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  1. Starsoulklr

    News New Legendary Battle Decks in September!

    I doubt these purely came to be because of Pokemon Go they were most likely in the works prior to it's release. It's kinda sad that these birds are purely seen as a Team Symbol. @Special Riolu One of the packs with Moltres has a green boarder which should be either a Roaring Skies or Fates...
  2. Starsoulklr

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    Ok I actually like this card. Many Dugtrios/ Fighting Pokemon have Earthquake as an attack that deals damage to their own bench usually for ONE energy. While the attack isn't anything amazing for these decks it's very nice to have a base for the Pokemon that will not take damage from their one...
  3. Starsoulklr

    Blog A Formidable Friendship — A Look at How Giratina-EX and Garbodor May Seize the Format

    I have a lack of Standard Decks right now. I have the materials for this fiendish deck style. I'm starting to be swayed by the Void. The thought of Giratina/Garbador/Kelfki. This: It's a Terrifying Inspiration. I don't even like Garbotoxin and yet it still is slinking back into my mind now.
  4. Starsoulklr

    P!P/Rules Should Garbodor be Banned?

    @Serperior I pray so: once there is a tool removal card reveled all of this talk about Garbotoxin being overpowered will be over. Once there is an answer to tools it will be a brighter future. Hopefully at least Sun and Moon because Evolutions looks to be bleak for tool answers. Part of my...
  5. Starsoulklr

    P!P/Rules Should Garbodor be Banned?

    Honestly all I want is an Item that discards a single Tool Card. Doesn't need to discard more then one and Attack Based Item Lock in standard right now is limited to a Hoothoot that deals no damage. This whole issue stems from them not printing an anti-tool card alongside Garbotoxin like they...
  6. Starsoulklr

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    You know what by how the game works I think you can play the base set Weedle in standard after this set comes out. It has the exact same stats.
  7. Starsoulklr

    Five New EX Boxes in the Fall!

    @RealSlim You do realize I'm talking about X Ball Mewtwo right back when it was the destroyer of worlds? THIS tin line?: At the time this came out it was easily one of the most valuable products, All the EXs were very playable from them. That Mewtwo at it's release in Next Destiny destroyed...
  8. Starsoulklr

    Five New EX Boxes in the Fall!

    The thing about Pokemon as a TCG as that's not the primary game/product their selling. They can have as much success with selling product based on popularity/collectors first rather then solely the TCG. We get really lucky at times when a Tin Line has all of them as REALLY good cards such as the...
  9. Starsoulklr

    Snorlax GX, Sun and Moon's First Promo!

    So does Team Flare Grunt, Crushing Hammer, going on and on... Most Decks will not run Three-Four Enhanced Hammers that's begging for it to be a dead card against non-special energy decks. If your worried about that Start with Regirock OMEGA slap all the energy on it then Ninja Boy to Snorlax...
  10. Starsoulklr

    Snorlax GX, Sun and Moon's First Promo!

    It has access to Max Elixir so it's easy to get the first attack turn one in theory with A DCE Plus one successful Elixir. Shhhh we can't let Toriyama see Pokemon Z... Oh wait a minute... Wait a Minute...
  11. Starsoulklr

    Alola Rattata and Munchlax with Snorlium-Z Included in Nintendo Direct News!

    Most likely it will be like the Speed Boost Torchic for X&Y and the Shiny Beldum for ORAS where the were able to be downloaded within the first few months of the game's release. I really hope in multiple Pokemon formats the Pulverizing Pancake sends a shockwave hitting all other Pokemon on the...
  12. Starsoulklr

    Snorlax GX, Sun and Moon's First Promo!

    I don't think this GX represents the ramp too much. It's actually good to have a FIVE Energy attack have some real meat to it's damage on top of that for the second attack you HAVE to be asleep for it to deal damage. You have to either fail both your asleep checks or have a combo set up with as...
  13. Starsoulklr

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    C'mon at least let it poke for ten. Is that too much to ask? It's not even psedeo-permanent Weakness change. Nostalga is a cruel wench it seems. I'm really starting to dislike this set. Why do they keep making these Pokemon worse?
  14. Starsoulklr

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    @Otaku The only way to play Barrier Mewtwo is one Mewtwo and fifty-nine Psychic .Only then is it a true terror. Not really I play it for some laughs. When you have enough basic energy you have to have the ONE deck that's just dumb.
  15. Starsoulklr

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    What I'm really not liking is that they're making the cards WORSE then their initial versions. I understand the Barrier Nerf on Mewtwo even with Ranger out as for the massive amounts of energy I have I like to test people if they can figure out what to do with Barrier Spam. They've alter many...
  16. Starsoulklr

    What happened to the Mega Beedrill collection ?

    I wonder why they pushed back the release date? Perhaps so that both the Arena decks and the Mega Collection were not out on the same month? What other TCG comes out September I don't recall anything else besides the Victini Collection.
  17. Starsoulklr

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    Well it would help a Standard Maxie or Archie Deck. There are several both player shuffles Supporters right now with N, Judge and even Ace Trainer so I wouldn't rely on it too much. It's not a BAD card by any means I'm just not sure where it would fit right away. The main thing I can think of...
  18. Starsoulklr

    News 20th Anniversary Set in September + Surfing Pikachu and M Slowbro-EX!

    More on the lines of 'Most people who were into Pokemon when it was a fad left after Gen One'. Most of use that have been buying Pokemon product will still keep doing so during the 20th anniversary but to get more people it they've gone with the original games by releasing them again for the...
  19. Starsoulklr

    Five New EX Boxes in the Fall!

    I would be surprised if they printed a card in a product besides the Battle Arena Decks that's not standard legal. They'll most likely be either new cards or alternate art promos. These also might be EXs in the next set for Evolutions.
  20. Starsoulklr

    Five New EX Boxes in the Fall!

    We got SIX different Mewtwo EX in one set. That's also not their Megas. If we count the Link there's Eleven different Mewtwo cards in a single set. Pokemon will always print the Popular Pokemon to sell to the casual TCG crowd bu hardcore for those Pokemon. At this point though I've been picky...