good I guess.
  11. Alakazam90125

    Standard Tauros/Garbodor/Hammers

    I agree, this list needs parallel city and Olympia, and I do already have a Breakpoint Garb in my list.
  12. Alakazam90125

    Standard Tauros/Garbodor/Hammers

    Yes, thanks for the advice. I ran rescue stretcher but found it not useful, and I agree about extra energy, less trainers mail, and a Team Flare Grunt
  13. Alakazam90125

    Standard Tauros/Garbodor/Hammers

    About a week ago, I started playing the new Garbodor against my friends, and it is almost complete after a lot of trading! The main objective is simple: take some good KO´s in the active with Tauros or Drampa, and then retreat for the late game sweep with Garbodor, which does 20 damage for each...
  14. Alakazam90125

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    Better than other Magikarp! Also, you could pull off a ridiculous combo by using the second attack onto two magikarp with fighting fury belt, retreating next turn, and then hitting for 300+ with 5 on each (2 because of Team Magmas)
  15. Alakazam90125

    Expanded M Alakazam & Friends

    It used to work well, you use the standard Mega Alakazam build with Devolution Spray, and evolve on the bench, Lysandre the benched one you put the damage counters on, and take an easy OHKO.
  16. Alakazam90125

    Expanded M Alakazam & Friends

    I played Mega Alakazam a long time ago, I think the best option right now is Espeon GX, but both Gengar and Bats work.
  17. Alakazam90125

    Discussion Excadrill (Post-Guardians Rising)

    Oh yeah never mind.
  18. Alakazam90125

    Discussion Is the paywall in Competitive Pokemon unhealthy?

    As a Senior who has been playing for about a year, I have managed to build a completely meta tier great Volcanion deck, with all of the staples you need such as VS Seeker and Shaymins for example- I even have a Tapu Lele GX now. But I agree- getting into the game was very discouraging, because I...
  19. Alakazam90125

    Discussion Best and Worst GX's for Competitive Play (Guardians Rising)

    Turtonator is fantastic in Volcanion right now. I´ve tested mine with one from prerelease, and I agree it could very well replace baby Volc.
  20. Alakazam90125

    Discussion Excadrill (Post-Guardians Rising)

    I might be better after Deciplume is gone.