RE: Pika Power :O
z-boy is trying to show off :O
He has to zstart sucking up to another Mod now that Amt is gone D:
And is this supposed to make no sense like that Paint Flicker Gemini Quasi Dehydrate Asparagus SPELUNK thing?
1: Because Zilla anlways rants about doubles even though he hadn't played them for like 2 years.
2: Because it's the only way Zilla will ever win anything.
Didn't see this coming...So that's why WPM was in chat?
I still remember when NN said that he should mod me and Krucie, then said "This is a lie." in white below it ;p
The Swinub is confirmed as Dawn's BTW.
So, since the upcoming epside is about a Swinub, I'm guessing she's gonne capture it.
And, since the episode after that is staring Gligar, it's safe to say it will evolve there.
You could have gotten your name capitalized at any time >.>
I remember WPM saying somewhere that we could change our name only if it was a matter of Grammer.
Uh...that didn't happen. Why would Amt tell you WPM IP ban her? >.>
And as said by Kay Gee in chat:
[20:08] <@Kevin_Garrett> Amt have me more of a headache than anyone else :p
and then hee said:
[20:08] <@Kevin_Garrett> -gave
Well, Electimortar made a slip up.
Anybody notice how theyre never on at the same time? Most people would use one computer as an excuse.
BUT! It appears that Electimortar was on AIM (As told by Kronar) at the same time that Soul_Reaper was on the forums.
How is this explainable...
Ok, let me state some more reasons.
To get back into chat.
To get a name change.
To make it so alot of people don't hate him anymore.
Have some of you people not seen the kinda stuff Electimortar has pulled around here?