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  1. Twannes

    Twannes's Trading Thread!

    Bumping again
  2. Twannes

    Twannes's Trading Thread!

  3. Twannes

    Twannes's Trading Thread!

    Would you be okay with just the white kyurem EX for the Dowsing Machine?
  4. Twannes

    Twannes's Trading Thread!

    That is great! Which one of the two would you prefer for the Dowsing Machine?
  5. Twannes

    Twannes's Trading Thread!

    Want and haves are updated with Plasma Storm :)
  6. Twannes

    Twannes's Trading Thread!

    I am still interested. The keldeo will be mainly for playing anyway and the extra cards in the offer make up for it. You can pm me to finalize and view the offer again. :)
  7. Twannes

    Twannes's Trading Thread!

    That is a great offer! The conditions of my cards are mint-near mint, as i put them in a sleeve+binder the moment i pulled them from packs. I hope i pick the right Landorus for you (i have 5 atm, 3 of which have been used in a deck). If i could see a picture of the keldeo Ex then that would be...
  8. Twannes

    Twannes's Trading Thread!

    Updated wants+haves
  9. Twannes

    Twannes's Trading Thread!

    Another bump, I want a Battle city (which shouln't be worth that much, so for something like 2 holos i guess) and i have added 1 landorus ex for trade. It will need to be for some good cards but it is mint :)
  10. Twannes

    Twannes's Trading Thread!

    Updated wants and i have cress ex for trade.
  11. Twannes

    Soul's International Trades! Promo Pikachu, Staff Champions Festival, Sleeves and Phantom Forces!

    RE: International Trades! [H] 5x Tornadus Ex, 7x Darkrai Ex FA, Landorus Ex etc [W] CYL Again could you CML for tornadus ex? :D
  12. Twannes

    Twannes's Trading Thread!

    bumpity. I might post my cresselia EX for trade, not sure about it though. I have some new wants as well :D
  13. Twannes


    Can you CML for Ho-oh EX and Tornadus EX?
  14. Twannes

    MadManwithabox wants to trade...(Ireland) Added dragons exalted and holos

    That will do, i will send a pm so we can finalize and send
  15. Twannes

    MadManwithabox wants to trade...(Ireland) Added dragons exalted and holos

    What do you want for computer search?
  16. Twannes

    Soul's International Trades! Promo Pikachu, Staff Champions Festival, Sleeves and Phantom Forces!

    RE: International Trades! [H] 14x Catcher, Keldeo Ex, FA Ex's etc etc [W] CYL Could you CML for 1 Tornadus EX?
  17. Twannes

    Twannes's Trading Thread!

    Another bump. I do have new wants so take a look! again i dont have much from BCR :(
  18. Twannes

    Twannes's Trading Thread!

    Bumping this
  19. Twannes

    Twannes's Trading Thread!

    I just recieved a jumpluff from dragons exalted in a trade with redterror so i am not looking for it anymore, sorry.