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  1. joffreyspikes

    Standard Golisopod GX/Garbodor

    I agree. Jolteon is much better than Tapu Fini and if you really want a disruptive GX attack use Xurkitree.
  2. joffreyspikes

    Expanded Zorbees! (Vespiquen/Zoroarks)

    I can’t say I agree with this list too much. Gekki’s is much better for me. Vespiquen is not a sidenote: she is our queen and as a result we need to play a 4-4 line of her.You need to play at least 1 Zoroark BKT, and yes, people on TCGO are silly, and they do fall for the Sky Field trick. I run...
  3. joffreyspikes

    Standard Buzzwole/Garb/Hammers

    Fascinating deck: I have been waiting for it ever since you said you had won with this on your status. I find it weird how you play so many basic Fighting though. You definitely need 4 Strong and 4 Rainbow, and maybe 3 Fighting too. I would go up to 3 Acerola and 2 Garbotoxin Garbodors, and...
  4. joffreyspikes

    Standard Metal Silvally

    Thanks very much for the advce both of you, I will be making these alterations with the exception of the Scizor-EX. I like him a lot here because two Energy (which is only one attachment and a Turbo Drive/Arm) and Choice Band will 1HKO a Gardevoir-GX whereas it takes 3 Energy + Band and Registeel.
  5. joffreyspikes

    I have, its all Hershey’s and its too sweet for me. To each their own lol

    I have, its all Hershey’s and its too sweet for me. To each their own lol
  6. joffreyspikes

    No you’re not, better safe than sorry lol

    No you’re not, better safe than sorry lol
  7. joffreyspikes

    Yes we do, and its better than yours xD

    Yes we do, and its better than yours xD
  8. joffreyspikes

    Standard Metal Silvally

    Rebel is great and I will always use it but Kartana is primarily for the ability and the attack is decent. I will drop 1 though. I cannot possibly add 2 Lele as I already play 3 xD.
  9. joffreyspikes

    Help How Many Leles is Too Many?

    Garbodor lists are the only ones where 4 Leles really help.
  10. joffreyspikes

    Eating chocolate for the first time in a while has made me realise how much I love England xD

    Eating chocolate for the first time in a while has made me realise how much I love England xD
  11. joffreyspikes

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Everything gets destroyed by Trashalanche, this card has 90 HP. It doesnt matter
  12. joffreyspikes

    Pokemon What is your Favorite Ultra Beast?

    I have always loved Xurkitree, but with the release of USUM I would have to say UB Burst/Blacephalon
  13. joffreyspikes

    Pokemon Ash X Greninja Shipping

    Bit dodgy I think.
  14. joffreyspikes

    Standard Golisopod GX / Garbodor V1.0

    -1 Energy Loto -1 Choice Band -1 Grass +1 Guzma +1 Garbodor BKP +1 Float Stone These are just small tinkerings that may help the deck. Good luck!
  15. joffreyspikes

    Standard Garbodor/Drampa/Espeon

    Keep the Hammer: I think your bench space is precious. The list looks pretty sweet, not sure I agree with Counter Catcher though as it usually goes up in prizes pretty quickly. Its nice to try new cards but Counter Catcher only really works in set up decks like Metagross, Gardevoir, Decidueye etc.
  16. joffreyspikes

    News Japan's December Sets: 'Ultra Sun' and 'Ultra Moon!'

    Volkner is a debuffed Steven, and that Luxray is probably too expensive but a great ability and attack. At least it can use Counter Energy!
  17. joffreyspikes

    Expanded Seismitoad/Poison

    -3 Choice Band +3 Poison Barb
  18. joffreyspikes

    Expanded Seismitoad/Poison

    Not sure if either of the cards you talked about still see too much play, and I do play Puzzle of Time is DCE recovery is so desperate, but I will definitely replace Bands with Barbs!
  19. joffreyspikes

    Standard Metal Silvally

    ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ****** ##Pokémon - 16 * 3 Type: Null CIN 89 * 3 Silvally-GX CIN 108 * 1 Cobalion STS 74 * 2 Kartana-GX CIN 106 * 1 Magearna-EX STS 110 * 2 Registeel CIN 68 * 1 Scizor-EX BKP 119 * 3 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 137 ##Trainer Cards - 33 * 3 Professor Sycamore...