Search results

  1. SuperMatt142

    Misprint Pokémon 1st Movie Promo

    Ok, so I've had this in my collection since I got it in the theater (don't worry it's always been in a top loader) and I'm just curious if anyone else has seen one of these. I've been trying to find out it's worth by searching Ebay, but I can't find another one. As you can see, the...
  2. SuperMatt142

    Wi-Fi Trades SuperMatt142's Trades

    Not really, depends on what you want.
  3. SuperMatt142

    DPPt/HGSS I have 2 Timid MYSTRY Mew

    I'm looking for any 10th Aniv Pokemon. Anything but Celebi and Tyranitar as I have these already. The Mew are UT and I would prefer the 10th Aniv Pokemon to be the same way. The first two good offers will be accepted. I also have a couple more mews, there are: Mild, Naive, Lonely, Rash, Calm...
  4. SuperMatt142

    DPPt/HGSS My trade list!

    I have a UT Timid Bonus Disc Jirachi. Shiny Aron seems cool.
  5. SuperMatt142

    DPPt/HGSS Looking For An 11th Movie Regigigas

    10 Aniv pokemon.
  6. SuperMatt142

    DPPt/HGSS 10 Aniv Pokemon

    I'm looking for *any* 10th Aniv Pokemon. To trade for them I have several MYSTRY MEW and WISHMAKR Jirachi TRU Regigigas as well as some extra PBR pokemon (Pikachu, Electavire, and Magmortar) that I would throw in with them if you want them. I have shinies too. Just check My Trade Thread link...
  7. SuperMatt142

    (2) Official Arceus Images, Shaymin U.S. Airing / Review [2/13]

    My fiance (Tor-Chic) and I really enjoyed the movie. She thought that Shaymin's voice was really cute when it was in Land Forme (which my friends and I call Football forme.. we yelled touchdown when Dawn caught Shaymin as it fell off the glacier) and more boyish when it was sky forme. I think...
  8. SuperMatt142

    Wi-Fi Trades SuperMatt142's Trades

    No problem :D
  9. SuperMatt142

    DPPt/HGSS starter pokemon

    I can breed up a couple starters for you if you want. What do you have to offer?
  10. SuperMatt142

    Wi-Fi Trades SuperMatt142's Trades

    Deal...except I already offered the male one to someone. I could throw in something else if you don't want the female gligar?
  11. SuperMatt142

    Wi-Fi Trades SuperMatt142's Trades

    Yea, your offer is reasonable. I'd totally trade for that. How many Jirachi do you want?
  12. SuperMatt142

    DPPt/HGSS Charizard88
  13. SuperMatt142

    Wi-Fi Trades SuperMatt142's Trades

    I'm new. What does that mean?
  14. SuperMatt142

    Wi-Fi Trades SuperMatt142's Trades

    Sorry, I just checked the board. I was eating a quick dinner.
  15. SuperMatt142

    Wi-Fi Trades SuperMatt142's Trades

    Alright, let me grab it off ranch.
  16. SuperMatt142

    Wi-Fi Trades SuperMatt142's Trades

    Let me know when you want to trade. As for the Absol, I cloned the Linoone on Emerald so I have plenty. I got it way back before I knew the worth otherwise I wouldn't have evolved it. If you want to trade the Absol that's cool with me.
  17. SuperMatt142

    Wi-Fi Trades SuperMatt142's Trades

    That sounds good to me. I could use a Stone Edge tm. Also, is the Cranidos yours or did you recieve it in a trade? If it's yours, it'd be great if you could nickname it STEGOCEROS for me. If not that's ok too.
  18. SuperMatt142

    Wi-Fi Trades SuperMatt142's Trades

    < A quick note, I don't offer hacks so please don't offer me any. If you used the Emerald Cloning trick, that's ok. Pokemon labeled EC are Emerald Clones. UT means Untouched and T means Touched aka raised. NFT are not for trade EVER, they are just on my list for bragging rights.> WANTS...
  19. SuperMatt142

    DPPt/HGSS SuperMatt's My Player Thread-a-Roo

    Would anyone be willing to trade a Deoxys for a Deoxys? I just want some different natures.