Search results

  1. Chaoguy

    Rogue decks Help! Topic Garchomp SV

    RE: Rogue decks Help! Turtwig GL, Landmin X, Cherrim SF. I LOVE Turt GL. Way better than torterra IMO, especially after rotation.
  2. Chaoguy

    The Book Store.

    Cml For 1x Spiritomb AR 2x Charizard AR
  3. Chaoguy

    L3 Japanese cards revealed!

    I'm more worried about Machamp Prime guys! This card is super broken imo, especially with machamp lvl X. That's 160+ each turn for only two{F} and a dce. PLUS! It requires no set up due to it's power. This card looks like a meta breaker to me. I think, as of now, DPL is too gimmicky to be in...
  4. Chaoguy

    +++++++++++++++ My Trade Thread!! H: ERL, SP +++++++++++++++

    RE: My trade thread!! Can you cml for Uxie X?
  5. Chaoguy

    Chaoguy's Trade shop. Need Machamp Prime!

    RE: Chaoguy's Trade shop UPDATES. MUST HAVE UXIE X AND SPIRITOMB! @Scream: Okay I'll let you know @SotS: PMd
  6. Chaoguy

    Chaoguy's Trade shop. Need Machamp Prime!

    RE: Chaoguy's Trade shop UPDATES. MUST HAVE UXIE X AND SPIRITOMB! I don't see those two as equals (lv x v holo rare, I know, it's an expensive rare, but still). I may have some other deals going through, so illnlet you know. And no thanks trade account, that's too any cards for me to dish...
  7. Chaoguy

    Need 2x Spiritomb AR!

    Can you do $6?
  8. Chaoguy

    Chaoguy's Trade shop. Need Machamp Prime!

    RE: Chaoguy's Trade shop UPDATES. MUST HAVE UXIE X AND SPIRITOMB! Bump #2 Edit: Feel free to offer any general staples, not so much deck specific cards. Uxie X and Spiritomb AR are still high wants!
  9. Chaoguy

    Delta - 224's Trade Thread W: xX Neo stuff H: Lanturn, Typhlosion, Ursaring and Crobat T-tar prime

    RE: Delta - 224's Trade Thread W: X12 HGSS Grass Emergies, Landmin X, X2 Cherrim SF 2 AR, Roserade HSU H: PGX, Sleeves My: 2x expert belt Your: 2x hgss fire energy
  10. Chaoguy

    Lv63:: H :: BIG UPDATE! Everything you Need!!! W:: Leafeon X!!

    RE: Lv63 ~ 2 SPIRITOMB AR!!!! (taking best offer)!!! I will. I was waiting for you to check my list.
  11. Chaoguy

    Chia Trades [H] Lots of new Ex's [W] Darkrai ex regular and shiny rayquaza

    RE: [W] Gengar X,Uxie X, [H] 4x donphan prime,RH Tombs Cml for 2x Spiritomb.
  12. Chaoguy

    Need 2x Spiritomb AR!

    Only missing these two suckers for my deck, I'd like 2 around $12 shipped. Anyone?
  13. Chaoguy

    Geo's Trade Thread. Everything Must Go!!!!! (Updated)

    RE: Updated with a little AoA. W- Tin Lv. X's + more Cml for x2 charizard AoA.
  14. Chaoguy

    Trades [USA] H: Lots of Standard/Staples /Breaks W: RH Staples, Supreme Victors VS Seekers, Energy

    RE: (H)<LvL X><Primes><Various Rare/Holo> (W)Claydols, Flygon Lvl X, Various Techs Donyou have a ninetails HGSS instead of the chardizard then?
  15. Chaoguy

    Lv63:: H :: BIG UPDATE! Everything you Need!!! W:: Leafeon X!!

    RE: Lv63 ~ 2 SPIRITOMB AR!!!! (taking best offer)!!! I'll trade you for those azelf. Take a look at my list.
  16. Chaoguy

    Lv63:: H :: BIG UPDATE! Everything you Need!!! W:: Leafeon X!!

    RE: Lv63 ~ 2 SPIRITOMB AR!!!! (taking best offer)!!! Pm me what you are thinking.
  17. Chaoguy

    Chaoguy's Trade shop. Need Machamp Prime!

    RE: Chaoguy's Trade shop UPDATES. MUST HAVE UXIE X AND SPIRITOMB! Bump #1
  18. Chaoguy

    Lv63:: H :: BIG UPDATE! Everything you Need!!! W:: Leafeon X!!

    RE: Lv63 ~ 2 SPIRITOMB AR!!!! (taking best offer)!!! Did you see something else on my list that would sweeten he deal?
  19. Chaoguy


    Great trader. Cards came fast and well protected +1
  20. Chaoguy

    Lv63:: H :: BIG UPDATE! Everything you Need!!! W:: Leafeon X!!

    RE: Lv63 ~ 2 SPIRITOMB AR!!!! (taking best offer)!!! My raikou entei or raikou suicune Legend Mr. Mime MT RH Your 2x Spiritomb AR Edit: Feel free to cml if theres something there you want instead. Got tons.