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  1. Supa_Hot_Fire

    General Pokemon Shuffle

    ...I'm gone during the week of Blaziken ;-;... I have one day to do it.
  2. Supa_Hot_Fire

    General Pokemon Shuffle

    I completely agree. I'm still happy getting two jewels, but I'd much rather see a new mega, or maybe even a Primal Reversion (cough more ground type support needed cough). What megas would you guys like to see in the future? I'm personally hoping for Steelix and a fire type.
  3. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Art Gallery Jabberwock's Avatar Gallery – Taking Requests

    No, thanks, this one is great! It also looks better away from other avatars, like you guessed.
  4. Supa_Hot_Fire

    General Pokemon Shuffle

    What's the AP and ability?
  5. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Art Gallery Jabberwock's Avatar Gallery – Taking Requests

    A bit blurry, but I shouldn't be complaining cause I certainly couldn't do it. Thanks for the great work!
  6. Supa_Hot_Fire

    General Pokemon Shuffle

    Thoughts on Arceus? I feel like unless they work in some multitype ability, it's just going to be a trophy-mon due do its type. I'm currently grinding coins so I can use Mega Start, Attack Power Up, Disruption Delay, and have $ for two Great Balls (Overkill, I know, but I always neglect my...
  7. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Art Gallery Jabberwock's Avatar Gallery – Taking Requests

    The PLS one is great. I'll take logo on the avatar. Thanks!
  8. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Art Gallery Jabberwock's Avatar Gallery – Taking Requests

    If you're still taking requests, I would love a Crobat one! For the circle colors, gray and a blue similar to Crobat's wing color would be great (I hope that's not too nit-picky :P).
  9. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Discussion Pangoro Promo Viability

    Oops haha. I read the attack as opponents Pokemon affected by a special condition. I'll fix my post.
  10. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Discussion Pangoro Promo Viability

    I could see this being a fun gimmick deck using Landorus (Fuf) and other fighting support. Nevertheless, this deck is still plagued with issues and is best left for play with friends. (Thanks to bbninjas for correcting me).
  11. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Discussion Giratina EX

    Personally, I'm super happy and hoping this card sees lots of use, just so fairy decks can come back.
  12. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Which Card(s) Annoy You the Most?

    I hate how Psychic is weak to Psychic. Yes, I know Psychic is weak to ghost (represented by Psychic), and Poison (also represented by Psychic) is weak to Psychic, but if they would just throw in the occasional Dark weakness--and I guess Grass since there's no Bug type--it would be much appreciated.
  13. Supa_Hot_Fire

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    Ohhh okay. I didn't see that you had Dark Gyarados selected in the original image. I just went to my inventory and had the same issue. Does it happen during battle?
  14. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Alt. Format XY-On: UnBeelievable (Vespiquen / Eeveelutions)

    I would drop four of the basic energy and add four Level Balls. They can search out all types of eeveelutions plus Vespiquen.
  15. Supa_Hot_Fire

    10 Cards from 'Legendary Holo Collection' Revealed!

    Aghh I was about to post a reply like this...:P I think the most viable way to do it would be using Energy Grace to put three lightning energy onto an active Ditto BCR, then put a Pikachu EX onto said Ditto. But even that wouldn't be too great (sorry Pikachu fans).
  16. Supa_Hot_Fire

    TCG One TCG ONE General Discussion

    Pardon me if I'm missing something obvious, but what's broken in that picture?
  17. Supa_Hot_Fire

    General Pokemon Shuffle

    You need half of your moves left on most stages to get an S rank. The only exception I know of is Haxorus. On stages with odd move numbers (i.e. 15) the game is nice and does half rounded down (finish with 7 moves left to get an S rank). For most of the stages, a Moves +5 will do the trick, but...
  18. Supa_Hot_Fire

    General Pokemon Shuffle

    King Arceus what Pokemon are you using? I lost to Excadrill with Mega Blastoise, but then switched to Mega Glalie which worked better. I used: Mega Glalie, Kyogre, Sceptile, Articuno. You'll probably need some luck on this one (the blocks totally suck), but Mega Glalie seemed to give me the...
  19. Supa_Hot_Fire

    Alt. Format XY-On Miltank / Crobat

    With a good start, this deck doesn't seem too slow to me. Most Meta decks currently are pretty much all about speed, unfortunately.
  20. Supa_Hot_Fire

    General Pokemon Shuffle

    It sounds like you're just super unlucky :(. I haven't spent a penny on the game, and while I get awful catching luck sometimes, *cough Haxorus cough* the percentages are fairly accurate for me. @PMJ what types/stages are you having the most trouble with? I could probably offer a few tips.