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  1. Draaka

    Art Gallery Draaka's Art

    Finished the Banette line today with everyones favourite haunted doll of vengeance, Mega Banette! Really happy with how this one came out. Mostly did this to learn my new softwares spray dodge/burn features and play about with painting metal in a cartoony way. Hope you enjoy it. As always...
  2. Draaka

    Alt. Format The Brightest Garden (Florges-EX / Slurpuff)

    Oh, I see what you meant, I misunderstood what you meant by take out sky fields. I thought you thought that vileplume blocked them.
  3. Draaka

    Alt. Format The Brightest Garden (Florges-EX / Slurpuff)

    Stadiums are not items. So would be unaffected by Vileplume I believe.
  4. Draaka

    Alt. Format The Brightest Garden (Florges-EX / Slurpuff)

    After rotation I would suggest abusing giant forest with beautifly and or vileplume instead of the eggs and carbink as a good partnership with florges and slur puff.
  5. Draaka

    Alt. Format The Brightest Garden (Florges-EX / Slurpuff)

    I built something similar, try +1 sky garden for a full four, and +3 or +4 Propogation Exeggute as they are easily recyclable if your opponent kills off sky field, and of course you can use them in conjunction with ultra ball and computer search and anything else that makes you discard...
  6. Draaka

    Discussion What to Pair with Vileplume AOR?

    I think a miltank/vileplume/bats deck could be fun. No EX's apart from maybe shaymin, so you will just focus on winning on prize trade. A few wally, hex maniac, four AZ a couple of super scoop up. Just watch out for those lysandre.
  7. Draaka

    Discussion Giratina EX

    I think it is going to be a tier 2 deck. But a Mega Gardevoir deck with a florges and a couple of hex maniacs are gonna shut it down in a heartbeat. Especially if you are running a zard ex or something for metal tech. Now fairy with fire tech will likely become the standard.
  8. Draaka

    Discussion Absol-EX / M Absol-EX

    I want to like the cards like Mega Absol and Mega Diancie and all the others, but unless they start putting spirit links in with the box sets they aren't playable to tournament standards. Which is a shame as a Mega Absol deck that used M absol EX to put pressure on, then if the opponent started...
  9. Draaka

    Art Gallery Draaka's Art

    Hey thanks man, always nice to get some feedback, check out my Facebook gallery if you want to see my non pokemon stuff. Plenty of experimental styles there too. I think that Weezing is my favourite too. I did this Shuppet today, slightly inspired by the Roaring skies shuppet art, which is very...
  10. Draaka

    Art Gallery Draaka's Art

    I was talking on the "Who do you want to see become an EX card" thread and I fell in love with Mega Banette on my play through of ORAS so I thought I would make a art work to go with the rules. Especially seeing as I just bought Manga Studio 5 EX to play about with as photoshop was annoying me...
  11. Draaka

    Suggest a Pokemon who deserves an EX or better reprint

    I made an art for the Banette EX. Half art. I might do one for M Banette EX next.
  12. Draaka

    Alt. Format [XY-On] Beautifly / Dustox -- "Oh, You Run EX's? Beautiful!"

    Cool best of luck, maybe ariosos won't work, but I was just trying to think of a way to get that extra 10 damage you need to TH-KO a 180hp EX. And as for Dustox's survivability, even if you only get one KO a game with it then it dies, then that is a 3 for 1 prize trade and you have already won...
  13. Draaka

    Alt. Format [XY-On] Beautifly / Dustox -- "Oh, You Run EX's? Beautiful!"

    Depending on wether you can find space you could tech in the new ariados either 1-1 or 2-2 would up the damage output and make it easier to get snipes in with dustox, as you could do the extra few damage you would need (assuming both dustox and beautifly have muscle band) then you can use the...
  14. Draaka

    Alt. Format XY-On Miltank / Crobat

    I'm glad you found some of my suggestions helpful, it was really late when I wrote that. Obviously I overlooked some things. Keep in mind with VS seeker, you could always play one Professor Sycamore and one Shauna or Professor Birch's Observations and one Xerosic then you can at least have a...
  15. Draaka

    Alt. Format XY-On: Kingdra / Electrode / Shaymin EX

    Dedene is a good shout I will find a space for that. I actually prefer ace trainer to N. Its better overall I think. N can be annoying to play early game because you can refill your opponents hand but late game when you are running on an empty hand with only a one or two prizes left and you top...
  16. Draaka

    Alt. Format XY-On: Kingdra / Electrode / Shaymin EX

    Darn, I thought electrode was more current (pun slightly intended) than that. Ok, probably will run some sycamore then, just I was playing him in a tourney yesterday and I kept finding I would rather, like every time almost, either VS seeker an N or just play an N over sycamore now LTC is gone...
  17. Draaka

    Alt. Format XY-On: Kingdra / Electrode / Shaymin EX

    So, I was wondering how you could do maybe a speed Kingdra turbo deck that just went about hitting people for 150 damage and w1n on prize trades with EX heavy decks that populate my local meta. Hoping people can help with some suggestions of how to make this better. Pokemon 4-1-4 Kingdra...
  18. Draaka

    Suggest a Pokemon who deserves an EX or better reprint

    Ok, so this is a dream card set I would love to see, Banette EX and Mega Banette EX (plus spirit link) and it really gets the possessed, angry, spiteful, voodoo doll feel across Banette has. Banette EX 170 HP Wormhole punch [P] [C] You may switch this pokemon with one of your benched pokemon...
  19. Draaka

    Alt. Format XY-On Miltank / Crobat

    Ok, so you are playing XY on then Bandit Ring will be out before rotation, so lets use a few cards from that to deal with the problems this is facing. (you can see new bandit ring cards here) -3 Red Card +3 Ace Trainer...
  20. Draaka

    Standard Jambat (Banette / Crobat)

    Hello, can you guys help, I'm trying to make an all psychic deck that uses evolution jamming Banette (Roaring skies) and Bats to win. The idea is simple, Get out a Mew EX with Banette on the bench turn one and attack with evolution jammer using versatile. Then Bat them to death. So far I have...