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  1. Hemos

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    Brought a Tsareena-GX box from my local Waterstones earlier (Getting one just in case I want to take the Decidueye deck a different route depending if I can't salvage the original speed setup as Forest is on the chopping block), didn't do too bad. Espeon-GX from the Sun and Moon booster, and...
  2. Hemos

    News September's SM4 Set: 'The Awoken Hero' and 'The Transdimensional Beast'

    That Dash Pouch is actually quite handy! It's a good way of salvaging Double Colorless Energy or Double Dragon Energy cards, or energy cards in general if you're running short of them in your deck. Well that or you're running a deck that keeps the energy cards to a minimal.
  3. Hemos

    News Japan's SM3+ Set: 'Shining Legends!'

    XD Well it wasn't intentional, but it just throws me at how the head shape varies between artists/styles.
  4. Hemos

    News Japan's SM3+ Set: 'Shining Legends!'

    Well, I'm pretty much sold on the Pikachu box cause that badge is just adorable :) (Though I do gotta ask why does the shape of Pikachu's head seem to vary by artist. If it gets much rounder, he'll end up looking like Stewie from Family Guy XD)
  5. Hemos

    News Exclusive Holo Promos in 'Cinnamon Toast Crunch' Cereal

    The UK's pretty lousy for some of the TCG stuff, we don't get any of these mystery packs or reprint things that Walmart or Target sell. Then again with the former, that's probably for the best, I've seen some of the unboxing videos for those. There's always eBay for these cards. I know they...
  6. Hemos

    News Exclusive Holo Promos in 'Cinnamon Toast Crunch' Cereal

    Indeed, America always gets the best stuff. Well, after Japan. And man, now you've got me reminicing about the Kelloggs Pokémon cereal. That's one they actually released on our side around 2000/2001. Was perfect for mornings watching Pokémon on Sky One (Yes, I'm old, deal with it XD)
  7. Hemos

    News 'Alolan Raichu Figure Collection / Box' in June!

    Kinda pointless, isn't it? ^^; I mean having one less pack than the US release is kinda on the cheap move side, and most people will probably already have the normal Alolan Raichu from the Trainer Kit. Now if there was a GX card included, that would have been more of an incentive to buy. Eh...
  8. Hemos

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    Been a little, but I got a couple of new things in as of recent. First off got a Guardians Rising blister on a whim (mainly for the Luranits promo) and pulled a Vikavolt-GX Full Art. Did a couple of trades (Got a Team Skull Grunt FA for Groudon EX FA/Primal Groudon EX FA and a Espeon-GX FA for a...
  9. Hemos

    News Palossand-GX, Latias, Hydreigon, Regigigas, Hiker Promos!

    Man, that Palossand's GX attack is broken as all getout. If you're cruel enough, you can just choose to discard every Pokémon you find and cripple your opponent's deck. Also, the Hiker artwork - I know that's based on the Trial photobomb, but it's like they've embraced the meme that it became XD
  10. Hemos

    News Lysandre's Trump Card Has Been Banned

    I might has got the terminology wrong. I meant that the deck itself would be, in my eyes, a deck that I had modeled after one I had actually built in the physical TCG. Heck, I still have all my Team Plasma decks constructed on the TCGO. I had totally forgotten that the TCGO had a Legacy format ^^;
  11. Hemos

    News Lysandre's Trump Card Has Been Banned

    Hrm... well I was going to have to reformat the Decidueye GX deck after rotation to take out Forest and a few other cards that'll no longer be usable. Hearing that it's been banned from Expanded is a little bit of a blow, as it means I'll have to dismantle the legacy deck on the TCGO. Then...
  12. Hemos

    News 2018 Rotation Announced!

    Called it! My Zoroark BREAK deck survives another year. Meaning Zoroark GX is kinda useless for now. And now i gotta rebuild my Decidueye GX deck, RIP Forest.
  13. Hemos

    Discussion 2018 Rotation and Important Trainers

    If I had to guess, and going from what other people are saying, it'd be safe to assume BREAKthrough onwards. Mainly because as of Worlds, there will only be three Sun&Moon sets out, and three sets really isn't enough for a proper rotation. There might not even be a rotation this year, but that...
  14. Hemos

    News August's English TCG Set: 'Burning Shadows'

    Infinite Force, whilst a good attack, will only manage to work against certain deck types if the person playing the Gardevoir-GX gets all their energy into play before their opponent can set up properly. Doubly so if the Pokémon the opposing player uses have pretty light energy requirements. The...
  15. Hemos

    News New 'Espeon-GX / Umbreon-GX Premium Collections' in July!

    Well it goes without saying that I'll be getting the Espeon GX box first, cause I do love my psychic kitty :) I do like the concept as well - both Eeveelutions in one box, yet the alternate art treatment is focused on the featured Pokémon. Even if it IS a little bit on the crafty side. Then...
  16. Hemos

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    I had noted beforehand that the cards were in bad shape, thankfully, so I knew I wasn't going to offer something ultra rare for it. I let them have the Mewtwo as it was a double and i got a bunch of random extra cards, including a reverse holo N.
  17. Hemos

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    Did a couple of trades at my club earlier, though it does remind me about why I'm weary about trading with kids sometimes. I managed to get a handful of cards (mostly some supporters), as well as a Tapu Koko GX and a secret Psychic Energy, the only problem is that both of those cards weren't...
  18. Hemos

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    Man, that's made me feel old - Lucario LV X was one of the first decks I ran when I got back into Pokémon from Yu-Gi-Oh!
  19. Hemos

    News New Pokémon Center Deck Boxes, Playmats, and Sleeves!

    Arg, I get so freaking jealous at you guys stateside :( I'd LOVE to get that Charizard binder and card sleeves, and possibly the Ditto playmat.
  20. Hemos

    News Japan's SM3 Sets for the 20th Movie Feature Ho-Oh and Necrozma!

    Another combo for it - drop 2 Grass energy, then send out Lurantis-GX and use Flower Supply for a quick Solar Blade setup