Search results

  1. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Project The Community Pokédex Project! Poll 3 Results

    I like Leaf_Ranger's idea about putting the gym leaders to a vote, but I think the Champion and E4 should remain as staff. WPM could be the Champion, and the Elite Four could be another vote with all other staff as the nominees. Also, whoever gets poison or flying, please put Crobat on your team. :P
  2. Supa_Hot_Fire

    7th Gen Ideas!

    I like most of the changes, but I don't think all Water moves should be super effective against Ice. I think Water should deal neutral damage unless using Scald or Steam Eruption, similar to how Freeze Dry is super effective on Water types, but other Ice moves aren't.
  3. Supa_Hot_Fire This was the biggest good image I could find. It's a little grainy at some parts but doesn't look...
  4. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Collecting The "Look What I Pulled" & Pull Rates Thread

    Attended pre-release today. My only ultra rare was FA M Tyranitar-EX (still pretty sweet), but I pulled several essentials for my Vespiquen deck (Vespiquens, Flareons, Unown, GPF, RH Level Ball, etc.). Oddly enough, I don't think anyone at the whole event pulled a Lugia-EX.
  5. Supa_Hot_Fire

    7th Gen Ideas!

    Honestly I'd be overjoyed if all the new gen gave us was the Underground w/ Secret Bases. Other stuff: massive buffs to the terrain moves (i.e. Misty, Grassy, and Electric Terrain). I think these are really cool moves that are totally underused. Maybe give some Pokemon some Drought/Drizzle like...
  6. Supa_Hot_Fire

    TCG Fakes Reggie McGigas's Image-Based Fake Cards: Wailmer and Wailord

    Woohoo, better Jirachi-EX! I agree with you that the RA one is really cool. My only complaint is the cards are a little dark.
  7. Supa_Hot_Fire

    OLD: The Fake Card Resources and Help Thread

    Art question: Is it unethical to pull art from google images without credit? (obviously I would attempt to credit the artist, but the artist is not always visible.) What methods do all you other fakers use to get art?
  8. Supa_Hot_Fire

    General Pokemon Shuffle

    Just for fun I've started practicing the Double Normal strategy with a team of Gengar (mega), Arceus, Lickilicky, and Blissey. I noticed that Double Normal doesn't activate all that often in smaller matches, so I find myself prearranging a match of five (usually triggers it) and launching into a...
  9. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Contest July's Create-A-Card Contest & June's Winners! (Official Results!)

    Bisharp - Dual Type - Darkness/Metal - HP90 Stage 1 - Evolves from Pawniard This Pokemon is both [D][M] Ability: Defiant: This Pokemon's attacks cost [C] less for each of your opponent's [D] or [M] Pokemon in play with more HP than Bisharp. [D][C][C] Knock Off: 80+ If the Defending Pokemon has...
  10. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Contest July's Create-A-Card Contest & June's Winners! (Official Results!)

    Is Bisharp (automaton) acceptable? If not I'll just resort to Aegislash.
  11. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Contest July's Create-A-Card Contest & June's Winners! (Official Results!)

    I know this is kinda late, but can I use Sableye? It's no more humanoid than Banette (which has been allowed).
  12. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Secondary Typings

    @Jabberwock As the rightfully denied suggester of Crobat, I would rather see a colorless Zubat than Golbat. Of course, you can ignore this if you want since it's your list.
  13. Supa_Hot_Fire

    TCG Fakes Reggie McGigas's Image-Based Fake Cards: Wailmer and Wailord

    Pleasepleaseplease make the full art supporter Ninja Boy. He needs a card. I rest my case.
  14. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Secondary Typings

    Flying is pretty overdue for its own type, although I fear it's not too likely for a while now because of Roaring Skies.
  15. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Alt. Format XY-On: Vespiquen / Flareon

    Yes. You can also do that to P-Groudon EX with Maxie's Hidden Ball Trick. Oops I didn't think there. Like I said before, though, I'm just gonna wait and see how the metagame plays out.
  16. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Secondary Typings

    Jabberwock there's already a Fairy Whimsicott in Ancient Origins. Although I guess I can't really say that since there's already Crystal Crobat...
  17. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Secondary Typings

    Colorless Crobat. And I like the Delphox, but it seems insanely hard to power up.
  18. Supa_Hot_Fire

    General Pokemon Shuffle

    I honestly don't get the wobbuffet seems utterly pointless. Also, it gives you a ONE COIN REWARD, so I'll have to go back and do the stage nine more times to rid my coin counter of annoying single digits. What are other peoples' thoughts on this stage?
  19. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Alt. Format Malamar / Ariados / Dragalge

    Pokemon: 16 4 Inkay (XY 74) 4 Malamar (XY-P 58) 2 Spikarak (AOR) 2 Ariados (AOR) 2 Skrelp (FLF) 2 Dragalge (FLF) Trainers: 33 3 Pokemon Fan Club 4 Battle Reporter 2 Professor Birch's Observations 2 Professor Sycamore 3 VS Seeker 2 Level Ball 3 Ultra Ball 2 Professor's Letter 3 Red Card 3...
  20. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Alt. Format XY-On: Vespiquen / Flareon

    Well first you have to have Swampert in the discard, and Archie's must be the only card in your hand, so the skill and luck required to pull it off balances it out.