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  1. Special Riolu

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    First_ why would they make these the promos. And 2nd. Please make a new coin
  2. Special Riolu

    News New Legendary Battle Decks in September!

    they didnt put in fates or roaring skies because they have the birds and the buyer might have gotten mad. Gg tpci
  3. Special Riolu

    News New Legendary Battle Decks in September!

    . These look cool! -stares at everyone- i will get the moltres!
  4. Special Riolu

    Snorlax GX, Sun and Moon's First Promo!

    why is everybody raging over the artwork. Some cards arent used for artwork and i like it anyway
  5. Special Riolu

    Japanese 'Sun' and 'Moon' Expansions and Decks in December!

    i am not going to flame against the gx cards because i like the new card look! I cant wait for the collection box for popplio!
  6. Special Riolu

    Alola Rattata and Munchlax with Snorlium-Z Included in Nintendo Direct News!

    Snorlax used scary face, it was super effective
  7. Special Riolu

    Alt. Format Mega Steelix (2017 rotation)

    what is the final list?
  8. Special Riolu

    Japanese 'Sun' and 'Moon' Expansions and Decks in December!

    i think the new template looks cool. High tech.
  9. Special Riolu

    Alt. Format Mega Steelix (2017 rotation)

    i might use a similar deck but with carbink
  10. Special Riolu

    Japanese 'Sun' and 'Moon' Expansions and Decks in December!

    I think that you play the marker when you have used a GX attack.
  11. Special Riolu

    You have been on for 7 years and i am your only follower

    You have been on for 7 years and i am your only follower
  12. Special Riolu

    Standard Flareon-EX Deck!

    i would add shaymin if it wasnt so expensive
  13. Special Riolu

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    your generations booster pack evolved into evolutions booster pack
  14. Special Riolu

    News New Legendary Battle Decks in September!

    i will pick up one soon. I will be on team instinct or valor. But most likely instinct because my friend is on instinct
  15. Special Riolu

    Omastar Aerodactyl Deck

    i might add karen to mess with night march
  16. Special Riolu

    Omastar Aerodactyl Deck

    I guess that my deck is okay and in no need of cards by the amount of replies...
  17. Special Riolu

    Omastar Aerodactyl Deck

    I was here trying to make my deck, but the deck list maker wasn't working quite right, so apologies that i used another site. Well, heres my deck list for omastar aerodactyl. If anybody has any suggestions for cards i should take out then add, please let me know. I strive to make a deck that can...
  18. Special Riolu

    News Solgaleo GX and Lunala GX: Pokemon GX Mechanic Revealed at Worlds!

    it says to knock out a basic that isnt a gx. This confirms they are basics
  19. Special Riolu

    I am making a deck but i dont have any archies, 1 vs seeker, and onlx 1 battle compressor

    I am making a deck but i dont have any archies, 1 vs seeker, and onlx 1 battle compressor
  20. Special Riolu

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    I am happy to see these old cards. I hope protection cube gets a reprint