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  1. fr33land

    Standard Future: Primal Kyogre EX

    I had a thought to run Kyogre EX and Primal Kyogre, with the intention of Archie's Primal Kyogre, I figure with Manaphy EX, Primal and regular Kyogre EX can switch places with themselves and conserve energy, Primal accelerates to Regular and then retreats, Kyogre EX puts the energy back into you...
  2. fr33land

    Discussion Defenses against Deliquent

    Lol, they discard your hand down to 1 and then you Archie Blastoise.
  3. fr33land

    keep calm and espeon

    keep calm and espeon
  4. fr33land

    Discussion What Would the Optimal Maxie's/Archie's Engine Be?

    I guess you use Maintenance to shuffle VS Seekers back into your deck and reduce your hand size? I think that's smart because managing your resources is a real challenge for me when I play Maxies . Archies. You actually get several Empoleon into play? I guess Quaking Punch buys you enough time...
  5. fr33land

    Standard Darkrai EX / Hypno / Zoroark

    I dunno, I recommend trying it like that with 3 UB and 2 LB. That seems like a good split. The one fanclub might not hurt, but you don't seem to run Battle Compressor so having only one copy of Brigette, Wally or Fan Club doesn't seem like you'll pull them when you need them. 2 Evosodas...
  6. fr33land

    Standard Fighting Spirit (Garchomp / Lucario EX)

    Ok, the scan I see says verbatim: Attach an energy card from you discard pile to 1 of your pokemon. That's the awesome thing, Garchomp can accelerate to itself, I believe: It doesn't specifically say it must be a basic energy, nor does it say to a benched pokemon leading me to believe it can...
  7. fr33land

    Standard Darkrai EX / Hypno / Zoroark

    Seems like the best one so far, dude. You might want more Ultra Ball or a few Level Balls? Or maybe give yourself one more Fanclub? I only see 1 Fan Club and 2 Ultra Ball (and 2 Evosodas), I think maybe 3 Ultra Ball, 2 Level Ball? Level Ball can get Hypno, Drowzee and Zorua. Anyone else have...
  8. fr33land

    Standard Fighting Spirit (Garchomp / Lucario EX)

    Yes, sadly I understand that now about Max Elixir, thanks for pointing that out. It would still shrink your hand and possibly help out with the Hidden Ball mechanic, but going with Maxie's your likelihood of ever having more than one Garchomp is significantly reduced compared with your own...
  9. fr33land

    Discussion Defenses against Deliquent

    Time Puzzle and Unown sounds fun. Kind of like Gallade BKT + Octillery lite.
  10. fr33land

    Discussion What Would the Optimal Maxie's/Archie's Engine Be?

    Yeah, the Worlds Blastoise deck had a lot of expanded only (now) things that can really help or were specific to Blastoise. Superior Energy Retrieval, Computer Search, Eggs, Jirachi EX As a super basic skeleton, I would say I always start with 4 Battle Compressor (works best to discard your 2...
  11. fr33land

    Standard Fighting Spirit (Garchomp / Lucario EX)

    What about Maxie's Garchomp with Hawlucha and Sudowoodo? All non-EX, when Garchomp goes down, Sudowoodo revenge kills while Hawlucha provides defense and a pivot point with Focus Sash? Garchomp is a crazy Landorus FUF. Run Max Elixir so if you draw into one you might do 160 with Garchomp turn...
  12. fr33land

    Fun Buffing Evolutions In Competitive Play

    Ha! Agree, the Pokemon Company profits nothing from the secondary market, where the discretionary spending of committed players goes. Booster packs are essentially lottery tickets. Ironically cards that are or were only common command crzy prices on the secondary market. . . Battle Compressor...
  13. fr33land

    Discussion Best XY-on Fire EX

    I've been playing Entei / Reshiram EX in Expanded recently and it's awesome. It's stupid fast. You can dead draw bad and lose, but even with Victini (which I run for Reshiram EX and Entei) starts I've pulled off a 170 damage Brave Fire on turn 2. Enough so that my opponent made me go first...
  14. fr33land

    Fun Buffing Evolutions In Competitive Play

    I agree. . they are trying make money, no mistake. By creating the must have card and controlling scarcity they are creating demand. . . to be sure, part of that is making the counter to the last OP card, the new one is the must have card. It's inevitable (power creep), but looking at it...
  15. fr33land

    Standard Darkrai EX / Malamar EX

    Yeah, cool. I'm glad both these threads found each other. I thnk there's no way to get a 160 damage attack out of Darkrai EX outside of a lucky flip on Hypnotoxic Laser. Darkrai has to be benched first turn for a Dark Patch or Max Elixir, you need a DCE which you have to attach manually...
  16. fr33land

    Fun Buffing Evolutions In Competitive Play

    What's sure is that Pokemon is great at addressing problematic mechanics with each released set. What I agree with is a trainer card which somehow makes Break cards more playable. They've made great effort to nerf EX pokemon with cards like Regice and Faded Town, they even countered Pyroar...
  17. fr33land

    Standard Darkrai / Crobat / Hypno

    You know what Arulz, I've just gone through the same considerations as you trying to figure out how to manage powering up Darkrai EX in a timely fashion while still taking advantage of Hyper Hypnosis. . . It simply doesn't seem fast enough. This discussion kind of continues in a Darkrai /...
  18. fr33land

    Standard Darkrai EX / Malamar EX

    I think it looks awesome. I read 'Tool Retriever' but it's clear you mean 'Startling Megaphone', because Garbotoxin would really suck and yeah so would Silent Lab, but I wonder who would play that? Only someone with no Shaymin EX, I suppose. One thing that is unfortunate is that Hyper Hypnosis...
  19. fr33land

    Standard Darkrai / Crobat / Hypno

    Mmmm. . . I dunno. . . Max Elixir is a reprint of a card that predates my interest in Pokemon. Can't say how good it is, since I never tried it. Seems like it should be awesome, isn't it dig 7 or 8 cards deep and attach a basic energy you find there any way you like? Kind of like Ether...
  20. fr33land

    Potential BREAK Pokemon in Upcoming Sets!

    'When you play this card from your hand to evolve one of your pokemon, slap your opponent in the face flip the table over and yell na-na-na-na-boo-boo stick your face in doo-doo' If only life was as simple as Evangelion.