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  1. S

    Final Fantasy IV

    FFIII was just unbareable... I can't stand FF games where you're limited to just the four/five people :[] But with all the deaths in this one it's getting a bit to similair to Star Wars. I mean come on, Porom and Palom get turned to stone, Tellah does because of his own spell, Yang locks...
  2. S

    What the heck is Kronar?

    Ugh, I go away for 5 days and all of THIS happens? -_- This just prooves that the forum needs me to not fall to madness :/ Oh, and I commonly question "What the heck is Kronar?" too. I'm never exactly sure. :)
  3. S

    Final Fantasy IV

    I just got the game today and it's really good so far. I'm not gonna suck out like I always did in the GBA version. I'd never have expect his name was prenounced Se-seal. I always thought it was Cee-cil. I'm typing this I accidently left a battle going where I died _-_ (ZOMG...
  4. S


    It's basdically a posintlessly feature that staff members use to joke around with. There has to be SOME benefit to being a Mod ;x
  5. S

    What internet browser do you use?

    Meh, that didn't work out for me. I perfer IE anyways. I guess I'm just used to it.
  6. S

    What internet browser do you use?

    I think every Mod in this place uses Firefox >_> considering how much they rag on IE. I, myself, use IE. Because I don't wanna go through the hole trouble of making FireFox my default. I prety much use FireFox as a back up.
  7. S

    (3) Legends Awakened Stark Mountain, Shaymin Movie Ending Clip, First Official Platinum Trailer [7/2

    Wow, The torn world animations look cool. It's amazing what they can pull off with these games.
  8. S

    Final Fantasy IV

    They're remaking it for the DS? :D Now I don't have to use a Rom of it with crappy graphics :D
  9. S


    Ya, I'd guess that it would be Kaga's mysterious work behind the scenes. :O I believe he said something in chat about making it so only the members that have ever posted would count. This just shows us how many pointless people register...
  10. S

    "Last" button is ticking me off!

    Are you talking about those? Because if not, you can just use them. >_>
  11. S

    Three new titles, one possible evolution!!!!

    RE: Three new titles, one possible evolution!! That's only in the games :/ And technially that wouldn't apply because Paul released then Ash got it.
  12. S

    This thread does not exist.

    This problem happens from time to time. Usually there's a little glitch. It commonly fixes itself by the end of the day.
  13. S

    Mega Man 9 Announced in Nintendo Power

    I've never really like the MegaMan series overall. I've played a Rom of Battle Network 1&6 being curios of what they are like, but overall I didn't exactly enjoy them...
  14. S


    Bragging rights :p CC, you're just ripping down on everything because you're gonna leave after the Solaceon Tourney. (D: )
  15. S

    Three new titles, one possible evolution!!!!

    RE: Three new titles, one possible evolution!! Chimchar i gonna have to evolve at some point... And if it is gonna evolve at all it won't be until the third episode.
  16. S

    Does anything work on main page?

    If you use Internet Explorer than that would probably be the problem. PB has been glitch on Internet Explorer. I've had to start using Fire Fox to get on.
  17. S

    Relieving Myself of Commitments're leaving? I still remember the first thing you said to me. "You're a child." Then I responded with. "I'm older than you >_<" -_- And you could at least come to chat and say goodbye to us D:
  18. S

    Super-modifacation (read to find out who :O) ITS KAGA

    RE: Adminfacation (read to find out who :O) ITS KAGA Woah...from an Mod to a Super Mod all in one night ._. You're certainly going up fast ._. And, B_M, for the record: Silver > Green > Pink. kthxbye.
  19. S

    Super-modifacation (read to find out who :O) ITS KAGA

    RE: Super modifacation (read to find out who :O) ITS KAGA I saw this coming considering all that Kaga has done for this place. The non-fail Server Swap was the thing that put it over the top though.
  20. S

    Main Page

    That's because most of the pages were deleted in the major crash. WPM hasn't been able to type them out again.