Search results

  1. fr33land

    Ruling Confusion, Paralyzed and Sleep

    I am given to understand that a Pokemon can only be affected by one of these conditions at a time and that each time a different special condition (of the 3, since Poison and Burn conditions are indicated by a marker) is imposed the Pokemon is turned to the appropriate orientation. So in the...
  2. fr33land

    Ruling Suicune BKP ad Jolteon-EX

    What about effects that move damage counters? Like the case of Flash Ray in effect vs. Mewtwo EX's Damage Change attack? Would the placing of damage counters be considered an effect, the same way say Doublade's False Swipe attack places damage counters and is considered an effect and ergo be...
  3. fr33land

    Expanded Primal stall (Primal Groudon EX / Wobbuffet)

    One notable thing about Primal Groudon is always the absence of viable attackers other than Primal G. Landorus offers little in the way of firepower while accelerating energy and has a bad weakness, Hawlucha is unable to deal with non-EX pokemon, Wobbuffet will never take a prize. This leaves...
  4. fr33land

    Expanded Garchomp / Lucario EX

    It would be easy to substitute Hawlucha FFI for Lucario-EX making this a completely non-EX deck, additionally it would offer a free retreat starter which would allow searching for Wobbuffet PHF and switching it in on turn 1. My rationale for Lucario-EX is to beef up draw support and to help...
  5. fr33land

    Expanded Garchomp / Lucario EX

    Pokémon: 4 Garchomp (BKP 70) 2 Gabite (BKP 69) 4 Gible (BKP 68) 2 Lucario-EX (FUF 54) 2 Wobbuffet (PHF 36) Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 1 Sacred Ash (FLF 96) 3 VS Seeker (PHF 109) 2 Lysandre (FLF 90) 1 Scramble Switch (PLS 129) 1 Tool Scrapper (DRX 116) 1 Hex Maniac (AOR 75) 3 Rare Candy...
  6. fr33land

    I'm lucky to have a good job, but I agree 25 bucks is exorbitant. The packs seem to be very...

    I'm lucky to have a good job, but I agree 25 bucks is exorbitant. The packs seem to be very good though. I watched one guy open 3 boxes, flipping the cards back to the store each time to get a new box twice in a row. He probably could have done the same with the last one but he decided to...
  7. fr33land

    Discussion Jolteon EX

    I read half of the posts, but I should get #1 Dad award. My son and I went to the store, bought the Mew and Celebi packs and I almost had a stroke/ / / in CAD$ 25.00 each. Jokingly, I said, 'Don't worry, son. We're gonna pull a Jolteon and it's all going to be worth it.' Guess what happened...
  8. fr33land

    Standard Accelerated Primal Groudon EX

    When I played 'evolved' Primal Groudon I ran 3 Silent Lab and 2 Shrine of Memories. It worked pretty awesome. I also ran one copy of Skyla, which seems redundant, but it allowed me to grab a stadium in some very clutch moments so that Primal could retain momentum and continue annihilating...
  9. fr33land

    Standard Camerupt EX / Magma Camerupt

    .Right now I'm having fun playing 3 Camerupt EX 2 Reshiram 3-1-3 Emboar 2-2 Octillery 2 Exeggcute I don't have the space for a few critical things though, a tool scrapper for Garbodor, a few tools for Camerupt EX, Fighting Spirit Belt or Muscle Band would be nice. Runs 2 Blacksmith, needs a...
  10. fr33land

    Standard Camerupt EX / Magma Camerupt

    If it works well though, Camerupt EX is sometimes active after making an outrageous KO without energy on it: Making it a viable target for Max Potion and less susceptible to X-Ball type attacks. I want this deck to work desperately also, however you're right about how realistic it is to...
  11. fr33land

    Sableye / Garbodor

    Maybe Entangling Control / Trash Tentacle Malamar as a backup to Sableye? Deals a little bit of damage and can trap a pokemon without using your Lysandre? How about Mental Trash Malamar? Maybe hand disruption would help immobilize them further. I dunno if anyone else has seen the 2 Trick...
  12. fr33land

    Discussion This Game Need Another Draw Supporter

    Maybe is Shaymin wasn't so expensive. They should print a promo.
  13. fr33land

    Fun Should Shaymin EX be tinned?

    Yeah, they printed a Hoopa EX promo and put it in a tin. Don't tell me that's an 'attacker'. It's a support pokemon with a spooky draw thing going on. Actually, it's exactly like Shaymin-EX except less . . . good. . . a bench sitting set up EX. I think they should print a Shaymin EX promo...
  14. fr33land

    Standard Night March on Steroids

    Yeah, we just thought it was hilarious. . . he was the most junior player there by 8-10 years. It was funny that he realized that his best option was to scoop his lone pokemon and end the suffering. :)
  15. fr33land

    Standard Night March on Steroids

    lol, that's a good signature for forums like this. I just figure your support pokemon should be a 2-1 line at least (presuming it's a stage 1), that way if it gets KO'd and you have to Buddy-Buddy it or for some reason you AZ it to get it out of active or whatever, there's a chance you might...
  16. fr33land

    Standard Typhlosion Explosion

    I had a much different take on this deck, I posted a thread in the Deck Garage. It was designed to actually discard energy in droves at first, allowing for use of Blacksmith to power up Flare Destroy early game. It relied on ridiculous item draw (I would have added Shaymin EX, but it wasn't...
  17. fr33land

    Discussion Is Skyla as good as it seems?

    Skyla can be a slow play, though. Best once you've already completed your setup to buff an attack or recover quickly from a KO, or to grab that card for next turn when you've already established board control. As a setup card I think it falls short allowing you to grab only one clutch card...
  18. fr33land

    Standard Typhlosion Explosion

    Try Unowns or the ever present Shaymin EX. Try Trainer's Mail, Misty's Determination and max out on Energy Recyclers, also Scorched Earth is a must have with so many fire energies (what else will you do with them when you have a hand full) Trainer's Mail and Misty's can grab out your Energy...
  19. fr33land

    Discussion XY9 Garchomp Partners

    Item lock comes in 3 forms now that all outspeed your ability to get Garbodor in play and set up to block it so you can evolve with Rare Candy on your second turn. All of them will necessitate a Hex Maniac so you can attach a tool to Garbodor (pretty much). For the player going first...
  20. fr33land

    Standard Night March on Steroids

    Have you thought about replacing Revive with Buddy Buddy Rescue? It could then be used for Bronzong and Shaymin EX. It works better for me with Milotic and Shaymin, I run 2. They're basically the same, except you can activate Milotic and Shaymin's abilities or in your case retrieve Bronzong...