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  1. X

    News Kartana GX and Regice from SM4 Revealed!

    That was my first thought when they started revealing these dudes. They can't make all the UB's the same type, so may as well go wide and cover as many types as possible. Although, making celesteela colorless means they would likely have to tone down its power level, since it would be so easy...
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    News Kartana GX and Regice from SM4 Revealed!

    Well looks like our regis are coming together. You need 2 steel energy on registeel to use its second attack, but you only need 1 water energy on regice here, so that seems like a manageable split of water/steel energy. Now it just comes down to regirock's attack type. I can't see the regi...
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    News Ravaged Plains from SM4 Revealed!

    If you're only running 1 copy of a card, there's a 90% chance it won't end up in your prizes, and gladion is not helping you toolbox. If you're running 4 copies of a card, there's a 95% chance that you'll have 3 or 4 copies still in your deck, and gladion is not helping you toolbox. The only...
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    News Ravaged Plains from SM4 Revealed!

    What? Gladion lets you look at all your face down prize cards. So you know which is which. Then you pick one of them. It's the same as if gladion said "Flip all your prize cards face up. Switch one with this card, then put them all face down"
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    News Ravaged Plains from SM4 Revealed!

    How would that make it better? It wouldn't be mutually exclusive with town map, but most decks that use town map would rather just use gladion, which isn't many of them.
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    News Ravaged Plains from SM4 Revealed!

    Chance of prizing gallade: 10%. Concentration of dark decks in the meta: approximately the same thing. Combined, that's 1% of your games will be games against dark where gallade is prized. I'm not saying that it is always useless, but it's only useful in situations that are rare enough that...
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    News Ravaged Plains from SM4 Revealed!

    How about the fact that it does nothing in most games? Outside of greninja desparately wanting all of their frogadiers or passimian needing their rugby monkeys, most decks are built in a way that prizing one copy of a card is no big deal, and the chance of prizing more than one copy of a card...
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    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Oblivion wing yveltal is literally just Volcanion but worse. Do they even attempt to make dark types good, or are they doing this on purpose?
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    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Metang already serves as the non-GX attacker to bypass baby ninetales, and you don't have to run extra cards to have access to him.
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    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    Why call it a weakened volc when you could just call it "metal yveltal"
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    News America's November Set: 'Crimson Invasion,' Two Ultra Beast Premium Collections!

    Theorymoning. Beast ball is the only item, stadium, or character in the games that directly references the ultra beasts, so I can't imagine them NOT making it if they end up creating ultra beast support.
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    News America's November Set: 'Crimson Invasion,' Two Ultra Beast Premium Collections!

    I doubt they would put the tag on the cards with no intention of using it, and beast ball isn't enough considering that nest ball exists and is almost as good. INB4 they get a special energy that provides 1 energy of every type for every prize card you have remaining.
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    News America's November Set: 'Crimson Invasion,' Two Ultra Beast Premium Collections!

    Some pokemon with the exact same attack was the BDIF a while ago, therefore this card is insanely good! Umbreon GX is amazing! I do think people are crazy to think nihilego is better than buzzwole, but I'm not expecting an amazing deck out of him without some crazy UB support.
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    News America's November Set: 'Crimson Invasion,' Two Ultra Beast Premium Collections!

    What forum are you reading that makes you think nobody has mentioned it? Tons of people mentioned it. Nihilego's gx attack puts you 2 prizes ahead in the prize exchange, except unlike the GX attacks that do the same thing by knocking out a GX pokemon, it doesn't actually reduce your opponent's...
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    News America's November Set: 'Crimson Invasion,' Two Ultra Beast Premium Collections!

    3 energy attack that hits for 160 with a can't attack drawback, just like Lapras GX and Volcanion EX, both of which are really strong pokemon in the meta. "While the cards look like garbage" what? Obviously, fighting is a worse type than water or fire for that kind of attack, being worse than...
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    News America's November Set: 'Crimson Invasion,' Two Ultra Beast Premium Collections!

    Buzzwole needs 3 fighting energy to one-shot it, and it can't one-shot zwole in return, so you could just let guzzlord feed on pack filler and swoop in with the ohko after you get setup.
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    News America's November Set: 'Crimson Invasion,' Two Ultra Beast Premium Collections!

    On basic pokemon? Wailord EX already sees a bit of play as a 250 hp basic just by virtue of how good that statline is. It would be super disappointing if they made guzzlord have that much hp, because they couldn't give it good attacks while also having that much HP, and anybody wanting to...
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    News America's November Set: 'Crimson Invasion,' Two Ultra Beast Premium Collections!

    Hypnotoxic laser didn't take up a bench space and had a 25% chance of making your opponent skip their next attack and could be paired with another card that didn't take up bench space to enhance its damage. In expanded, you'll just stick with hypnotoxic laser, and in standard, most decks don't...
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    News America's November Set: 'Crimson Invasion,' Two Ultra Beast Premium Collections!

    That's not the point. The point is, sylveon can prevent itself from getting destroyed by having their one pokemon killed. Guzzlord can't. Your proposed guzzlord deck doesn't run guzma or lysandre, so your opponent can just force you to feed on their kokos and other non-gxs, meaning they have 3...