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  1. Starsoulklr

    Standard Goomy/Kartana

    Well with all four it would with Choice and Beast it would one-shot Lele GX. You do have bench space for Pokemon since you don't need to flood out Pokemon. I thought while reading the thread Kartana's attack had a base of 130 but that would have been a bit much. That's the damage with Choice...
  2. Starsoulklr

    'Charisma of the Wrecked Sky,' Japan's SM7 Set Announced!

    It IS weird that Zangoose wasn't in Burning Shadows with Seviper being rivals. Wonder if there is going to be one in that Hoenn set? My guess is the TCG version will either be in the single blister or the three pack blister.
  3. Starsoulklr

    Standard Goomy/Kartana

    If you did swap out Hala for Guzma you would only have five draw Supporters and that would be really low and I'm not sure swapping out their Pokemon would be as important. I think I'm starting to piece this deck together a bit more and started to debate if Skyla would be any help or not. She...
  4. Starsoulklr

    Standard Garchomp/Lucario

    If you want a Pokemon for draw support and your using Brooklet Hill I recommend Octillery with Abyssal Hand instead of Zoroark GX. Hill can search out Remoraid and leaves a less prize giving Pokemon. Getting out Garchomp to turn on Lucario's ability to tutor is very effective so perhaps upping...
  5. Starsoulklr

    'Charisma of the Wrecked Sky,' Japan's SM7 Set Announced!

    There was one in the Double Crisis mini set for Team Magma, the set that only the Stadiums mattered for constructed formats. They can be used in some fun decks though the art is a treat for it the teams working together with their Pokemon. Along with the others here yes Beacon Vulpix is still...
  6. Starsoulklr

    'Charisma of the Wrecked Sky,' Japan's SM7 Set Announced!

    Well you move damage from a different Pokemon you evolved to Medicham, Lycanroc GX being a pretty good choice I think. Pretty jank but could be fun to see go off.
  7. Starsoulklr

    'Charisma of the Wrecked Sky,' Japan's SM7 Set Announced!

    Very interesting that Rayquaza GX has swapped out Fire for Grass. Does help as others mentioned Vikavolt. Stakataka makes sense not that surprising.
  8. Starsoulklr

    'Forbidden Light,' Japan's SM6 Set!

    Cynthia in one deck, Ultra Ball in the other and a decent set of Trainers in each and the decks look OK overall. Really hope they can keep this up and keep printing staples in each theme deck as they go.
  9. Starsoulklr

    Fun What Pokemon Would You Like to Have a New Evolution in 8th Generation

    Dusknoir being one of the perfect examples of a Pokemon that is left in the dust of it's prior evolution for tanking because of Eviolite. Mega Pokemon is how they seem to hand out new evolution for older Pokemon especially decent/good stat pokemon. If I would add new evolution Pokemon it would...
  10. Starsoulklr

    Prerelease Kits To Be Sold in Stores: 'Build & Battle' Kits!

    One of the reasons I am OK with this is that Pokemon booster packs and sets are not designed with draft in mind at all. These draft packs have to have lines of Pokemon and outside of set Trainer cards to even make a stable limited deck. This could be a way to pick up and play a few games...
  11. Starsoulklr

    'Basic Energy Box' Releasing This Month!

    This product MIGHT have made a little bit of sense before Sun and Moon Sets as otherwise getting energy was from a 'core' set with energies in the common slot, starter decks and Elite Trainer Kits. Now that they're in every pack getting them isn't too much of a hassle. Another thing that might...
  12. Starsoulklr

    Japan's SM6+ Set, 'Dragon Storm,' Plus 'Champion Road' Mini-Set!

    You know what that Flint Item is starting to make much more sense looking at both of those cards. Liking what I'm seeing from this set so far. Hopefully all of these smaller sets hold up.
  13. Starsoulklr

    SM7a 'Fairy Rise' Announced!

    Jigglypuff with Round. I want to have more Basic Non-EXes/GXes with Round and Wigglypuff does have one version with it. My fear is just seeing them take some really powerful cards and type changing them. There's loads of GXes they could do that with
  14. Starsoulklr

    'Solgaleo-GX' and 'Lunala-GX Boxes' in March!

    In a way I'm actually happy seeing this Solgaleo being pushed back. Metal is going to get a silly amount of support in Ultra Prism anyways and this lets us get some other sets in first. October is quite a distance but at least there is a date still set.
  15. Starsoulklr

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Wow you're right! It also has the set's Type :Null too. The Empoloen deck even has Aqua Patch and Ultra Ball. I don't expect the premier build of a theme deck but I expect some good cards The Mono color for energy should also help them be slightly better.
  16. Starsoulklr

    SM5+ 'Ultra Force' Releasing in January!

    Yes more Ultra Beast Tribal! The more non-GX Beasts we get the closer we get to making these attacks based off of prizes easier to preform. They have a draw supporter and Beast Tutor Stadium so I hope we start seeing more of these then the altered type Pokemon. More of what bugs me is that we're...
  17. Starsoulklr

    SM5+ 'Ultra Force' Releasing in January!

    So who's looking forward to the Torterra that's weak to the other Torterra? I really hope that the majority of the set isn't just type change mirrors of Set Five. If they are I hope we start seeing alter typed Ultra Beasts. Grass Kartana, Fighting Nihilego, Grass Buzzwole, Fighting Phemosa, Ect.
  18. Starsoulklr

    SM5+ 'Ultra Force' Releasing in January!

    You mean that there's a different type to support for Sun and Moon's fifth set and side set that ISN'T Steel? Novel! There's several ways to have cards to meet this condition for play Wake such as Professor's Letter, Pa'u Oricoiro and has people have already stated Evo Starmie. Very good card...
  19. Starsoulklr

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Prism Darkrai is an amazing Ninja Boy Target. Ninja Boy would let you reuse it's ability and gets more dark energy on the field. Darkrai Tribal for Days. The energy is an all in card when you play it it has to count or its a very easy target. It will be a sad day if Team Skull Grunts get it...
  20. Starsoulklr

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    So after many years Pokemon has added the ability to take an extra turn something they really couldn't implement before until they added in these once per game mechanics. What helps makes something this powerful more balanced is that Dialga GX is a Dragon type and cannot hit anything in Standard...