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  1. Hemos

    ‘Evolving Skies’ English Set List: Over 90 Cards Cut!

    Aw man, the Espeon VMAX alt art was the one I was really gunning for as well >_<. Oh well, at least the alt art Noivern V's still there.
  2. Hemos

    ALL “Sky Stream” and “Towering Perfection” Secret Rares!

    Holy Arceus, that Noivern V alt art is so damn beautiful <3
  3. Hemos

    'Celebrations' is our 25th Anniversary Set, Includes Reprint of Base Set Charizard!

    This is making me SO DAMN GLAD that I'm friends with the guy who runs the local hobby shop near where I live, as it'll make getting all this stuff so easy. On the other hand, OW MY WALLET - why's it all coming out in October? I know they wanna get it out in time for Christmas, but you'd think...
  4. Hemos

    'Evolving Skies,' August's English TCG Set!

    Would have probably put Espeon and Umbreon together on their respective ETB box. Or any with Espeon that wasn't the water option X3 still, looking forward to this set, really want that alt-art Espeon VMAX so I'll probably be going all out on it!
  5. Hemos

    Exclusive, Larger 'Chilling Reign' Elite Trainer Boxes Releasing at Pokemon Center!

    And here I am still wishing that they'd start shipping to the UK and Europe at some point - I'd buy this up over the standard ETB if I could.
  6. Hemos

    'Marnie Premium Tournament Collection Box,' New Trainer's Toolkit, V Box in August!

    Thankfuly I'm friends with the guy who runs the local card shop here, so I don't think I have to worry about not getting one!
  7. Hemos

    Japan's April Pokemon TCG Supplies Revealed!

    I REALLY want those Pikachu and Lugia sleeves <3
  8. Hemos

    First Teaser Info for S6 'Silver Lance' and 'Jet-Black Spirit!'

    Ya know, I asked that to a friend just now when I showed them the picture, their response was "because I spilled Coke down the stairs" XD Joking aside, that Gengar card's not too bad.
  9. Hemos

    Pokemon Center's 25th Anniversary TCG Products Released!

    Had forgotten they shipped there too. Still, would be nice if they did extend their shipping further.. Closest the UK got was having that pop-up shop open (which annoyingly enough I never got the chance to visit whilst it was open XP), hopefully next year if Worlds isn't cancelled again I'll...
  10. Hemos

    Pokemon Center's 25th Anniversary TCG Products Released!

    Damn, if it wasn't for the fact that they don't ship outside of the states, I'd be all over that deckbox and sleeves. Pokémon Center REALLY needs to get into the global game some time, I've seen a few things there I'd like to snag but I can't unless I want to rely on setups that ship to a...
  11. Hemos

    Jumbo Cards of All Starter Pokemon for Pokemon's 25th Anniversary!

    I am SUPER hyped about the anniversary set! Just really, REALLY hoping that I'm going to be able to get hold of any of them considering we're still in lockdown again in the UK (Meant to be reviewed again in early February, but at worst could go into late March) - hell, it's in part due to this...
  12. Hemos

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    Maybe XD Honestly, I nearly screamed both times - shiny was from the first pack of the lot, and VMAX was a few packs down. Makes me wish I had thought about recording this stuff for YouTube, a god box opening would have been perfect
  13. Hemos

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    Managed to FINALLY get my hands on a Champion's Path ETB today - where I am currently there's a nice little shop that does TCG and tabletop stuff, and the guy kept one of the ones they got in today for me (Which was good as he only got in 5 boxes which went as quick as they came) As for my...
  14. Hemos

    'Shiny Star V' Announced for November, Plus Blastoise and Venusaur VMAX!

    This card's not too bad if you use it correctly - force a swap on your opponent if they've got a damaged Pokémon and it's essentially a Super Potion near enough without the energy discard.
  15. Hemos

    'Shiny Star V' Announced for November, Plus Blastoise and Venusaur VMAX!

    Ditto V and VMAX look like they're gonna be the stars of the set with their respective ability and attack. Will have to track them down when they're localized. Loving the Amazing Reshiram and Yveltal, especially the latter - that attack is broken as all hell, so it makes sense the energy cost...
  16. Hemos

    Marnie Sleeves for 'Vivid Voltage' Purchases in Select Countries!

    Interesting promotion, I like it :) Also more interesting how they didn't adjust the text on the sleeves to fully localize it.
  17. Hemos

    'Ultra Premium Box,' 'Elite Trainer Box Plus,' and More 'Champion's Path' Products in November!

    To say that I have a powerful need for this is a damn understatement right now. I'll have to try to order one once I'm done trying to manage stuff for Christmas (Also not helping is I've got a prepurchase put through for that Mario Game & Watch XP)
  18. Hemos

    Leftover 'Sun & Moon' Full Arts Releasing in English!

    Whilst I love the Decidueye and Lucario promos... I think I'll end up getting them off of eBay ^^; given how old all the packs are, I don't think it's really worth it myself (And whilst I see the $20 Black Friday deal listed, you know for sure that us folks in the UK aren't gonna be lucky enough...
  19. Hemos

    'Shiny Star V' Announced for November, Plus Blastoise and Venusaur VMAX!

    I pulled the rainbow Charizard VMAX the other day - it's like they're daring me with trying to get another one XD 'Zard aside, I'd go for the Shiny Decidueye as well, need more ghost archer birb :)
  20. Hemos

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    ok, so over here it's been a bit hard to find any Champion's Path stuff (doesn't help that my local GAME sold out of the ETBs within 15 minutes of opening this past Friday), but earlier today from said store, I was able to pick up a Stow-On-Side box as it was the only CP product they had in (and...