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  1. fr33land

    Fun Expanded Joke Decks

    That's sort of what I figured, skip vs seeker in favour of more supporters, especially multiple AZ so I can scoop vileplume if it is lysandre'd and recover from a ko or stream attackers, naturally 4 level ball and 4 ultra ball perhaps 4 trainer's mail I think perhaps 2 Shaymin since it uses DCE...
  2. fr33land

    Fun Expanded Joke Decks

    I think early item lock and the ubiquity of item heavy draw decks in expanded could make noctowl fun, but have you any suggestions for me that way? How many AZ should I run? I plan in that deck to have a great number of items to ensure vileplume is set turn 1 or 2 and to have a consistent higher...
  3. fr33land

    Fun Expanded Joke Decks

    Mwa ha ha! That's a hilarious idea, I can play supporters and items and my opponent can only play pokemon and energy??? sounds awesome. I suppose Vanilluxe's attack is low damage output, but a marowak break might sweep late game once a few have been knocked out. Maybe the Breakpoint Aegis lash ...
  4. fr33land

    Fun Expanded Joke Decks

    You might be missing the point. . . Competitiveness is secondary in this case to just having fun. I could bring a meta deck. Yveltal with Archeops is probably the most consistent and devastating strategy. Archie's Blastoise is also blindingly fast and consistent (hopefully you win the coin...
  5. fr33land

    Standard Dragon M Rayquaza EX / Clawitzer

    I ran Dragon M Ray for a while, the strategy consisted of switching and retreating between multiple copies of Reshiram ROS on Hydreigon's Dragon Road and heavy doses of Mega Turbo and DDE for repeat Dragon Ascent. I ran Shrine also so that M Ray could conserve energy against smaller opponents...
  6. fr33land

    Standard M-Charizard EX (GEN)

    Expanded would make M Char a lot more fun. Heat Typhoon would be great when paired with my favourite pokemon Victini, expecially the NVI print. I desperately want a competitive M Char deck. I wouldn't dare try it without Blacksmith mind you. Has anyone got a good Crimson Dive list for expanded?
  7. fr33land

    Fun Expanded Joke Decks

    As an introduction, this thread is for discussion of 'bad' decks ideas. Strategies that have ridiculously complicated setups for dubious results. Decks whose outcomes are decided by coin flips or are supremely annoying or hilariously underpowered. Please help us explore unlikely card synergy...
  8. fr33land

    Standard Raichu Garbordor Deck

    I really want to make a raichu deck. I thinka bench sitter like Garbodor is a great idea. However, Octillery is also a good bench sitter, or say Milotic from PRC would be cool to fetch DCE from discard. The strength of Raichu to me seems to be attacking with a single attachment and having...
  9. fr33land

    Standard Electric Deck (2017 Standard New Rotation)

    Aaaargh. . . AZ is out. . . so much lost. I don't think I will adjust well to the new standard, and expanded is probably going to remain the same OP decks. Not too many options for item lock in new standard though, is there? Vileplume? Nothing else, no?
  10. fr33land

    Standard Electric Deck (2017 Standard New Rotation)

    I think pikachu ex and magnezone has a very good chance now that 2 major obstacles to evolution by rare candy are gone. Are both toad and trevenant xy no longer in format? The biggest loss to consistency would be battle compressor to this deck. I would try a 4x rare candy 1x skyla 4x ultra ball...
  11. fr33land

    Blog What's Yet to Come — A Look at Four Viable Decks After Rotation

    Does anyone else think pikachu ex magnezone has a great chance in the new standard? The boogie man for stage 2 decks the Toad is gone, so is trevenant xy. The deck would only lose battle compressor as a quick access to fisherman and so forth. With the removal of obatacles to rare candy do you...
  12. fr33land

    Japan's XY11: 'Explosive Fighter / Cruel Traitor', CP5: 'Mythical / Legendary Dream Holo Collection'

    Really want Karen. Take it instead of super rod or sacred ash for something like serperior or any deck that has a way to recover energy from discard. Cheap insurance imo. Phantom forces has lots of awesome cards besides nm hope it stays. They can reprint blacksmith anytime though, but judging...
  13. fr33land

    Discussion Anti-Meta Serperior

    Working a good list right now. Ariados and sceptilet ex very good. 4 4 3 serperior 2 2 ariados 1 scep tile ex 1 shaymin ex 8 leaf energy 3 N 3 juniper 1 hex 1 AZ 1 lysandre 4 forest 3 trainer's mail 4 super scoop 2 level ball 4 ultra ball 3 vs seeker 1 Co Peter search 2 muscle band 1...
  14. fr33land

    Deck Archetype Yveltal-EX Variants

    Is max elixir not worth running in the maxie deck? It can help early but kind of useless later, with less consistent results for acceleration when compared with patch, but still preferable to acro bike imo. Ghetsis is devastating in expanded most of the time. Yveltal xy is critical in two...
  15. fr33land

    Discussion Anti-Meta Serperior

    Serperior is really fun. I think you need at least one shaymin ex to go digging first turn and evolve an attacker. Not so sold on Ariados. It is nice, wish I could find room for virbank to increase that damage further. Shaymin works super well with 4 scoop ups and an AZ. Octillery and...
  16. fr33land

    Standard M Gardevoir-EX / Xerneas / Aromatisse

    How do you all feel about the viability of toge kiss ancient trait as energy accelerator. I have not tried it because togekiss takes up too much room and has inconsistent results. Another questionable idea would be to include Gallade to increase the effectiveness of max elixir: max out on...
  17. fr33land

    Standard M Gardevoir-EX / Xerneas / Aromatisse

    I might disagree. Only with the removal of xerneas xy. Regirock is a great idea but given that they must rely on crushing g hammer as opposed to enhanced means that they will certainly fall behind in energy removal when Geomancy is in effect. 3 xerneas xy would be the minimum I would run in...
  18. fr33land

    Standard M Gardevoir-EX / Xerneas / Aromatisse

    For your consideration: A couple Fighting Fury Belts to help Xerneas XY hang tough and power up your situation better. I can only surmise that you feel the ability to KO something like Regice with Xerneas (a feat for which you need Muscle Band over FFB) is more important, but on the other...
  19. fr33land

    M Rayquaza-EX / Bronzong

    You're screwed, the only way to play mega ray now is 3 Hoopa 4 Shaymin and hope you aren't I tem locked so you can play Ultra ball and Mega turbo. It's the most expensive deck ever. playin less than 2 Lysandre in case of Wobbs or Trev is stupid and might not work, NVM vs garbodor
  20. fr33land

    Blog How to Destroy your Pokemon Cards!

    family pet? card flip? bicycle spokes?