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  1. Draaka

    Discussion Most Broken Pokemon Cards

    I don't think colourless card draw will ever be broken, any deck can (and does) play shaymin. If it could only be played in one type of deck (say fighting) then it would be broken, but as it's completely neutral then I don't think it is broken. You still have to be careful about decking out...
  2. Draaka

    Discussion What Would Bee the Best Anti-Vespiquen Techs?

    Hey guys, was wondering if you could help me brainstorm some anti vespiquen techs? What are you using in what decks? Some things I have come up with, a pair of xerosic fit in most decks quite nicely now a days and are quite good against Mega Ray and Toad decks too, so have other uses. Another...
  3. Draaka

    Fun Ideas for new cards

    I would love a professor and imposter professor in every season, then they could just put the art of whichever the new professor is. It would streamline it a lot.
  4. Draaka

    Fun Should Shaymin EX be tinned?

    Well for the casuals there is always the world championship decks. Both lists had 2 Shaymin in. Archies toise even had two jirachi. So for the casuals who play at local leagues that don't mind, or just at home there is an easy way to get them now.
  5. Draaka

    Discussion Electric Excadrill?

    Chewy, go read a copy of medicham. Like right now, google medicham card and read it's attack. I think you are overlooking something. I think this could be a great way to use the eeveelutions, 140 with no weakness. (two lots of 70 with muscle band) or 280 if you can pull off weakness. You would...
  6. Draaka

    Fun If You Could implement a Metagame Format For This Game, How Would You Do it?

    Not at all, you are looking at it inversely, it's not about having two decks in one, it's about having a viable back up strategy in your deck. Instead of one trick pony decks that win or loose on turn one. Archies blastoise, shiftry donk etc. It's about having decks that can win on turn one, but...
  7. Draaka

    Fun If You Could implement a Metagame Format For This Game, How Would You Do it?

    That's actually quite a good point, I hadn't considered how the colour pie keeps certain things honest in MTG that pokemon might not have as much of (due to colourless attackers). But I still stand by the side board being a great way to level the playing field in competitive play.
  8. Draaka

    Fun If You Could implement a Metagame Format For This Game, How Would You Do it?

    Yeah, against shifty just tech in some baltoys and/or wobbafetts and you have instant win effectively (serves them right for playing such a one trick pony deck) But I don't think this would kill the shifty donk. What I would envision is as you have a 15 card side board, you shifty donk game...
  9. Draaka

    Fun If You Could implement a Metagame Format For This Game, How Would You Do it?

    I played a lot of different decks last season, but if I had to have put together a "all comers" side board. 1 Mewtwo EX 2 Aegislash EX 1 Siesmitoad EX 2 Pikachu 2 Circle Circuit raichu 1 Pokemon centre Lady 1 Xerosic 1 Team flare grunt 1 Lysandre's trump card (a lot of the time I just played...
  10. Draaka

    Fun If You Could implement a Metagame Format For This Game, How Would You Do it?

    One word to completely even out the metagame and change how all decks are conceived. SIDEBOARD Seriously, a sideboard similar to MTG (15 cards that aren't in your main deck, but can be exchanged on a 1 for 1 basis with other cards in your deck in between games in a tournament) would completely...
  11. Draaka

    Discussion Best XY-on Fire EX

    Lugia, or maybe a aegislash could be useful if you need stall power.
  12. Draaka

    Standard Lucario EX / Hippowdon

    I think this is a pretty solid deck list, might be worth running a single bunnelby to bring back stuff mid to late game, and you would be supprised how many times a bunnelby can put your opponent into the last three or four cards in their deck so it's impossible for them to supporter or shaymin...
  13. Draaka

    Standard Dugtrio / Eeveelutions

    It's worth considering. But medicham relying on shrine of memories has the same problem as golurk with dimension valley. All they have to do it play a stadium (or paint roller) and you suddenly can't attack. (properly) Bunnelby tech is a way around this as you can recycle two of your stadiums...
  14. Draaka

    Discussion New Rogue Decks using Ancient Origin Cards!

    A competetor for most convoluted rogue deck, Wailord/whimscott/dustox Wailord to stall, then when it has enough damage, you switch (fairy garden) into whimscott who transfers the damage over to their main from wailord, then you probably loose whimscott to retaliation (as the idea is not to...
  15. Draaka

    Art Gallery Draaka's Art

    Just a little something for my mate Joey's birthday, he is obsessed with magikarp. Flail, super effective against baked goods.
  16. Draaka

    Standard Dugtrio / Eeveelutions

    Medicham's attack can't hit for weakness. Otherwise it would be the best stage one available, even better than vespiquen. I had the same idea.
  17. Draaka

    Discussion AOR Malamar

    Isn't darkrai (and mew two) getting a reprint soon in that special box set?
  18. Draaka

    Standard Dugtrio / Eeveelutions

    That is actually not a bad point pinecone. I hadn't considered that, but I can see how that would be a problem.
  19. Draaka

    Discussion New Rogue Decks using Ancient Origin Cards!

    That sounds pretty good tbh. Can you post a list?
  20. Draaka

    Standard Dugtrio / Eeveelutions

    I think it will be situational, in my golurk I run three or four (still testing) because golurk does 120 (plus strong energy) so I can ALWAYS get a 2HKO on any pokemon (apart from wailord ofc) so fighting stadium and muscle bands are a bit redundant, but I would recommend testing one or two...