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  1. X

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    what are you talking about? That's the top of her ribcage poking out above her knee.
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    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    How often are you just going to have an energy lying around in your hand in addition to ribombee managing to grab 2 out of your deck? Starmie/ADug ft. Coronet is all you need.
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    Beast Ball and Phione Promos in December!

    Plasma ball is proof that a ball card doesn't necessarily have to follow the same gimmick as the cards themselves. Also, there is no UB support other than beast ball. Beast ball is not consistent with other ub support because there is literally nothing in terms of UB support. And even beyond...
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    Beast Ball and Phione Promos in December!

    Plasma pokemon focus on plasma energy, that doesn't mean plasma ball has to require you to discard a plasma energy. Beast ball is just great ball, except you have to pick from the same 6 cards every time.
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    'Solgaleo-GX' and 'Lunala-GX Boxes' in March!

    Magnezone+Dusk mane will be legal at that point in time.
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    Standard Gyarados-GX Splashing To The Surface

    Palkia can't use counter energy. I feel like replacing the counter energy with water energy, then cutting down lusamine to 2-3 and trying to fit in elixirs would be better than having a 2 of just to combo with keldeo.
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    Beast Ball and Phione Promos in December!

    That's like saying that playing sycamore makes shaymin EX useless. If you take any card with a similar effect as a supporter, but then make it NOT a supporter, the supporter becomes more useless, not the other card.
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    Beast Ball and Phione Promos in December!

    The chance of prizing 4 UBs in a buzzwole deck is .003% The chance of beast ball even having the potential to grab ANYTHING in a buzzwole deck is 35%. Even then, having an item card that can search buzzwole is not even close to being overpowered. Unless they release an Ultra Energy card that...
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    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    If these 2 are UB'S, and we're getting 5 UB's in the set, then that likely means either poipole or nagasaki isn't a UB.
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    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    If luxray's attack cost was one lower or didn't discard everything when you used it and instead didn't snipe, then this luxray would have potential. But as is, it's 180 hp on a non-gx, which means it's hard to kill, but you only need to 2hko since it can't actually attack every turn.
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    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    What are the odds that you'll have 6 metal energies in your discard pile at really any point in the game? Newgaleo encourages using DCE's on himself, and if you're grabbing 3/4 energy with prism burst you're kind of wasting your time, since you could have been threatening two-shots with...
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    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Name a metal deck that actually needs late game energy recovery. Metagross and Solgaleo are the only metal decks around, and solgaleo is going to be getting the amazing Solgaleo GX in this same set, so it won't need this.
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    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    This means that it's likely for Dawn Wings and Dusk Mane to be ultra prism basic pokemon. Which makes sense, though I am kind of disappointed they didn't go for a BREAK-type evolution for Solgaleo and Lunala. 6 means we get lunala, solgaleo, dusk mane, dawn wings, and ultra necrozma and still...
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    Discussion What Makes A Card Ban-Worthy?

    Do you mean "What guidelines does it seem TPCI uses" or "What guidelines do you THINK TPCI should use"? Either way, I take issue with point 1. There are no cards in the game that have literally no drawback, except maybe alolan vulpix, but even that has the drawback of "You're not putting a...
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    Standard Feedback on my Regi Deck

    Regice and Regirock are pretty awful attackers, regirock especially. Running energy just for them is kinda silly, especially if you won't make room for letters to actually get that energy in play quickly. If you're not using Regigigas, then running rock and ice at all is kind of a waste, and...
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    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

    Just because the two cards are similar does not make them the same. Fairy tapu lele is not psychic tapu lele. Therefore, if they rotated out GRI and not Fairy lele's set, then you would be able to use fairy lele in standard but not psychic lele.
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    News Japan's SM4+ Set: 'GX Battle Boost!'

    Being forced to run a separate tool card for each individual matchup in the meta is pretty heavy on deckspace.
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    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Puzzle of time doesn't help since you're going to be milling all 3 cards anyways.
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    Standard Shining Genesect/Venusaur

    Lurantis GX and Rayquaza GRI are better than Registeel. Lurantis with a bunch of grass energy means your elixirs will actually hit. 7 basic energy isn't great for elixir.
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    Discussion Best Partner/Way to Run Zoroark GX?

    Spread damage. Obviously without lele promo, there are some issues, but you can use Zoroark with Crozma/meowstic to handle decks focused on basic GX/EX's and Espeon/Koko/crozma/meowstic to handle evolution pokemon. Probably with Elixirs for energy acceleration to get crozma ready faster.