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  1. Frosty

    'Ancient Origins' Set List Discussion Thread

    Screen shots from youtube of these 3 full arts (well their numbers) (the images are too big i'm sorry!!!)
  2. Frosty

    10 Cards from 'Legendary Holo Collection' Revealed!

    I think non-legendary originally basic ex.
  3. Frosty

    10 Cards from 'Legendary Holo Collection' Revealed!

    It was going to happen eventually but oh man, I'm actually excited for a Pikachu card!
  4. Frosty

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    I want that shiny ray 9 pocket pro binder. I have no idea what i would put into it. I just want it.
  5. Frosty

    English Kyurem-EX, Both Entei from 'Ancient Origins'

    Oh this set just got a lot easier to collect with those shiny full arts not being secret rares. And I really like the set symbol.
  6. Frosty

    Collecting How Much do You Spend on Pokémon?

    I'm very picky about what sets I want to collect. I'll usually buy one box and see what I get. Afterwards I'll wait around a year for the prices on the cards to drop and buy up the rest for my collection. But since I went to collecting older sets, I try to find good deals on cards I still need.
  7. Frosty

    'Ancient Origins' Set List Discussion Thread

    Random thought. unless Bad energy is named something different in english and it comes after flash energy, we could get double colorless again.
  8. Frosty

    'Ancient Origins' Set List Discussion Thread

    Oh hold up, did I read the previous post right and the Shiny FA are not secret rares?
  9. Frosty

    'Ancient Origins' Set List Discussion Thread

    It seems everything is still in the same order as the Japanese version, at least up till Gardevior. Which means we're not getting that umbreon promo in this set.... I guess we're getting 2 new trainers then. Wonder what they'll be reprinting.
  10. Frosty

    'Blue Impact' / 'Red Flash' Japan's XY8 Sets, Next Set Block Titled 'XY: BREAK!'

    I think it's LV X with a spirit link like card. And you can only become a LV X after the break card is attached. That doesn't sound very fast with a format full of EX pokemon....
  11. Frosty

    English Kyurem-EX, Both Entei from 'Ancient Origins'

    This set is about on part about how I felt when I saw Jurassic World. And that's really really good everyone. And it's so small I might actually have a shot about finishing it before the year is over. Granted i want to get a few other sets completed before going off on this one so I'll probably...
  12. Frosty

    English Kyurem-EX, Both Entei from 'Ancient Origins'

    Then that spot would go to the Steven FA? If they are bringing the Steven FA to this set.
  13. Frosty

    English Kyurem-EX, Both Entei from 'Ancient Origins'

    In that case, Lugia FA should be 94/98. Which leaves 4 spots left. So either A) Steven FA + 3 shiny legendaries and then the two SR items are 99 and 100. Or B) Steven FA and the Pokemon Company decides to draw up their own versions of the other trainer full arts. But that still leaves one spot...
  14. Frosty

    English Kyurem-EX, Both Entei from 'Ancient Origins'

    not counting double crisis cause that was a mini set
  15. Frosty

    English Kyurem-EX, Both Entei from 'Ancient Origins'

    That could also work. I'm amazed how small this set is...smallest set I remember in a while.
  16. Frosty

    English Kyurem-EX, Both Entei from 'Ancient Origins'

    Entei's number is the same as the Japanese set while Kyurem-EX FA is ahead by two (Japanese was 84 and English is 86). Going by this logic, Lugia Would be pushed up to 94/98. Which leaves room for the 3 Shiny Mega's to be added. But then their's one missing...I'm guessing they're putting the...
  17. Frosty

    Ancient Trait Sableye Promo in 'CoroCoro Ichiban'

    I love the artwork, I wish the effect of the first attack wasn't restricted to just ex pokemon
  18. Frosty

    Ancient Origins [8/15, aka Bandit Ring]

    ...I love this set. The 5 secret rares make me a little un easy collecting wise but aside from that, i love this set!
  19. Frosty

    Fall 2015 'Power Beyond' Tins

    Dang it! I saw the image of Hoopa-EX and thought the leaks were starting! As for the tins, I probably won't get but it depends on the artwork to be honest.