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    Japan's SM6+ Set, 'Dragon Storm,' Plus 'Champion Road' Mini-Set!

    What are her hips? She's wearing different colored shorts from her top, it's pretty obvious where her hips are.
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    Japan's SM6+ Set, 'Dragon Storm,' Plus 'Champion Road' Mini-Set!

    There's the best girl in format. Catch me running her in w-kyurem gx/altaria
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    Japan's SM6+ Set, 'Dragon Storm,' Plus 'Champion Road' Mini-Set!

    I misread blaine, didn't realize it has to be the only card in your hand. Blaine is trash. Lysandre Labs isn't really better, though. Just use field blower. Most of the recently revealed cards are just bad.
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    Japan's SM6+ Set, 'Dragon Storm,' Plus 'Champion Road' Mini-Set!

    None of those cards are as good as Blaine.
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    'Forbidden Light,' Japan's SM6 Set!

    The concept of the card is really cool. Counter energy picks up a lot of slack. The main issue is that 160 is a pretty useless number nowadays. Either you hit 120 and 2-shot everything in the format or you hit 210 and try to one-shot things. 160/190 is at a weird middle ground where you're...
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    'Forbidden Light,' Japan's SM6 Set!

    Generations meowstic is pretty good, just overshadowed by spiritomb and lele.
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    Standard Solgaleo GX/Lurantis-GX Deck Help

    Solgaleo accelerates almost all of the energy you need. You attach 1 to solgaleo, you get 5 off of his gx attack, then you have 3 turns to attach 3 more energy before your 3rd sunsteel strike, assuming you have more than 1 galeo. That's assuming you're not using GRI Solgaleo to attack at all...
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    Errata for Cyrus Prism Star Officially Announced!

    It's only a waste of money if it doesn't make people want to buy boxes. People didn't really care about the misprint. If anything, it increased sales on account of people assuming that this version of cyrus would be amazing and going out to try and get it.
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    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    The cyrus mistranslation has been thoroughly discussed. The current english print is not a correct translation of the japanese text, so they will likely issue an errata soon.
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    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Volc's already bad garde matchup gets way worse if cyrus sticks.
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    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Because they're basic pokemon? Ultra Necrozma is the only one that should arguably be an evolution.
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    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Cyrus: Forces your opponent's bench down to 2. Parallel: Forces your opponent's bench down to 3. Just use Cyrus first and you accomplish almost exactly the same thing.
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    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Yeah, if they announce an errata to Cyrus, then the combo is trash. The combo is insane with the mistranslation.
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    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Garde is already a really strong deck. Unless you're just assuming that magnezone/necrozma will force garde out of the meta entirely (Hint: It won't), then the universe where this mistranslation sticks around is the universe where cyrus/plea ends a lot of games.
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    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Japanese isn't an alien language, it's pretty easy to confirm whether it's mistranslated.
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    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Cyrus+Plea is gonna destroy things. Garde is back.
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    Alternate Type Toxicroak from SM5+!

    TPCI prints a pokemon and gives them a weakness because basically every pokemon needs a weakness printed on it. They then print a pokemon of that type because they print pokemon of every type. "DAE think this because good card xD"
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    Alternate Type Toxicroak from SM5+!

    Just run both toxicroaks. When one gets knocked out, the other can hit 120 for a dce. Not a great deck, but hey.
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    SM5+ 'Ultra Force' Releasing in January!

    Strong energy + Cynthia + CB is 250, so you OHKO literally everything. I could imagine continuing to run 1-2 copies of dragonchomp because of Leafeon showing up in the meta, but I can't imagine bothering with BKPChomp any more. But yeah, this is a nice boost. Garde was falling off anyways, but...
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    Azelf from SM5+!

    Most power lifters and similar strength-focused athletes look like him. If you focus on strength training, then you'll end up with a really bulky midsection rather than the more common toned stomach that a lot of popular athletes have.