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  1. Draaka

    Discussion Anti-Meta Speculation

    ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ****** Pokémon - 10 2 Shaymin-EX ROS 77 4 Giratina-EX AOR 57 2 Trubbish BKP 56 2 Garbodor BKP 57 Trainer Cards - 42 1 Delinquent BKP 98 1 Lysandre AOR 78 3 Parallel City BKT 145 2 N FAC 105 4 Professor Sycamore BKP 107 1 Skyla BKT 148 2 Wally ROS 94...
  2. Draaka

    2017 Format Rotation Announced!

    We do not know yet what reprints will be in steam seige or any potential bonus decks or products that might be coming out. I genuinely think we need to see reprints of type specific staples that help multiple decks, Blacksmith, Korrina & Dimension valley are all very important cards and also...
  3. Draaka

    Discussion Rainbow Road

    Jirachi won't see as much play due to the new supporter that cancels all effects on pokemon in play. It will still knock off an energy but won't be immune the turn after, leaving a prize for energy trade which isn't ideal. Any deck that runs high spec-en counts will need at least one of these to...
  4. Draaka

    Discussion Decks with Potential for After Upcoming Rotation

    It's kinda hard to answer seeing as we don't know what the rotation will be. I'm guessing XY Base, Flash Fire, Phantom Forces, Furious Fists will all rotate. There is a chance that Roaring Skies will go as well. If Roaring Skies goes Shaymin goes, and the whole metagame changes and will be...
  5. Draaka

    Fun Most Damage Possible

    I see people using muscle band for some of these, don't forget Silver Bangle is strictly better in this situation. And if a pokemons multiplier is by 20 then 1 silver bangle is better than 1 energy.
  6. Draaka

    Discussion Regirock-EX: a liability?

    This is the perfect example atm, I was watching a game of NM vs Surperior, 140 was the highest HP in the Surperior's deck, the NM Player discarded enough NMer's turn one to hit 180 (Why?) Then turn two he couldn't VS seeker for a supporter as he had used all his compressors so far on pokemon...
  7. Draaka

    Discussion Regirock-EX: a liability?

    Otaku gets it, just cause you misplay sometimes or find a lot of grass decks in your area doesn't make a card bad. I love my regirocks, but sometimes I deliberately won't play any in a game. Sometimes they are a liability like against Surperior where you don't need 10 more to get a OHKO. So...
  8. Draaka

    Discussion Yanmega XY11 - Viability and partners.

    The best thing about the whole deck is as you don't play any energy you have 8-12 slots open for cool stuff and techs more than everyone else, the FGP/Revitilizer/Compressor engine is quite compact and tried and tested. You could even play a toolboxish variant with only four rainbow energy...
  9. Draaka

    Discussion Yanmega XY11 - Viability and partners.

    I think it has the potential, I wasn't playing back when Yanmega prime was around but I do understand how powerful this could be, with FGP this deck has the speed and power it needs. I think Octillery is the correct call for draw support. 4x Judge obviously, probably run battle compressors as...
  10. Draaka

    Discussion Regirock-EX: a liability?

    Another thing I tend to do is just throw two energy on it if I get a spare turn with Carbink Break up, you put a Regirock with two strong energy on your bench and people will not be lysandring that up for you to use unless they can OHKO it. Turn your liability into a legit threat by putting two...
  11. Draaka

    Discussion Regirock-EX: a liability?

    Everything said here is also true of shaymin and hoopa EX, but people still run them, and people still play float stone/escape rope with them. Lysandre anything into a OHKO, doesn't matter about retreat cost or bulk or HP at that point. If they are looking for a quick Lysandre into prizes then...
  12. Draaka

    Discussion Regirock-EX: a liability?

    I run two regirocks, I also run a float stone and a escape rope, great to search with Korrina for. So it's not been an issue for me. Against item lock decks I wouldn't put down a Regirock unless I knew that I could attach a float stone the turn I put him down.
  13. Draaka

    Discussion Pokebeach Metagame!

    Currently built: Alakazam, Nu Fighting (zygarde/carbink) & Kingdra. My fiancée is running speed flareon atm.
  14. Draaka

    Discussion Puzzle of Time - Necessary, or Not?

    Works great if you are running Korrinas and battle compressors. So much synergistic utility.
  15. Draaka

    Discussion Anyone Else Notice How Corrupt the Metagame is Right Now?

    I would completely disagree, I ran Zygarde/Carbink today at a tournament actually, and while my list was a little rough around the edges I did well (top 4 in twelve man four round tourny), and I promise I needed two shaymins just to keep up. The only deck that might not need them is Greninja...
  16. Draaka

    Standard Mew toolbox for Nationals

    Don't try adding in even more energy, that's a recipe for your deck turning into one big clunky unusable mess. The deck has potential as it is, it just needs a Jolteon ex. It will all come down to your understanding of the format and being able to identify the opponents win conditions and...
  17. Draaka

    Standard Mew toolbox for Nationals

    Invest in a single jolteon EX. If you are serious about trying to do well at nats it's a small investment that could pay off in big wins. It sucks spending £20-30 on a single card but if you are already travelling to nats, paying for hotels, food etc for the weekend, time off work/school...
  18. Draaka

    Discussion Meta Decks That Can Beat Jolteon-EX/Glaceon-EX Lock

    Any deck that runs two lysandre and four vs seeker can outplay a J/G lock. If they just keep a single pokemon out then you will need target whistles as well. Another option is just find some way to stall them and deck them out.
  19. Draaka

    Standard M Alakazam

    ****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ****** Pokémon - 14 3 Shaymin-EX ROS 77 2 Absol ROS 40 2 Alakazam-EX FAC 125 2 Alakazam-EX FAC 117 3 M Alakazam-EX FAC 26 2 Hoopa-EX PR-XY XY71 Trainer Cards - 38 4 Trainers' Mail ROS 92 1 Dimension Valley PHF 93 1 Lysandre AOR 78 4 Super Scoop Up...
  20. Draaka

    Standard M Alakazam

    I just realised this isn't my most up to date list, I also run mega turbos now. try -1 absol -1 devolution spray -1 spirit link +3 mega turbos The idea is to run it like a super turbo vespiquen/nightmarch strategy, balls to the wall, give turn one everything you can, set up as fast as Mega...