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    Pokebeach Forum's 5th Anniversary

    Happy Anniversary Beach! I've been here since '08 and even though I've drifted over the past half a year or so, I still remember all the good times and hope there are many more to come for everyone! WP
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    Congradulations pokebeach!!!

    Congrats to Beach! 20,000 members, above the sea, on the beach! Get it? The movie... anyone? WP
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    (1) Isshu's Starter Evolutions Leaked; Another New Pokemon [9/4]

    Alright, I think that Starter set is kinda awesome. The only thing I noticed is the water starters don't really look much like each other but they still look sweet. =) WP
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    Books or TV?

    Hmm, I'm gonna have to go with TV. I mean, when I get into a book, I like visualizing and imagining what I perceive characters and places to be, but I do enjoy having something already "planned" and I think I'm more of a TV guy anyway. If I had a choice between reading the book or watching the...
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    Random Facts Thread!

    Alright, found another one: If you have 3 quarters, 4 dimes, and 4 pennies, you have $1.19. You also have the largest amount of money in coins without being able to make change for a dollar. That's sweet. ^ WP
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    Congrats new mods! Phase Zapdos complete!

    Congrats to all the new mods and all the old ones coming back! Can't wait to see what the last surprise holds for us. =) WP
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    Back To School!!!! O_o

    RE: Back To School!! O_o Ugh, school: Seven crappy hours of our lifes. I'll be going into Sophomore year and I'm excited to go back and see my friends again and settle into my new classes but I really wish summer was longer. Fortunately, I go back after Labor Day but I think summer should be at...
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    Pokemon Pets Named After Pokemon Characters

    Heh, at one point in my life I wanted to re-name my cat Pikachu. Kind of odd... but it almost had to be done. But wasn't. Jessie suits my cat better anyways. xP WP
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    Random Facts Thread!

    Alright, try this: Carnivorous animals will not eat another animal that has been struck by lighting. Interesting... =P WP
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    What complete sets do you have?

    I have base set, jungle, fossil, and rocket and then I almost have the 53 first old promo set comlete! First four sets, and some of my favorites as well! I love completing sets and that's what I mostly go for when I collect.
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    Congrats many many mods.

    Congrats everyone new and Zele! :D WP
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    Congrats many many mods.

    RE: Congrats, Zero, Mew Jadester, Shakespeare, and Amt!! Congrats! =) WP
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    Congrats many many mods.

    RE: Congrats Zero, Mew Jadester, Shakespeare, and Amt!! And congrats Z-man too! =) WP
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    Congrats many many mods.

    RE: Congrats Amt and Shakespeare! Mew Jadester too! Congrats you three! =) WP
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    Moderator Applications

    Eh, I just sent one in. The application was greatly written and well rounded on every subject to a full level. I wish the best of luck to anyone else that entered. =) WP
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    (Post 94) FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project

    RE: FOR ALL: Forum Reorganization Project Everything looks pretty legit, I must say. Seems organized very well and I like that some things have been broken up for example Video Games from Entertainment. Seems like it will be good! Also, just a heads up. Under "Entertainment", movie had a typo...
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    Where do you like to eat

    Man, I love eating out... I wish I could do it more. However when I do go out to eat, I'm real simple. I like lots of different place but I most importantly enjoy any kind of Coney Island. If I'm in the mood for an ironic "not at home, home-cooked meal" I'll eat at Cracker Barrel. I also like...
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    Old cards with potential- REPRINTS :windstorm added

    RE: Old cards with potential- REPRINTS Very cool, those old cards rock and to see them in newer format is sweet. Keep up the good work! WP
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    (2) Enigma Stone Distribution, Porygon Promos [7/29]

    Woah, these cards look sweet. The cards blend awesomely together artistically and playability-wise. It's always nice to see epic cards like these. :D WP
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    Manhattan's Art Thread (more added)

    RE: Manhattan's Art Thread (Drawings) Wow, these are really good. I always enjoy observing peoples drawings of Pokemon. I especially like the HG/SS team drawing. Keep up the great work! WP