Search results

  1. ZygardeChronicles

    Rowlet, Litten, Popplio from the Alola Region!

    Welp, another game with the Water Starter it seems. This game looks so epic! I really want Moon right now!
  2. ZygardeChronicles

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    Those arts look so epic!! I really hope Xerneas/Yveltal BREAK are playable!
  3. ZygardeChronicles

    News Mythical Pokemon Collections

    I will get that Mega Charizard X card if it's the last thing I do!!! Oh yeah, I will get Jolteon-EX if it's the last thing I do!!!
  4. ZygardeChronicles

    Spring 2016 Regionals Playmats!

    Give me those mats and I'll be happy.
  5. ZygardeChronicles

    New 'Sun' and 'Moon' News Coming May 10th!

    Don't be trolling us or else I will leave (May 10th arrives, troll) Bye! But seriously, I wan to know about Sun and Moon! Starters? Region? Team? BOX ART?
  6. ZygardeChronicles

    'Steam Siege,' America's XY11 Set in August!

    If Yveltal and Xerneas BREAK are playable then I will scream. Also I wish I had Yen to get this... I want 2 Booster Boxes each!
  7. ZygardeChronicles

    Pokemon What Changes Would You Make to Certain Pokémon?

    Definitely Eeveelutions. Sylveon is missing that defensive support it needs and I only very recently found out Umbreon wasn't physical. Also Shedinja needs a bit more Atk. Also I think Garchomp should get a good signature ability instead of Sand Veil. We have to admit, Sand Veil stinks. Here is...
  8. ZygardeChronicles

    Shiny Kalos Tins in May!

    Bacon Bird Hype! Get ready for plenty of BB/Z/G decks! But the unfortunate part is my 3DS was water drenched on Saturday. :(
  9. ZygardeChronicles

    Finished Crush a Wish! [YPPY]

    Granted, but you aren't a good mod. I wish for a PopTart.
  10. ZygardeChronicles

    Hey buddy! I heard it was your Birthday today! Happy Birthday!

    Hey buddy! I heard it was your Birthday today! Happy Birthday!
  11. ZygardeChronicles

    Finished Crush a Wish! [YPPY]

    Granted, but you make a mistake and they all hate you now. I wish for a glitch.
  12. ZygardeChronicles

    Finished Crush a Wish! [YPPY]

    Granted, but you have to conduct a survey around the world! I wish ads didn't exist.
  13. ZygardeChronicles

    'Steam Siege,' America's XY11 Set in August!

    A new mechanic? Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes. I wonder what it is. Probably Dual-Types.
  14. ZygardeChronicles

    Finished Crush a Wish! [YPPY]

    Granted, but they fall off when your 5 feet above the ground. I wish I wasn't so depressed.
  15. ZygardeChronicles

    Standard (Upcoming) AeroToad

    Pokémon: 4 Aerodactyl (AoPK) 4 Seismitoad-EX (FFI) 2 Jirachi (XYPR) 2 Shaymin-EX (ROS) Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 2 Professor Sycamore (XY) 2 N (NVI) 2 Judge (BKT) 2 Professor Birch's Observations (PRC) 2 Lysandre (FLF) 2 Pokémon Center Lady (FLF) 4 VS Seeker (FRLG) 4 Old Amber...
  16. ZygardeChronicles

    Finished Crush a Wish! [YPPY]

    Granted, but you have to have a book in possession at all times. I wish there were good Pokemon glitches (other than 1st-3rd gen)
  17. ZygardeChronicles

    Finished Crush a Wish! [YPPY]

    Granted, but you'll never sleep again after that. I wish to be able to complete the Zygarde Complete Ultra Challenge in Shuffle Mobile (I have crap Pokémon)
  18. ZygardeChronicles

    Finished Crush a Wish! [YPPY]

    Granted, but you'll never be able to procrastinate again. I wish for something.
  19. ZygardeChronicles

    Finished Crush a Wish! [YPPY]

    Granted, but you make me sad since someone in my family is leaving. I wish for a taco.