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  1. Otaku

    Mismagius and Bellelba & Brycen-Man Banned by Creatures and TPCi!

    ADP players, explain it to me slowly and in detail, because I am ignorant, stubborn, and sometimes downright stupid: The plan is to fetch three Basic Pokémon and two basic Energy cards at the cost of not only your Supporter for the turn, but a massive* 5-card discard cost. Is this really...
  2. Otaku

    Mismagius and Bellelba & Brycen-Man Banned by Creatures and TPCi!

    They are considered brand new cards that “spiritually replace” the old ones (our interpretation). Your interpretation is... questionable. Maybe I'm just annoyed by the end result, when the situation originally had so much promise, so I'm feeling the need to be very specific. The whole...
  3. Otaku

    Fun If you were to change one fundamental rule of the PTCG, what would it be?

    I actually "lost" an incomplete post, and hadn't realized my error when rewriting my proposed errata. I think this addresses your main concern: Rare Candy Trainer — Item Choose 1 of your Pokémon in play. If you have a card in your hand that directly evolves from that Pokémon, put that card...
  4. Otaku

    Fun If you were to change one fundamental rule of the PTCG, what would it be?

    S'okay that this will also probably be shot down by ya, but if we are issuing an errata for Rare Candy, how about: Choose 1 of your Pokémon in play. If you have a card in your hand that evolves from that Pokémon, put that card onto the Pokémon you chose to evolve it. You can't use Rare Candy...
  5. Otaku

    Discussion Does Pokémon TCG Need a Casual Format to "Compete" Against MTG in EDH / Commander?

    Oh, you're making the team behind the PTCGO feel bad. ;) Really wish there was a "manual" mode for the PTCGO. Something that played like Apprentice, RedShark, etc. Yes, I know those two are ancient examples, no longer in use, but they're what I knew. XD
  6. Otaku

    Discussion Does Pokémon TCG Need a Casual Format to "Compete" Against MTG in EDH / Commander?

    At the risk of sounding like a broken record, I'll once again remind everyone that the Pokémon TCG has three "fun" formats that used to be popular enough they showed up in Play! Pokémon Rules & Formats document: 30-Card: 30-card decks, Rule of 2 instead of the Rule of 4, 3-Prizes instead of...
  7. Otaku

    Fun If you were to change one fundamental rule of the PTCG, what would it be?

    Heh, this was another one on my list, but with a slightly different tweak, but it is actually simplest to explain by showing the actual rules (from p. 15 of the SW1 instruction booklet) and how I'd change that: Some attacks make the Active Pokémon Asleep, Burned, Confused, Paralyzed, or...
  8. Otaku

    Fun If you were to change one fundamental rule of the PTCG, what would it be?

    >.> <.< Okay, I let two more people post, I'm going again! ;) Alternate T1 Attack Rule During a player's first turn, ignore all damage done by attacks to their opponent's Pokémon. I don't think I've made any secret my displeasure over being unable to attack T1, as well as how I don't like...
  9. Otaku

    Oh, nvm. That's what I thought at first glance. With how it is spelled, looking at it...

    Oh, nvm. That's what I thought at first glance. With how it is spelled, looking at it yesterday I finally sounded it out and realized "ShaQul" could be pronounced like "shackle".
  10. Otaku

    I... I feel bad. Less than two minutes ago, I finally, finally "figured out" your screen name. @_@

    I... I feel bad. Less than two minutes ago, I finally, finally "figured out" your screen name. @_@
  11. Otaku

    Fun If you were to change one fundamental rule of the PTCG, what would it be?

    As it is just one rule, and not something like a design principle - no Otaku lecture, yay! - how about this as mutually exclusive options: Pick Your Prize Cards After you draw your opening hand and resolve all mulligans, you select the cards that go into your Prizes, and put them there, face...
  12. Otaku

    Mismagius and Bellelba & Brycen-Man Banned by Creatures and TPCi!

    You're right. I don't get it. I shouldn't have lied, but I panicked because - from my perspective - I realized it wasn't about miscommunication, but you wanting to "win" an argument. [Edit] Or about you thinking all I wanted to do was win an argument. [/Edit] That you say it is in response...
  13. Otaku

    Mismagius and Bellelba & Brycen-Man Banned by Creatures and TPCi!

    Got it. I had no idea we were supposed to be trying to "win". My mistake.
  14. Otaku

    Mismagius and Bellelba & Brycen-Man Banned by Creatures and TPCi!

    That's all I really wanted to make clear. Disagreeing with me is fine; given my track record, it might even be the playing the odds. XD Except... there rest of your post makes me wonder if you do get it. Because, if you did... why waste so much time explaining stuff that, as far as I am...
  15. Otaku

    Mismagius and Bellelba & Brycen-Man Banned by Creatures and TPCi!

    Let me rephrase: Why is the non-competitive use of Chandelure, Honchkrow, and Aegislash more important than preserving the non-broken, but still competitive, use of Mismagius? Banning Dusk Stone targets the one of the two key problems that led to Mismagius being banned: Mismagius hitting the...
  16. Otaku

    Mismagius and Bellelba & Brycen-Man Banned by Creatures and TPCi!

    Why is it more important for Chandelure, Honchkrow, and Aegislash to retain Dusk Stone than it is for decks to retain access to Mismagius? Evolution acceleration can be a very dangerous thing. Dusk Stone likely means all the Evolution lines which can use it are going to be "pre-nerfed" while...
  17. Otaku

    Mismagius and Bellelba & Brycen-Man Banned by Creatures and TPCi!

    I will miss Bellelba & Brycen-Man, but I think I understand why it was banned. Mismagius, however, seems to be a scapegoat. The problem, as has often been the case, are cards like Reset Stamp. At least, with my limited information, that seems to be the case.
  18. Otaku

    Help Question About First Edition?

    You may not realize it, but they stopped making 1st Edition sets while you were still collecting. Neo Destiny was the last set with a 1st Edition release... by which I mean the first run of cards (and the boosters they came in) were specifically marked as "1st Edition". If you want to get...
  19. Otaku

    Help Wally in Unlimited

    Yeah, I got that. I just wasn't sure what was making it confusing. How about now? While not the exact change you suggested, the "No" is now isolated, so it is clearly in response to the specific question.
  20. Otaku

    Help Wally in Unlimited

    I say this with all due sincerity but... do you want to be a bit more clear in what caused the problem? When you tell me it was confusing, I believe you, but I'm not 100% certain where. XP Again, I'm confused by what you are saying. XD I gave what I believe to be the correct ruling on the...