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  1. Captainzaraki

    Captainzaraki's Trading Post With PRIMAL CLASH!!!!!( YES, THE ENLGISH SET) *1-15-15*

    RE: Captainzaraki's Trading Thread *Updated 9-10-13* no thanks man.
  2. Captainzaraki

    Captainzaraki's Trading Post With PRIMAL CLASH!!!!!( YES, THE ENLGISH SET) *1-15-15*

    RE: Captainzaraki's Trading Thread *Updated 9-10-13* Well, I have everything I need for all the decks I am building, but the Plasma Klang is low on the list.
  3. Captainzaraki

    Captainzaraki's Trading Post With PRIMAL CLASH!!!!!( YES, THE ENLGISH SET) *1-15-15*

    RE: Captainzaraki's Trading Thread *Updated 9-10-13* Eh, I think I am going to hold out right now. Plasma Klang is just a side deck I am thinking of making. I am just trying to get the components for a TDK and Viriz/Genesect together. Already got a Darkrai deck together.
  4. Captainzaraki

    Captainzaraki's Trading Post With PRIMAL CLASH!!!!!( YES, THE ENLGISH SET) *1-15-15*

    RE: Captainzaraki's Trading Thread *Updated 9-10-13* I didn't see anything I needed on your list. [hr] No, I have 3x Cobalions right now, so not in a big rush to get them. :| Sorry.
  5. Captainzaraki

    Captainzaraki's Trading Post With PRIMAL CLASH!!!!!( YES, THE ENLGISH SET) *1-15-15*

    RE: Captainzaraki's Trading Thread *Updated 9-10-13* Sorry. Did you only need a FA Lugia ex or need a regular art one as well?
  6. Captainzaraki

    Captainzaraki's Trading Post With PRIMAL CLASH!!!!!( YES, THE ENLGISH SET) *1-15-15*

    RE: Captainzaraki's Trading Thread *Updated 9-10-13* You only have one?
  7. Captainzaraki

    Captainzaraki's Trading Post With PRIMAL CLASH!!!!!( YES, THE ENLGISH SET) *1-15-15*

    RE: Captainzaraki's Trading Thread *Updated 9-10-13* Check my wants then please
  8. Captainzaraki

    Captainzaraki's Trading Post With PRIMAL CLASH!!!!!( YES, THE ENLGISH SET) *1-15-15*

    RE: Captainzaraki's Trading Thread *Updated 9-10-13* Do you have a list up?
  9. Captainzaraki

    Trady trade trade

    I have Kyurem EX plasma Blast. CML to see if you have any of my wants.
  10. Captainzaraki

    Captainzaraki's Trading Post With PRIMAL CLASH!!!!!( YES, THE ENLGISH SET) *1-15-15*

    RE: Captainzaraki's Trading Thread *Updated 9-10-13* I am going to hold off on trading the Ultra Ball for right now. I am thinking about Selling it, but it's up in the air still. If I get an outrageous trade offer, I might trade it. @It2Zoroark I can't remember what the offer was again. I...
  11. Captainzaraki

    H- Shiny Max Potion, FA Supporters and more W- Gold Zekrom and more

    RE: H- GENESECT EX FA, VIRIZION EX and more W- EX FAs, SRs Just noticed. Sorry, nevermind.
  12. Captainzaraki

    Captainzaraki's Trading Post With PRIMAL CLASH!!!!!( YES, THE ENLGISH SET) *1-15-15*

    RE: Captainzaraki's Trading Thread *Updated 9-5-13* I will be posting it up on eBay pretty soon if your interested.
  13. Captainzaraki

    H- Shiny Max Potion, FA Supporters and more W- Gold Zekrom and more

    RE: H- GENESECT EX FA, VIRIZION EX and more W- EX FAs, SRs I will trade you a shinny Egg and something else for a FA Cobalion EX
  14. Captainzaraki

    Captainzaraki's Trading Post With PRIMAL CLASH!!!!!( YES, THE ENLGISH SET) *1-15-15*

    RE: Captainzaraki's Trading Thread *Updated 9-5-13* I know with my Colress I am working out a trade with someone on another site right now. As for the Ultra Ball, something I am thinking about just selling on ebay.
  15. Captainzaraki

    H: Lots of Full Arts, EXs! W: Palkia EX, Prism Energies CYL

    RE: H: GOLD RARE CANDY!!! Full Arts! W: PLB, CYL. My Iris for your Cobalion ex and a float stone?
  16. Captainzaraki

    I'm Back! Elbow's Trade Thead 4 Nats/Worlds!

    RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too! The Colress is in the process of being traded now to get 2x Cobalions Ex. :( Sorry. So nothing else I could trade with the Iris to get it from you?
  17. Captainzaraki

    Have: lots of rares, and goodies! Want video game stuff, worthless tcg stuff!

    RE: Have EX, Rares, and more! Want: Fa Juniper, genesect ex! CML for your Cobalion EXs
  18. Captainzaraki

    I'm Back! Elbow's Trade Thead 4 Nats/Worlds!

    RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too! Hey, Would you do My: Iris FA Something else from my list for Your: Cobalion EX FA
  19. Captainzaraki

    Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread. Looking for bulk Trainers.

    RE: Vulpix Yolk's Trade Thread CML for your Cobalion EXs
  20. Captainzaraki

    I'm Back! Elbow's Trade Thead 4 Nats/Worlds!

    RE: Elbow's Haves and Wants! Most Cards are BW on, some older cards too! Well then, I might be interested. ;)